55 Jokes About Trump Becoming President

Updated on: Sep 06 2024

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In the peculiar town of Punditville, where debates were the primary source of entertainment, the news of Trump becoming president sent shockwaves. Amidst the heated discussions, there was an eccentric artist named Moxley who saw the silver lining in the political storm. He decided to paint a mural depicting Trump's journey to the presidency, using only shades of orange. This, of course, led to quite the colorful predicament.
Main Event:
As Moxley fervently mixed his paints, the townsfolk gathered to witness the masterpiece unfold. However, his limited palette resulted in a mural resembling a giant Cheeto more than the President. The townspeople, perplexed yet amused, decided to call it "The Cheesy Commander-in-Chief." To add to the chaos, Moxley accidentally spilled his orange paint, causing a local cat to roll in it, unintentionally becoming the first "Trumpat."
In the midst of the chaos, the town's mayor declared, "At least he's leaving a mark on history!" The unintentional hilarity reached its peak when Moxley, with a deadpan expression, remarked, "Well, I guess he was destined to be a bit cheesy."
In the end, the town embraced the quirky mural as a symbol of their unique perspective on politics. And so, Punditville became known for its orange-hued masterpiece, turning an unexpected presidency into a masterpiece of absurdist art.
In the fictional country of Absurdistan, where surrealism was the norm, Trump's election led to a unique diplomatic incident. The Absurdistanian ambassador, Sir Quirkington, decided to welcome Trump in a style befitting his country's peculiar traditions.
Main Event:
As Trump arrived, Sir Quirkington presented him with a giant key to the city, claiming it was a symbol of trust and understanding. Little did Trump know, the key was actually a giant wind-up toy that began hopping around the stage. The perplexed president tried to catch it, turning the solemn ceremony into a slapstick chase.
The onlookers, initially stunned, burst into laughter as Trump and Sir Quirkington engaged in an unintentional dance with the bouncing key. Meanwhile, the Absurdistanian National Anthem played in the background, a kazoo rendition that left everyone in stitches. Trump, embracing the absurdity, joined the kazoo orchestra, turning the diplomatic mishap into an impromptu comedy show.
As the key finally wound down, Trump shook hands with Sir Quirkington, chuckling, "Well, that's a key ceremony I won't forget." The incident became a symbol of diplomatic humor, proving that even the most surreal situations could lead to unexpected camaraderie.
In the town of Hyperbole Heights, known for its exaggerations and embellishments, Trump's presidency was met with enthusiasm. The town's resident storyteller, Tallulah, decided to incorporate Trump's flair for hyperbole into her tales during the weekly storytelling competition.
Main Event:
Tallulah spun a yarn about Trump's legendary golf game, where he hit a ball so hard it orbited the Earth before landing in the hole. The crowd, initially skeptical, erupted into laughter as Tallulah detailed the ball's interstellar journey, complete with a dramatic reenactment involving a makeshift spaceship and a helium-filled golf ball.
As the laughter echoed through Hyperbole Heights, Trump, unexpectedly present in the audience, stood up and exclaimed, "That's the most accurate story ever told!" He then proceeded to join Tallulah on stage, adding even more outrageous details to the already exaggerated tale. The town, delighted by the unexpected collaboration, declared it the greatest storytelling performance in Hyperbole Heights history.
In the end, Trump became an honorary citizen of Hyperbole Heights, and Tallulah's exaggerated tales reached even greater heights. The town realized that sometimes, the best way to handle hyperbole was to embrace it with a good-natured laugh, turning Trump's presidency into a legendary chapter in their storytelling legacy.
In the magical realm of Witopia, where political humor was the favorite spell among citizens, the news of Trump's presidency was taken quite literally. The town's resident magician, Merlin the Magnificent, decided to incorporate Trump into his famed card tricks during the town's annual magic festival.
Main Event:
Merlin gathered a crowd, revealing a deck of cards featuring caricatures of political figures. As he performed his tricks, he proclaimed, "Behold, the Trump card!" Unbeknownst to him, a mischievous imp had swapped the cards, and every time Merlin pulled the "Trump card," it transformed into a tiny wig.
The crowd erupted into laughter as the bewildered magician stared at the wigs multiplying in his hands. The imp, unseen, giggled in the background. Merlin, determined to salvage his act, improvised a new trick turning the wigs into gold coins, remarking, "Well, at least Trump's hair is worth a fortune!"
