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Teachers of Pre-teens
Keeping up with the latest trends and maintaining authority
Keeping up with pre-teens' technology is a challenge. I asked a student to explain TikTok to me, and they said, "It's like Vine but with better dance moves." I miss the days when the only dance move I had to worry about was the Macarena.
Pediatricians Dealing with Pre-teens
Navigating the awkwardness of puberty and maintaining professionalism
I gave a pre-teen a lecture about healthy eating, and they interrupted me with, "Are pizza rolls a vegetable?" I'm just trying to promote a balanced diet, but apparently, in pre-teen logic, anything that comes from the freezer is a food group.
Pre-teens Themselves
Wanting to be treated like adults but still wanting the perks of childhood
Pre-teens are like mini adults with training wheels. I wanted to stay up late and watch TV, and my parents agreed. The catch? I had to do my own laundry. Now, every late-night show comes with a side of fabric softener and a lesson in stain removal.
Parents of Pre-teens
Balancing independence and supervision
I gave my pre-teen a smartphone, and now they're acting like they're the CEO of a Fortune 500 company. I asked them if they did their homework, and they replied, "I'll have my people get back to you." I didn't realize algebra required a personal assistant.
Toy Manufacturers for Pre-teens
Creating toys that are cool enough for pre-teens but won't cause parental meltdowns
Parents always ask for educational toys. I made one, and now they're upset because their pre-teen is questioning the physics of Barbie's convertible. Maybe I should stick to building blocks and leave the science experiments to someone else.
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