55 Jokes About Political Correctness

Updated on: Aug 18 2024

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In the town of Correctburg, a group of friends decided to throw a surprise party for their overly politically correct friend, Emily. The catch? They crafted a list of themed party decorations that subtly poked fun at the extreme nature of her correctness.
As Emily entered the room, she was greeted by banners proclaiming, "Equal Opportunity for Party Games," and "Non-GMO, Gluten-Free Snacks Only." The friends, donned in shirts declaring, "I Identify as Party Animals," couldn't contain their laughter as Emily's eyes widened at the absurdity of it all.
Rather than getting upset, Emily embraced the humor, saying, "Well, I suppose I can allow a bit of lighthearted mockery, as long as it's sustainably sourced and ethically produced." The party continued with a newfound sense of camaraderie, proving that even the most politically correct individuals can appreciate a good-natured jest.
In the heart of Correctopolis, the city of political correctness, lived Mr. Jenkins, an eccentric man with a peculiar pet parrot named PC. One day, during an important town meeting, PC decided it was the perfect time to showcase its extensive vocabulary. Unfortunately, its favorite words weren't exactly suitable for the audience.
As the mayor began discussing inclusive policies, PC squawked, "Cancel culture!" and "Thought police!" causing an uproar among the townsfolk. Mr. Jenkins, mortified, tried to shush the parrot, but it continued its politically incorrect tirade, leaving the entire town in stitches.
The mayor, attempting to lighten the mood, declared, "Well, at least our parrot is exercising its freedom of speech, even if it's a bit too free." The townsfolk erupted in laughter, realizing that even in Correctopolis, you can't always control the political correctness of a feathered friend.
In the bustling city of Correctington, a renowned P.C. conference was underway. Attendees from all walks of life gathered to discuss the latest trends in political correctness. The highlight of the event was the P.C. Pun-off, where participants showcased their wordplay prowess while adhering to strict guidelines.
As the competition heated up, one contestant tried a risky joke involving a sensitive topic. The audience gasped, unsure if they should laugh or groan. The tension was palpable until the mayor, a master of dry wit, stepped in, saying, "Well, that joke walked a fine line, but at least it didn't cross any borders – political or otherwise."
The room erupted in laughter, with attendees realizing the beauty of tasteful humor, even in the realm of political correctness. The mayor's quick wit saved the day, proving that a well-crafted pun could bridge even the most delicate subjects.
It was the annual neighborhood potluck, and tensions were high in the quaint town of Correctsville. Mayor Thompson, a stickler for political correctness, had decreed that everyone must bring a dish that respected various dietary preferences. Jane, the enthusiastic vegan, was tasked with bringing a meatless masterpiece.
As the townsfolk gathered, the aroma of various dishes filled the air. Jane proudly presented her vegan lasagna, hoping to impress both herbivores and omnivores alike. However, chaos ensued when a label mix-up occurred, and her gluten-free, soy-free creation ended up with a sign that read, "Caution: Contains gluten, soy, and undisclosed mystery meat."
The potluck turned into a whirlwind of confusion as people hesitated to try Jane's dish, fearing the undisclosed mystery meat. The mayor, trying to defuse the situation, declared, "Let's not jump to conclusions. Mystery meat is so last season; it's probably just avant-garde tofu." The laughter that followed echoed through Correctsville, as everyone realized the unintended hilarity of the situation.
You guys ever notice how we're living in the era of political correctness? I mean, it's like the PC Police are out there patrolling every conversation. You can't say anything without someone giving you the side-eye. I told my friend the other day, "I like my coffee like I like my humor – dark and bitter." He looked at me like I just insulted his grandmother. Come on, lighten up! I'm just talking about coffee!
Seems like everything is offensive these days. I tried to compliment my co-worker on her new haircut. I said, "Wow, your hair looks amazing today!" She replied, "Are you saying it looked bad yesterday?" I was like, "No, I just... never mind, I'll just stick to commenting on the weather from now on."
And don't even get me started on gender-neutral language. I tried using "they" as a singular pronoun, and my grandma thought I had a split personality. She was like, "Who is this 'they' you're talking about? Do you need therapy?" I was like, "No, Grandma, I just want to avoid awkward conversations.
Navigating language today is like walking a tightrope over a pit of sharks. You gotta be careful with every word you choose. I was at a party, and someone asked me what I did for a living. I said, "I'm a fireman." Immediately, someone corrected me, saying, "You mean a firefighter, right?" I was like, "No, I put out fires. I'm not fighting the fires, giving them motivational speeches."