The magical mishap became the talk of Witopia, turning Merlin's unintentional political satire into the highlight of the festival. The imp, satisfied with the chaos caused, disappeared into the mystical ether, leaving the town with a newfound appreciation for political humor that could magically transform any situation.
Ladies and gentlemen, can we talk about Donald Trump becoming president for a moment? I mean, forget the policies, let's talk about that hair. I've seen more natural-looking things in a Halloween store. I'm convinced his hair is actually a sentient being. It's like a Tribble from Star Trek decided to take up residence on his head. I imagine every morning he wakes up, and the hair is like, "Alright, Donald, today we're going for the 'angry cotton candy' look." And he's just there with a can of hairspray, shouting, "Make America Hairspray Again!" I mean, come on, if he can control that hair, maybe he can solve world peace.
You know what I miss the most about Trump being president? The tweets. Say what you want, but the man was a Twitter master. It was like every morning, he had a cup of coffee, a bowl of cereal, and then decided, "You know what the world needs? My unfiltered thoughts in 280 characters or less." I felt like I was waking up to a daily dose of presidential reality TV. It was like, "Previously on 'The United States of Trump.'" I mean, I'm just waiting for them to release a box set of his greatest hits. I can see it now, "Trump: The Twitter Years." It would be the only box set where you can't understand half of what's being said.
Remember when Trump was meeting with other world leaders? It was like watching a crossover episode of a reality show and a political drama. He had this unique diplomatic strategy. It was like, "I'm gonna negotiate with North Korea, but first, let's see if they can beat me at golf." I mean, why not? I can just imagine Kim Jong-un thinking, "I can launch a missile, or I can try to get a hole in one and avoid World War III." It was high-stakes diplomacy, folks. And then he'd come back and tweet, "Just had the best round of golf with Kim, he's a tremendous guy. No nukes, just birdies.
So, Trump leaving the White House. That was like the series finale of a reality show. It had drama, suspense, and a surprise ending. I half-expected him to turn to the camera and say, "You've been Trumped!" It was like watching the final episode of a show you hate to love. And then there was the whole leaving-the-note-for-Biden thing. I bet it was just a Post-it that said, "Good luck, Joe. P.S. The nuclear codes are taped to the bottom of the Oval Office desk." I mean, who knows? Maybe Trump left a scavenger hunt for the new president. "Find the secret service agent who hid my hair gel, and you'll find the launch codes." It's like a political version of 'National Treasure.
What's Trump's favorite part of a book? The 'foreword', of course – it's the only page he reads!
Why did Trump start gardening at the White House? He wanted to 'plant' his legacy!
What did Trump say when asked about global warming? 'I'll just build a wall to keep the heat out!'
Why did Trump become a comedian after being president? He realized politics was his 'best joke' yet!
Why did Trump wear sunglasses in the Oval Office? He wanted to 'shade' his critics!
Why did Trump go to the dentist after becoming president? To get a 'presidential smile' – all teeth and no facts!
What did Trump say about cybersecurity? 'I've got the best passwords – tremendous, really tremendous!'
What's Trump's favorite bedtime story? 'The Art of the Deal: Once Upon a Time in Politics!'
Why did Trump bring a ladder to the White House? Because he wanted to raise the bar!
Did you hear about Trump's diet plan as president? It's called 'The Executive Order: Two Scoops of Ice Cream!'
What did Trump say to the vacuum cleaner salesman? 'Sorry, I've already got enough hot air in DC!'
Why did Trump start a band after becoming president? He wanted to make America grate again!
Trump walks into a bar and the bartender says, 'What can I get you?' Trump replies, 'A wall, and make Mexico pay for it!'
What's Trump's favorite mode of transportation? Air Farce One!
Why was Trump's phone always busy after becoming president? Because he had a 'Twitter' hotline!
Why did Trump install a swimming pool at the White House? To test his cabinet for leaks!
Why did Trump get a dog when he became president? He needed someone to 'paw-litely' disagree with!
What did Trump say to the soccer ball Putin gave him? 'I'll kick it to the press!'
Why did Trump open a restaurant? To serve the best 'alternative facts' on the menu!
Why did Trump build a casino at the White House? He heard it's a good way to 'presidentially gamble'!
What's Trump's favorite board game as president? 'Monopoly: Presidential Edition – Where I Always Win!
Why did Trump keep a pen in his pocket? To sign 'huge' deals – just 'bigly' things!

