53 Jokes For Voldemort

Updated on: Jan 28 2025

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It was a calm evening at Hogwarts as the students planned a surprise birthday party for Hagrid. To add a dash of mischief, Fred and George Weasley devised an elaborate prank involving enchanted party hats that would transform wearers into Lord Voldemort for a brief moment.
As the clock struck midnight, the surprise was unveiled. Hagrid, utterly perplexed, stood amidst a room full of Voldemorts. Amidst the confusion, the party hats malfunctioned, causing a momentary uproar of laughter as everyone morphed into the Dark Lord, complete with bald heads and menacing glares.
Hagrid blinked in disbelief, "Blimey! I've never seen so many Voldemorts in one place! Ain't sure if I should be scared or amused." Amidst the chaos, Professor McGonagall hurriedly tried to reverse the spell, but her attempts only made the situation worse, resulting in miniature Voldemorts scampering around.
The spectacle eventually subsided, leaving Hagrid scratching his head, "Well, that was a surprise alright, but not the one I had in mind." As the students giggled about their accidental mass impersonation, Hermione grinned, "Who knew Voldemort could make an appearance at a birthday party without casting a single spell?"
In a particularly odd turn of events during a dueling competition at the Ministry of Magic, Voldemort found himself facing an unexpected opponent: an overzealous wizard who had mistaken him for a participant due to his dark attire.
With the entire auditorium watching, the excited wizard began casting spells at Voldemort, who, in disbelief, tried to explain the misunderstanding. The room erupted into a mix of gasps and chuckles as the clueless wizard unleashed a flurry of spells, each one narrowly missing Voldemort by mere inches.
Dodging spells left and right, Voldemort couldn't help but marvel at the wizard's misguided determination. "I've had many adversaries, but none as unintentionally persistent as this one," he muttered under his breath.
Finally, the Minister of Magic intervened, clarifying the wizard's mistake. Red-faced and flustered, the wizard apologized profusely, exclaiming, "I just thought you were in character! You really do look the part, though."
As Voldemort left the competition, amused rather than angered by the encounter, he muttered, "Well, I've had battles of wit and power, but dueling with mistaken identities? That's a new one even for me."
Amidst the bustling halls of a magical convention, Harry, Ron, and Hermione found themselves unwittingly attending a 'Voldemort Look-Alike Contest'. Harry groaned, "Why does this sort of thing always happen when we're around?"
As they tried to make a discreet exit, they accidentally bumped into a cloaked figure lurking in a dimly lit corner. Startled, Hermione gasped, "Voldemort?" The cloaked figure turned around, revealing a kindly old wizard with a long white beard. "Oh dear, I've been mistaken for He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named yet again. I'm just here for the Elder Wand Restoration seminar," he chuckled.
However, their attempts to slip away were in vain as a series of mishaps led them to be mistaken for the contest judges. Chaos ensued as a parade of Voldemort impersonators flaunted their snake-like grins and poorly crafted costumes. Ron whispered, "I never knew Voldy had such a diverse fan base." Meanwhile, Hermione tried to keep a straight face while Harry was silently praying for an invisibility cloak that worked on awkward situations.
Just as they thought they could escape the madness, the real Voldemort, who had sneaked in disguised as a vendor selling dark magic merchandise, bumped into them. With a horrified expression, he exclaimed, "Potter! You've ruined my incognito shopping spree!" The convention descended into a spectacle of mixed identities, leaving Harry muttering, "Can't we have a normal day without Voldemort drama?"
At the bustling Diagon Alley, a mishap at Weasley's Wizard Wheezes led to an unexpected side effect. As George Weasley's experimental Nose-Growing Potion exploded, it caused noses to disappear instead. Amidst the chaos, a rather perplexed-looking Voldemort happened to apparate into the middle of the mayhem.
Mistaking the bizarre situation for a bizarre new fashion trend, Voldemort, with his notorious lack of a nose, blended right in. People passing by gawked at the sight of a noseless Dark Lord queuing for a Butterbeer, muttering, "Guess he's taking his 'nose for trouble' quite literally."
Unaware of the potion's effects, Voldemort strutted around, reveling in what he thought was a new era of noseless chic. Meanwhile, a group of young witches and wizards attempted to hide their giggles behind their hands, marveling at the unexpected fashion icon their nemesis had unintentionally become. One of them quipped, "Who knew the Dark Lord would inspire a new beauty trend?"
The confusion reached its peak when Voldemort proudly approached Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions, requesting a tailored robe that could accommodate his 'nose-free' style. The resulting chaos had the whole Alley chuckling for days. As Voldemort obliviously strutted away in his new robe, Harry Potter couldn't help but chuckle, "Who needs a nose when you've got a flair for unintentional comedy?"
I heard Voldemort recently decided to treat himself to a spa day. Yeah, you know, self-care and all that. I can imagine him walking into the spa, all robes and snake, ready for a day of relaxation.
