53 Jokes About Your Ex Girlfriend

Updated on: Sep 16 2024

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Dating a bookworm had its perks until it came to the breakup. She insisted on returning each book I'd ever lent her, categorizing them based on the emotional toll they allegedly inflicted.
Main Event:
The real chaos unfolded when, amidst the returned books, I found my college textbook on quantum physics. Perplexed, I asked why she had it. She deadpanned, "Well, I thought it was a self-help book about parallel universes. No wonder it didn't help our relationship!"
As I tried to explain the intricacies of quantum mechanics, she interrupted with a dramatic gasp, exclaiming, "So, you're saying our relationship had multiple probable outcomes, and this is just one of them?" It was then I realized that explaining string theory to salvage a breakup was a futile endeavor.
In the end, I let her keep the quantum physics textbook as a quirky memento of our 'dimensionally diverse' relationship. We parted ways, each with a newfound appreciation for the unexpected twists life—or theoretical physics—could throw our way.
Breaking up in the age of technology can be tricky, especially when your ex insists on returning your belongings with a GPS tracker attached to each item.
Main Event:
Receiving a notification on my phone, I discovered a map with a series of blinking dots, indicating the precise location of my scattered possessions. It was like a technological treasure hunt, only the treasure was my old hoodie and a collection of forgotten DVDs.
Navigating the city like a GPS-guided pirate, I found myself at the doorsteps of unsuspecting friends and family who had become unwitting custodians of my belongings. The absurdity peaked when I arrived at a retirement home, only to discover that my ex had mistaken her grandmother's residence for the location of my missing blender.
In the end, I gathered my scattered belongings, each with its own techno-trail, feeling like a character in a bizarre digital scavenger hunt. The GPS of heartbreak turned what could have been a mundane retrieval mission into a technologically infused comedy of errors, proving that even in the age of smart devices, relationships remain delightfully unpredictable.
I once dated a girl who was convinced our breakup was a result of cosmic forces. She insisted on having a "closure" meeting at our favorite park. Little did I know, this would be no ordinary rendezvous.
Main Event:
As we exchanged awkward pleasantries, a pigeon decided to play Cupid and dropped an unexpected gift on her shoulder. She gasped, thinking it was a sign of impending doom. I tried to maintain composure, but the situation escalated when she declared, "This must be a message from the universe!" I couldn't help but quip, "Well, it seems the universe has a rather unique sense of humor."
To my surprise, she took it seriously and began decoding the avian excrement, attempting to find hidden messages in what I could only describe as a random splatter pattern. This absurdity reached its pinnacle when she declared, "It's a metaphor for our relationship—messy and unpredictable!" I couldn't stifle my laughter, realizing that even pigeons had a comedic timing that rivaled my own.
In the end, our closure meeting turned into an impromptu comedy show with the pigeon as the star. As we both laughed at the ridiculousness of the situation, I couldn't help but think that sometimes, the universe sends messages in the most unexpected forms.
Breaking up with someone who loved karaoke was bound to have a melodramatic soundtrack. Little did I know, the breakup playlist would take an unexpected turn.
Main Event:
In an attempt to ease the tension, I suggested a friendly night out at a karaoke bar. As I belted out a heartfelt rendition of a breakup ballad, I noticed her eyes widen in disbelief. Unbeknownst to me, the karaoke host had mistakenly queued up a duet version of the song.
What followed was a surreal duet where we unwittingly shared the stage, pouring our hearts out to each other through the lyrics. The audience, initially confused, erupted into laughter as we navigated the unintentional performance. We went from a breakup to a bizarre musical reconciliation, neither of us able to escape the hilarity of the situation.
As the final notes faded away, we exchanged a bemused glance. The accidental karaoke duet became the unexpected encore to our relationship, leaving us with a shared memory that transcended the breakup blues.
You know, they say time heals all wounds, but whoever said that clearly never dated my ex. Time just turns those wounds into scars that you carry with you like emotional tattoos. And just like tattoos, you hope people don't ask about them, but deep down, you're dying to tell the story.
I tried to be friends with my ex, you know, take the mature route. But it's like trying to be friends with a vending machine that keeps eating your money and never gives you what you want. It's just not worth it.
The worst part is when your ex starts dating someone new, and you become a relationship detective on social media. You're there scrolling through pictures like, "Oh, so now you like hiking? Last time I suggested a nature walk, you said it sounded like a terrible idea!
You ever notice how your ex suddenly becomes an expert on your life after the breakup? They're like, "Oh, you're dating someone new? Well, good luck with that. You remember how he likes his coffee, right?" And I'm sitting there thinking, "Do I even remember how I like my coffee at this point?"
I swear, my ex could give a TED Talk on all my flaws. She'd be up there with a PowerPoint presentation like, "Exposing Your Ex: A Journey into Regret." I should probably get royalties for that presentation because, honestly, she owes me for the emotional therapy bills.
But hey, let's give credit where credit is due. Without our exes, we wouldn't have those hilarious "Remember that time..." stories to share with our friends. So here's to the exes – the unsung heroes of our stand-up routines. Cheers!
You ever run into your ex-girlfriend unexpectedly? It's like finding a notification on your phone that says, "Remember that embarrassing moment from your past? Well, guess what? It's back for a limited time!"
I saw my ex the other day, and she looked at me like I owed her money. I was like, "Girl, the only thing I owe you is an apology for dating you in the first place!" But hey, at least now I know what regret looks like in human form.
I'm telling you, running into your ex is like accidentally opening a year-old bag of chips. It's stale, it smells weird, and you instantly regret your life choices. And just like that bag of chips, you're left wondering, "What was I thinking?
Breaking up is like uninstalling a really annoying app from your life. You keep telling yourself you don't need it, but deep down, you're afraid you'll miss the drama. And don't get me started on those breakup mind games.
My ex used to play this game where she would text me "Hey" and then not respond for hours. What kind of emotional chess is that? I felt like I was in a text-based version of The Hunger Games, and I was losing badly.
But you know, I've learned a valuable lesson from all this. If a relationship feels like a game, it's probably time to find a new playing field. Preferably one without mind games and more snacks.
My ex-girlfriend said I never take her seriously. So, I laughed!
Why did my ex-girlfriend become a chef? She knows how to spice things up and then leave!
Why did my ex-girlfriend become a tailor? She knows how to thread lightly and stitch me up!
My ex-girlfriend said I never listen to her. Or something like that...
I told my ex-girlfriend she should take up archery. She's already an expert at shooting me down!
I suggested to my ex-girlfriend that she should be a motivational speaker. She inspired me to find someone better!
My ex-girlfriend asked if we could still be friends with benefits. I gave her a Netflix password!
My ex-girlfriend told me I'll never find someone like her again. I'm really hoping for that!
I told my ex-girlfriend she should be an elevator repairwoman. She knows how to bring people down!
Why did my ex-girlfriend bring a ladder to our relationship? She wanted to take it to the next level!
Why did my ex-girlfriend become an astronaut? She needed space!
I asked my ex-girlfriend if she ever regrets breaking up with me. She said, 'Only when the Wi-Fi is down!
I told my ex-girlfriend she should embrace her mistakes. She gave me a hug!
My ex-girlfriend said she wanted a break. So, I gave her a Kit-Kat and told her to have a good one!
My ex-girlfriend is like a fine wine. Expensive and not worth the headache!
Why did my ex-girlfriend become a gardener? She wanted to let things go and let them grow!
Why did my ex-girlfriend become a detective? She always knew when I was up to something!
I told my ex-girlfriend she should join the circus. She's already a master at juggling emotions!
I told my ex-girlfriend she should start a bakery. After all, she's really good at making dough!
Why did my ex-girlfriend become a pilot? She wanted to keep things flying without any commitment!