Melania's Speechwriter

Making her speeches relatable
I have to write speeches that make Melania seem relatable. It's like trying to convince people that the Queen is just your neighbor who happens to live in a palace.

Air Force One Pilot

Navigating turbulence in politics and the sky
I thought being an Air Force One pilot would be glamorous. Instead, it's like being a chauffeur for a guy who thinks he's driving.

Trump's Hair Stylist

Trying to keep it under control
My job is to style Trump's hair, but sometimes I feel like I'm in a battle with a sentient haystack. It's like, "Stay down, we've got an election to win!

The Wall Architect

Building something even taller than Trump's ego
Trying to build a wall that satisfies Trump is like trying to build a sandcastle in the tide. Every time you finish, he changes his mind.

White House Janitor

Cleaning up after unexpected tweets
I've seen more tweets than the entire bird population. Cleaning up after Trump is a real-life "Twitter janitor" gig.

Twitter Diplomacy

Remember when Trump conducted foreign policy through Twitter? It's like he discovered world affairs on the trending page. Dear Kim Jong-un, why not settle this over a game of 'Rocket Man' on Xbox?

Immigration Shenanigans

Trump wanted to build a wall so tall that even Spider-Man couldn't swing over. I guess he thought undocumented immigrants were just lost contestants in a real-life 'Amazing Race.

Alternative Facts

Trump's team introduced us to alternative facts. I didn't know I could use that excuse in my life. Honey, those are not dirty dishes; they're alternative clean dishes!

2020, The Sequel We Didn't Ask For

I thought 2020 was bad, but then came the sequel – Trump's comeback tour. It's like the movie you hoped wouldn't have a second part, but here we are, waiting for the credits to roll on this political drama.

Trump Becoming President

You know, when Trump became president, I thought it was a reality show gone wrong. I kept waiting for the confetti to drop and for him to announce, You've been pranked, America!

Executive Decisions

Trump in the Oval Office was like a kid in a candy store. I bet he tried to order a cheeseburger with an executive order. Make America Grilled Again!

Covfefe Chronicles

I still can't get over covfefe. It sounds like the name of a secret agent who specializes in Twitter typos. Bond, James Bond? No, I'm Covfefe, Covfefe Bond.

The Apprentice, White House Edition

I bet Trump missed his reality show, 'The Apprentice.' That's probably why he kept firing people. I was waiting for him to turn to Pence and say, You're fired! And Mike, can you do a tap dance on your way out?

Press Briefing Funnies

Those press briefings were wild. I half expected Trump to pull out a magic wand and make COVID disappear. Abracadabra, no more virus!

Hair Force One

Trump's hair had a mind of its own. I'm convinced it had its own security clearance. I heard it once negotiated a trade deal with the wind.
You remember when Trump became president, and we all thought, "Is this a social experiment?" I mean, who let the guy from the boardroom run the country? It's like we're living in a bizarre episode of "The Apprentice: White House Edition.
Trump becoming president was like hiring a chef who's famous for his steak but putting him in charge of a vegan restaurant. You can almost hear the veggies crying.
Trump becoming president was like when you accidentally pocket-dial your ex and suddenly, you're in a conversation you never wanted to have. Except, in this case, it was a whole nation pocket-dialing politics.
You know, when Trump became president, it was like the whole country collectively started binge-watching a reality show. I kept waiting for the confessional booth interviews and dramatic music every time he tweeted.
Trump as president felt like that awkward moment when someone asks if anyone knows how to fix a computer, and you pretend you're not a tech expert but end up being the IT guy for the next four years.
It's funny how Trump's presidency made us all political experts overnight. Suddenly, everyone had a theory about international relations, and dinner conversations became like impromptu UN summits.
Trump's presidency was like that time you let your friend with no sense of direction be the navigator on a road trip. We ended up taking some unexpected detours, to say the least.
When Trump became president, it was as if the whole country collectively went, "Are we being punked?" I kept waiting for Ashton Kutcher to jump out and tell us it was all a big joke.
Having Trump as president was like inviting your friend who loves chaos to your game night. Suddenly, Monopoly turned into a high-stakes poker game, and we were all just trying to survive the political card tricks.
You know when you accidentally change the channel to a reality show, and you're hooked even though you don't want to be? That's what happened with Trump's presidency. We were all part of the biggest reality TV experiment, whether we liked it or not.

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