Receptionist: "Welcome to Tranquil Spells Spa. How can we help you today?"
Voldemort: "I require a massage to release the tension of ruling the wizarding world."
Can you imagine being the spa therapist assigned to Voldemort? "Today, sir, we'll be working on your shoulders, and please let me know if the pressure is too much." Meanwhile, you're thinking, "I hope this doesn't awaken any repressed Death Eater memories."
And then there's the facial. How do you apply a face mask when there's no nose to put cucumber slices on? "Just close your eye... uh, eye, Mr. Voldemort."
But you know what they say, even Dark Lords need a spa day. I just hope he left the spa feeling refreshed and not planning the next magical apocalypse.
You know, I was thinking about Voldemort the other day. Yeah, the guy from Harry Potter. You know, the one with no nose and a serious aversion to hugs. I mean, talk about a social dilemma. No wonder he turned out so evil – nobody wanted to give him a friendly peck on the cheek!
I can imagine Voldemort trying to make friends on social media. Picture this: He creates a Facebook account, and the first thing he types is "What's on your mind?" Well, buddy, the last time I checked, your mind was occupied with Horcruxes and world domination. Not exactly the perfect icebreaker at a cocktail party, is it?
And then there's his profile picture. I mean, how do you take a good selfie when you don't even have a nose? I bet he went through filters like crazy. "Voldemort, the Dark Lord, with puppy ears." Yeah, that's not intimidating at all.
But seriously, imagine being friends with Voldemort on social media. Every time you post a status update, you're just waiting for that one friend who comments, "Avada Kedavra!" Thanks, Voldemort, I was just talking about my garden.
So, in conclusion, if you ever get a friend request from Voldemort, just hit "Ignore." Trust me; it's not worth the risk.
You ever wonder what Voldemort's dating profile would look like? I mean, finding love is tough for everyone, but I can't imagine it's easy when your idea of a romantic gesture is unleashing a basilisk on your enemies.
His profile picture would probably be a close-up shot, strategically avoiding the nose situation. And his bio? "Dark Lord seeks a companion for world domination and long walks on the Forbidden Forest."
Can you imagine swiping right on Voldemort? You'd be sitting there, sipping your coffee, and suddenly he'd Apparate into the cafe like, "Hello, my dear. I couldn't help but feel the presence of another powerful wizard here."
And you'd be like, "Dude, I'm just here for the Wi-Fi."
But hey, maybe there's someone out there for everyone. I can just picture the first date: romantic candlelight, a nice dinner, and then Voldemort leans in for a goodnight kiss. Sorry, buddy, but I'm not risking my soul for a little romance.
I heard Voldemort tried to get a job recently. Yeah, apparently, after all that chaos in the wizarding world, he needed to pay the bills. I can just imagine him walking into a job interview:
Interviewer: "So, Voldemort, tell us about your previous work experience."
Voldemort: "Well, I was the Dark Lord, ruling over the wizarding world with fear and intimidation."
Interviewer: "Interesting. Any specific skills or accomplishments?"
Voldemort: "I mastered the Dark Arts, created Horcruxes, and survived being nearly killed multiple times. Oh, and I have a snake. Very loyal, by the way."
Awkward pause
"Uh, do you have any weaknesses?"
Voldemort: "Nose-related issues, but I'm working on it."
I can just see the HR department scratching their heads over this one. "How do we explain the five-year gap in employment? Oh, I was just busy trying to kill a teenage wizard – you know, the usual."
But hey, everyone deserves a second chance, right? I just hope his resume doesn't include "Causing mass hysteria and inspiring nightmares.
What's Voldemort's favorite TV show? Breaking Wands!
Why did Voldemort become a DJ? He knows how to drop the beat – and the dark curses!
What's Voldemort's favorite musical instrument? The Slytherin-trombone!
Why did Voldemort go to therapy again? He wanted to work on his 'nose issues'!
What did Voldemort say during the game of hide and seek? 'You can't find me, I'm nose-talgic!
What's Voldemort's favorite dessert? Death by Chocolate – it's positively enchanting!
What's Voldemort's favorite dance move? The Avada Kedavra Cha-Cha!
Why did Voldemort become a stand-up comedian? Because he had a nose for humor!
Why did Voldemort start a bakery? He kneaded the dough!
What did Voldemort say to his therapist? I've got too many issues, and one of them is a lightning-shaped scar!
Why did Voldemort apply for a job at the bakery? He wanted to rise to power!
Why did Voldemort start a gardening club? He had a knack for making things wither and die!
Why did Voldemort break up with his girlfriend? He just couldn't deal with commitment – always vanishing!
What's Voldemort's favorite game at the carnival? Whack-a-Potter!
How does Voldemort prefer to communicate? Nose-talgia!
What's Voldemort's favorite subject in school? Dark Arts and Crafts!
Why did Voldemort go to therapy? He needed to work on his deathly hallow self!
How does Voldemort like his coffee? Dark and with a touch of the forbidden!
What's Voldemort's favorite board game? Guess Who – the Horcrux Edition!
Why did Voldemort go to the beach? To work on his tan – he heard the Dark Side had better sunscreen!