The Amnesiac Ex

When your ex conveniently forgets their flaws in the relationship
Ever met someone who revises history? My ex is like a relationship historian. According to her, our breakup was a mutual decision. Yeah, I remember it differently. I distinctly recall her saying, "It's not me, it's you.

The Clingy Ex

Dealing with an ex who just can't let go
My ex is like a time traveler. She can make a text from three years ago feel like it just arrived in my inbox. "Remember that time we had pizza?" No, Karen, I've had pizza since then. It's not a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

The Social Media Stalker Ex

When your ex follows your every move online
My ex is on Snapchat like she's running an espionage operation. She saw my story and texted, "I see you went out last night." I replied, "Well, yeah, it was Saturday." She said, "I prefer when your social life is a mystery." Sorry, I'm not starring in a suspense thriller for your entertainment.

The DIY Therapist Ex

When your ex thinks they are the solution to all your problems
According to my ex, she's the ultimate breakup healer. She said, "I can mend your heart." I replied, "I appreciate the offer, but last time you tried, you broke it in three more places.

The Friendly Ex

When your ex wants to be best friends, but you're not on the same page
Trying to be friends with your ex is like quicksand. The more you try to escape, the deeper you sink into awkward conversations. "Remember that time we held hands?" No, and let's keep it that way.

Ghosted by a Ghostwriter

Speaking of exes, my ghostwriter and I broke up recently. Yeah, turns out he thought I was too emotionally unavailable. I mean, come on, I'm a comedian – emotional unavailability is practically in the job description. But hey, at least now I know how it feels to be ghosted by a ghostwriter.