And have you noticed how every manual and document now has a section on inclusive language? I was reading the instructions for my toaster the other day, and it said, "Make sure to refer to your toaster as 'appliance of bread transformation' to avoid offending other kitchen gadgets." I just want my toast, not a lecture on linguistic sensitivity.
I get it, we want to be respectful, but I feel like we're turning into a society of language ninjas, ready to strike down anyone who slips up. I'm just waiting for the day when I accidentally call my cat the wrong pronoun, and she gives me the silent treatment for a week.
Have you guys heard about cancel culture? It's like the modern-day version of the Spanish Inquisition. One wrong move, and bam, you're canceled. I made a joke on Twitter the other day, and before I knew it, I had a hashtag trending against me. I was canceled for bad puns. Bad puns! I didn't know puns were a crime against humanity.
I understand we need to hold people accountable, but canceling someone for a tweet they made when they were 16 is a bit much. I mean, if we applied that logic to everyone, we'd have to cancel half the population for their embarrassing MySpace profiles. Tom from MySpace would be public enemy number one.
But seriously, it's a crazy world out there. I'm afraid to tell people I'm a stand-up comedian. They might dig up a joke from my first open mic and cancel me for my questionable taste in humor. It's like walking on eggshells, but the eggs are landmines, and the shells are made of glass.
I've started to notice a trend – people are afraid of comedy now. I did a show last week, and the audience looked more terrified than if I had brought a live tiger on stage. I made a harmless knock-knock joke, and half the crowd ducked for cover. I was like, "It's okay, folks, I promise I won't bite. Unless you're a heckler. Then all bets are off."
Comedy used to be the great unifier, the thing that brought people together. Now it's like defusing a bomb. I tell a joke, and I can see the tension in the room. It's like defusing a bomb with puns – "Why did the bomb go to therapy? It had too much explosive personality."
I miss the days when we could all laugh together without worrying about stepping on someone's toes. Maybe we need a support group for people afraid of punchlines. "Hi, I'm John, and I'm terrified of dad jokes." The first step is admitting it, right?
I asked my politically correct friend to borrow a pencil. They said, 'We prefer the term 'wooden graphite transferring instrument.
Why was the politically correct math book thrown out? It refused to judge problems based on their 'integer-value'!
I've been told to be more politically correct when discussing time. So, I'm replacing 'daylight saving time' with 'sunlight conservation moment'!
Have you heard about the politically correct astronaut? They avoided making any 'alien'-ating remarks!
Why did the politically correct ghost haunt the library? It wanted to rewrite all the 'boo'-ks to something less startling!
Why did the politically correct chicken cross the road? To avoid any potential stereotypes!
I used to be a tailor, but I had to quit. I just couldn't handle all the complaints about my 'sew'cially insensitive remarks!
They say being politically correct is like walking on eggshells. Well, I prefer to think of it as 'mindful pavement navigation'!
I tried to organize a politically correct party, but it was so inclusive that nobody could decide on the date, time, or theme!
I'm so politically correct that I even compliment people's choice of 'gravity-friendly footwear' instead of calling them shoes!
Why did the politically correct musician get frustrated? Because they couldn't find a way to 'note-shame' anyone!
How does a politically correct baker make sure everyone's happy? By ensuring their cakes are 'gluten-friendly, lactose-considerate, and sugar-aware'!
Did you hear about the politically correct athlete? They won every competition by ensuring everyone received a 'participation commendation'!
I've started saying 'vertically challenged' instead of 'short'. It's not that I'm politically correct; I just don't want to lower anyone's self-esteem... or altitude!
Did you hear about the politically correct comedian? Their punchlines were so carefully crafted, they came with disclaimers!
Why did the politically correct painter struggle to express themselves? Because they were afraid of 'hue'-rt feelings!
Why did the politically correct vegetable become a spokesperson? Because it refused to be labeled as 'corny'!
I'm trying to be more politically correct by avoiding using 'man-made'. Instead, I say 'human-crafted' or 'person-produced'. It's a work in progress!
Why did the politically correct computer stop working? It couldn't process too much 'byte'ing humor!
I'm trying to be more politically correct about astrology. Instead of saying 'You're such a Capricorn,' I'll say, 'You exhibit traits that some associate with the Capricorn zodiac sign'!
I'm not politically correct; I'm just fluent in 'being polite without offending anyone'!
Did you hear about the politically correct dentist? They made sure not to 'tooth-shame' anyone, even the molars!


