4 Jokes For Medium

Standup-Comedy Bits

Updated on: Aug 19 2024

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So, I decided to join a psychic gym. Yeah, you heard that right – a gym for people who can predict the future. They've got treadmills where you run into the future, dumbbells to lift the weight of your impending decisions, and a sauna that shows you your future regrets.
But the best part is the personal trainers. They're like, "Come on, you can predict a better future than that! Lift those predictions higher! Feel the burn of foreseeing your own success!" It's like a cross between a self-help seminar and a crystal ball workout.
I asked the trainer, "Can you predict when I'll get six-pack abs?" He looked at me and said, "My crystal ball isn't that powerful, my friend." Well, at least he's honest.
So, if you see me at the psychic gym, just know I'm working on my mental fitness. Because in the future, I want to look back and say, "Yep, saw that coming.
Parents are like human GPS devices. They're always recalculating. You know, you start off on this route called life, and they're there with you, guiding you turn by turn. But the moment you deviate from their planned route, it's like, "Recalculating route. Make a U-turn if possible."
I can't tell you how many times I've heard my mom say, "I never thought you'd take this career path." Well, sorry, Mom, life's full of unexpected detours. It's like I threw a metaphorical banana peel on the road, and now we're on a whole different Mario Kart track.
And don't get me started on the constant "Are we there yet?" That's just the adult version of asking, "Have you figured your life out yet?" Nope, still recalculating.
So, next time your parents try to be your life GPS, just remember, sometimes it's okay to take the scenic route. They might not understand the landmarks, but hey, at least you're enjoying the view.
You ever notice how life is like cooking a steak? Some people like it well-done, some like it rare, but me? I like my life medium. You know, that perfect balance between overcooked and undercooked. I mean, who wants a well-done life? That's like chewing on a piece of charcoal. And if your life is too rare, you're just asking for trouble. It's like, "Oh, look at me, I'm living on the edge," until you get that metaphorical food poisoning.
But medium, that's where it's at. It's the Goldilocks zone of existence. Things are just right. You've got a little bit of excitement, but not too much. A dash of unpredictability, but not chaos. It's like walking that fine line between ordering takeout and attempting a gourmet meal at home. You might burn the spaghetti, but at least it's not a total disaster.
Life's all about finding that sweet spot, that perfect balance. So, if you're feeling a bit overcooked or undercooked, just remember – go medium. It's the key to a well-seasoned life.
Dating is like quantum physics – you never really know where you stand until you observe it, and by then, it might have changed. It's like, one moment you're in a superposition of being single and taken, and the next, you've collapsed into a relationship.
And there's this uncertainty principle in dating – the more you try to measure where it's going, the less you know about where it is. It's like trying to pin down the exact location of a subatomic particle. Good luck with that.
I tried explaining this to my date once. I said, "Our relationship is like Schrödinger's cat – it's both alive and dead until we open the box." Let's just say, it didn't lead to a second date. Apparently, not everyone wants their love life compared to a thought experiment.
So, if you're out there navigating the quantum dating world, just remember, love is both a wave and a particle – whatever that means. Good luck collapsing those romantic wave functions, folks.

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