Ex-files in the Cloud

My ex-girlfriend thought she could delete me from her life like clearing out her digital clutter. She said, I'm putting you in the trash bin of my heart. Little did she know, I'm like those files in the cloud – I'm always there, lurking, ready to pop up when she least expects it. Call me the emotional malware of relationships.

Ex-tra Credit

You ever notice how your ex-girlfriend suddenly becomes a relationship expert post-breakup? Like, excuse me, Karen, but last time I checked, we both flunked out of Relationship 101. Now she's giving TED Talks on love and commitment? Please, someone give her a diploma in 'Ex-tra Credit' because apparently, she graduated with honors in breaking hearts.

Ex-ercise Regret

Breaking up is tough, especially on the waistline. You know you're going through a rough patch when your breakup diet consists of ice cream, pizza, and regret. They call it emotional eating; I call it an 'ex-ercise' in self-destruction. I'm just trying to get that post-breakup revenge body – you know, the one where you look so good, your ex immediately regrets their life choices.

Ex Marks the Spot

Breaking up is like trying to find a hidden treasure. You follow the map of your relationship, and just when you think you're about to strike gold, X marks the spot – and that's where your ex-girlfriend has buried all your favorite hoodies. It's like a breakup scavenger hunt, and the prize is heartbreak and missing socks.

Emotional eBay

You ever try to sell stuff after a breakup? It's like an emotional eBay. For sale: One ex-girlfriend's collection of pet hair on every surface. Bidding starts at your sanity, and the buy-it-now price is your ability to trust again. Shipping not available – you have to pick up the pieces yourself.


Remember when your ex-girlfriend said she just wanted to be friends? Yeah, turns out she meant Friends with Benefits... for her. It's like the X-Files, but instead of aliens, it's just her mysterious ability to make you regret every life choice you've ever made.


Breaking up is like getting kicked out of a secret society. Suddenly, you're ex-communicated, and all the relationship rituals are off-limits. No more secret handshakes or shared Netflix passwords. It's like they change the locks to the heart, and you're left standing outside, wondering if you'll ever get back in.

The Ex-Factor

You ever notice how they call it an 'ex-girlfriend' like it's some sort of software upgrade? You know, 'Upgrade to Ex-Girlfriend 2.0 for a life full of unexpected crashes and emotional bugs. And don't even get me started on the 'user manual' – that thing is written in hieroglyphics.

Ex-mas Gifts

Breaking up around the holidays is the worst. Suddenly you're stuck with the dilemma of what to do with all those thoughtful gifts from your ex-girlfriend. Do you return them, regift them, or just set them on fire in a cleansing ritual to rid your life of relationship bad juju? It's like Santa Claus left you a present, and it's emotional baggage.
Breaking up is like trying to fold a fitted sheet – it seems impossible, and there's always that one corner that just won't cooperate. Also, your ex somehow always ends up in the linen closet of your mind.
Ex-girlfriends are like old smartphones. You loved them once, but now they're just sitting in a drawer, occasionally sending you random notifications like, "Remember that time you left the toilet seat up? #NeverForget.
Ever notice how your ex-girlfriend becomes an overnight relationship expert on social media? Suddenly, she's posting quotes like, "The best way to get over someone is to get under someone else," and you're just thinking, "I can't even get over my fear of commitment, Karen!
Your ex-girlfriend is like that annoying pop-up ad that you can't get rid of. No matter how hard you try to close the window, she keeps showing up, haunting your social media feeds like the ghost of relationships past. "Can I interest you in some emotional baggage today?
Ex-girlfriends are like expired milk – you don't realize they've gone sour until you've already taken a sip. And just like milk, once it's curdled, there's no going back. No amount of chocolate syrup can fix that mess.
You ever notice how breaking up with your ex-girlfriend is a lot like trying to unsubscribe from a sketchy newsletter? No matter how many times you click "unsubscribe," they still manage to pop up in your life with emotional spam.
Breaking up is like a job interview. At first, everything seems perfect, but after a while, you start noticing all the red flags – like how she organizes her closet alphabetically or insists on using a fork for pizza. It's a deal-breaker, Susan.
Relationships are like GPS systems. When you break up, it's like your ex-girlfriend saying, "Recalculating route... Your heart will arrive at its destination in 3 to 5 business days, with a possible detour through the ice cream aisle.
Ex-girlfriends are like unsaved progress in a video game. You think you've moved on, but then you accidentally see them in public, and it's like loading a saved file you thought you deleted. "Oh, we're doing this level again?
Remember when you used to share a Netflix account with your ex? Breaking up is like having your own account – suddenly, your "Recently Watched" list goes from romantic comedies to documentaries about penguins. It's a wild ride.

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