Navigating political correctness in the dating scene
My date told me they were environmentally conscious, so I suggested we go for a sustainable walk in the park. They brought a reusable water bottle, and I brought my compostable pickup lines. Let's just say, we're both still searching for eco-friendly love.

Family Gatherings

Navigating political correctness at family gatherings
My family started using gender-neutral terms for everything. My dad is now the "parental unit," and my mom is the "maternal figure." It's like living in a sci-fi movie where the robots took over, and now we have to speak their language to avoid a family uprising.

Social Media

Navigating political correctness on social media
Social media is so sensitive now; you can't even unfriend someone without hurting their feelings. I tried to soften the blow by sending a breakup text instead. "It's not you; it's my need for a more diverse digital experience.

Customer Service

Navigating political correctness in customer service
They told me to be more conscious of cultural differences when dealing with customer complaints. So, when a customer yelled at me, I responded with, "I appreciate your unique expression of dissatisfaction; let's co-create a solution." Turns out, they just wanted a refund, not a collaboration on a customer service symphony.

Office Meetings

Navigating political correctness in office meetings
In the name of political correctness, we were advised not to use gender-specific terms. So, I referred to the office stapler as "they/them." Now, every time it jams, I have to console it, saying, "It's okay, they're just having a moment of existential crisis.

Election Season Woes

We're so politically correct during elections. I saw a campaign slogan that said, Vote for us, we're as neutral as Switzerland! I thought, Great, now I expect them to be completely useless in times of conflict.

PC or Not to PC

You know, we live in a world where everything has to be politically correct. I mean, I tried telling a knock-knock joke the other day, and someone said, You shouldn't assume the door's gender. I was like, I just wanted to know who's there, not their pronouns!

Inclusive Confusion

I support inclusivity, but it's getting complicated. I held the door open for someone, and they gave me a look. I panicked, thinking, Did I assume their ability to open doors? Now I just let the automatic ones do the job.

Environmental Correctness

We're even politically correct about the environment. I recycled a plastic bottle, and someone said, You should've refused it in the first place. Now I feel guilty for being polite to single-use plastics. Talk about an eco-etiquette dilemma!

The Vegan Dilemma

Being politically correct extends to food choices too. I invited a friend over for dinner, and they asked if the meal was vegan-friendly. I said, Of course! The vegetables were grown in the same soil as non-vegan vegetables. Shared space, shared suffering!

The Gender Reveal of the Future

I heard they're making gender reveal parties politically correct now. Instead of pink or blue, they'll release a neutral-colored balloon, and everyone has to guess the gender based on their own assumptions. It's like a game of social stereotypes roulette.

Overly Cautious Compliments

Complimenting people is like navigating a minefield of political correctness. I told someone they looked radiant, and they asked if I was implying they usually look dull. I thought I was just being poetic, not throwing shade!

Lost in Translation

I tried being politically correct at a multicultural potluck, but things got confusing. I brought Americanized Chinese food, and someone said, That's not authentic! I replied, Well, neither is my Kung Pao English!

Social Media Dangers

You've got to be careful on social media these days. I posted a picture of my cat, and someone commented, Cats are carnivores; you shouldn't impose your dietary choices on them. I didn't know my cat had subscribed to the vegan lifestyle newsletter.

Holiday Greetings PC Edition

Wishing people happy holidays is tricky. I tried to cover all bases, saying, Wishing you a joyous season, regardless of your cultural or non-cultural affiliations. My friend replied, Thanks, I guess, and now I'm not sure if I covered enough bases.
Political correctness has become so extreme that I hesitate to call my own cat "fluffy." I have to say, "My feline companion, whose fur embodies a spectrum of textural richness, resembling a cumulus cloud.
Political correctness has reached a point where I'm afraid to compliment someone's outfit. I mean, I can't just say, "Hey, nice shirt!" Now I have to add, "By the way, I appreciate your sartorial choices, but I also fully support your freedom to wear whatever makes you feel authentically you.
The other day, I held the door open for someone, and they looked at me like I just violated their personal space. I thought, "Is chivalry the new enemy of political correctness? Did I just commit a courteous faux pas?
I got a fortune cookie the other day, and instead of a fortune, it said, "May your future endeavors be filled with an inclusive array of positive outcomes, reflective of diverse cultural influences." I just wanted to know if I'll win the lottery!
Have you ever tried to tell a politically correct bedtime story? It's like, "Once upon a time in a geographically unspecified location, a protagonist of non-binary origin encountered a series of challenges, all of which were resolved through open communication and mutual understanding.
We're so politically correct now that even knock-knock jokes have to go through sensitivity training. "Knock, knock." "Who's there?" "A person of undisclosed identity, here to engage in a consensual exchange of humor.
Have you noticed how political correctness has infiltrated children's games? Twister is now a minefield of potential lawsuits. "Left foot on a color of your choice, respecting cultural diversity and personal boundaries.
You know, in today's world, you have to be so politically correct that even your GPS won't say, "You've made a wrong turn," it politely suggests, "Your route has been recalculated to incorporate a more scenic and diverse path.
You know political correctness has gone too far when even emojis are under scrutiny. I sent a thumbs up, and someone replied, "That's a bit ableist, don't you think?" I just wanted to say, "Cool," without starting an emoji ethics debate.
I tried to write a politically correct grocery list, but apparently, calling it a "nutritionally diverse sustenance inventory" is just a bit too much for the average cashier.

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