Voldemort's Horcrux Support Group

When your soul is divided into seven pieces, therapy is a must.
Voldemort's diary Horcrux always complains, 'I had a whole book to myself, and all I got was teenage angst. It's like being stuck in a literary version of a midlife crisis.'

Voldemort's Speech Therapist

Teaching someone with a snake-like voice to speak normally.
I bet Voldemort's speech therapist has nightmares. 'Avada Kedavra' is easier to say than 'please pass the salt.' Can you imagine him ordering at a restaurant? 'I'll have the Avada Kedavra... I mean, the lasagna.'

Voldemort's Makeup Artist

Making the Dark Lord look fabulous.
I bet Voldemort's makeup artist has a tough job. 'Can we go for a softer look today?' 'Sure, but just to be clear, softer in the magical sense, right? We're not aiming for Hufflepuff vibes here.'

Voldemort's Dating Woes

Trying to find love when you're the Dark Lord.
Voldemort's ideal date? A candlelit dinner, soft music, and a little dark magic. Because nothing says romance like a well-cast Imperius Curse.

Voldemort's Nose

Voldemort doesn't have a nose, and everyone notices.
Voldemort's nose is like a Dementor magnet. It heard the news about Voldemort and decided, 'You know what, I'm outta here. I'll catch the next face that smells better.'
I was thinking of getting a pet snake until I heard Voldemort's story. I mean, having a snake as a pet is cool, but having a snake as a life coach? That's just asking for trouble. 'Slytherin' into existential crises, one parseltongue conversation at a time.
You know you're in trouble when even your nose abandons you. I mean, Voldemort's rocking the 'no-nose' look, and I can't decide if he's trying to be avant-garde or just took social distancing to a whole new level.
Voldemort's like the ultimate bad hair day - you can't even talk about him without shivers running down your spine. It's like, 'Honey, I thought my messy bun was a disaster, but have you heard about the guy with no nose?'
I heard Voldemort is really into dark magic, but can we talk about how dark his fashion choices are? I mean, a cape and no nose? Someone needs a makeover. Maybe that's why he's so angry all the time - no one invited him to Hogwarts Fashion Week.
Voldemort's like the ex who just won't let go. He's been defeated more times than my Wi-Fi connection, and yet he keeps coming back. Someone should tell him there's a fine line between persistence and just being annoying.
Voldemort's biggest fear is love, right? I guess someone forgot to tell him it's not a Horcrux. 'Avada Kedavra' may be unforgivable, but not as unforgivable as wearing a snake as a fashion accessory. I mean, what's next, basilisk boots?
You know you're a villain when even your name sounds like bad news. 'Voldemort' - it's like the 'Volvo' of the dark arts. Not exactly striking fear into the hearts of wizards and muggles alike.
Voldemort really needs a hobby. I mean, most people take up knitting or gardening, but no, he's over there splitting his soul into pieces. Maybe if he had picked up a crossword puzzle instead, he wouldn't be so cranky all the time.
Voldemort tried to conquer the wizarding world, but let's be real, he couldn't even conquer his fear of a teenage wizard with glasses. Maybe he should've invested in some magic contact lenses for better aim.
Voldemort's so obsessed with immortality, but have you seen how fast he disappears when someone mentions therapy? Maybe if he spent less time scheming and more time on self-reflection, he wouldn't need all those Horcruxes.
Voldemort's fashion sense is questionable at best. I mean, rocking a robe and no nose? It's like he's auditioning for the role of the world's scariest ghost. Casper, watch out.
Voldemort must be terrible at parties. Imagine him playing charades. "Okay, guys, I'm thinking of a word... it's seven letters, rhymes with 'nose'... anyone? No one? Fine, I'll just kill you all then.
You know you're a bad guy when even your followers are afraid to say your name. It's like he's the wizarding world's Voldemort Whisperer. "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named? More like He-Who-Needs-a-Hug.
Voldemort's biggest fear is love. Yeah, he's like, "I'd rather split my soul into seven pieces than risk catching feelings." I guess his version of a romantic comedy is more of a tragic horror.
Have you ever noticed how dramatic Voldemort is? He's all like, "I am the Dark Lord, fear me!" Dude, calm down. I've seen toddlers throw bigger tantrums over not getting a second cookie.
You know, I was thinking about Voldemort the other day. The guy's so obsessed with immortality that he split his soul into seven pieces. I can't even commit to finishing a salad without thinking about dessert.
Voldemort must have had some serious childhood issues. I mean, who grows up thinking, "You know what I want to do? Rule the world and eliminate everyone who has a nose." That's a therapy bill waiting to happen.
Voldemort's idea of a romantic gesture is probably sending someone a bouquet of wilted flowers and a handwritten note that says, "I find your lack of commitment disturbing.
I heard Voldemort is into gardening now. Yeah, he's planting snake plants. Not because he likes the greenery, but because they're the only ones who won't judge him for not having a nose.
Voldemort really needs a career change. I mean, if you're that good at making things disappear, why go into dark magic? Just become a magician! "And for my next trick, I'll make my nose disappear!

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