53 Jokes For Dolly

Updated on: Aug 22 2024

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In the bustling city of Laughterburg, Greg found himself on a blind date set up by his mischievous friends. Little did he know, his date, Molly, had a quirky obsession with collecting antique dolls. The restaurant was posh, the atmosphere romantic, but things took an unexpected turn when Molly brought out her prized possession – a vintage dolly named Priscilla.
As Greg awkwardly sipped his water, Molly treated Priscilla like royalty, engaging in a conversation as if the doll had a personality. Greg, caught in the crossfire of clever wordplay and Molly's animated storytelling, struggled to keep a straight face. The main event reached its peak when the waiter, oblivious to the absurdity, complimented Molly on her "charming friend."
Unable to contain himself, Greg joined in on the dolly dialogue, creating a surreal scene where three individuals – one human and two dolls – engaged in a conversation about life, love, and the absurdity of blind dates. The restaurant staff, in on the joke, played along, creating an unforgettable night of laughter.
As the evening came to a close, Molly winked at Greg and said, "Well, Priscilla thinks you're a keeper!" The conclusion left Greg wondering if he'd just survived the most bizarre date ever, all thanks to a vintage dolly stealing the spotlight.
In the picturesque countryside of Chuckleville, Farmer Joe embarked on a misadventure when his mischievous sheep, Dolly, decided to explore beyond the usual pastures. Known for her clever escapades, Dolly managed to open the gate and venture into the neighboring town, leaving a trail of laughter in her wake.
The main event unfolded as the townspeople encountered the whimsical sight of Dolly leading a parade of farm animals through the town square. With a sheepish grin, Farmer Joe sprinted after his rebellious dolly, creating a slapstick scene reminiscent of a classic comedy chase.
As the townspeople joined in the fun, Farmer Joe finally caught up with Dolly, who seemed to have enjoyed her day out. The conclusion came when the townspeople, grateful for the unexpected entertainment, organized a "Dolly Day" festival, celebrating the joy that a runaway sheep brought to Chuckleville. Farmer Joe, now a local legend, couldn't help but laugh at the unexpected turn of events, proving that sometimes, the best adventures involve a daring dolly and a community ready to embrace the laughter.
Once upon a time in the quaint town of Punsberg, the annual community theater play was underway. This year's production was a gripping mystery, and the lead role of Dolly, a sassy detective with a penchant for puns, was being played by the town's resident jokester, Witty Wilma.
As the curtains rose, Wilma strutted onto the stage, delivering her lines with dry wit that had the audience in stitches. The main event unfolded when a real-life dolly, typically used for moving props, went rogue. In the midst of a crucial scene, the dolly rolled onto the stage, creating chaos as actors dodged the unexpected obstacle.
The crowd erupted in laughter as the actors tried to incorporate the dolly into the play, turning the mystery into a slapstick comedy. Witty Wilma, unfazed by the unexpected prop, quipped, "Looks like even the dolly is trying to roll with the pun-chlines!" The audience roared with delight, and the play turned into an impromptu comedy, with the dolly stealing the spotlight.
In the end, the mystery was solved, and the dolly took a bow alongside the cast. The conclusion left the audience in stitches, realizing that sometimes, the best punchline comes from an unplanned prop stealing the show.
In the quirky neighborhood of Joketown, two neighbors, Bob and Alice, engaged in an escalating prank war that kept the entire community entertained. The theme of the week was "dolly," and both were determined to outwit each other with clever and comical pranks involving dolls.
The main event reached its peak when Bob, known for his slapstick humor, filled Alice's living room with inflatable dollies, turning her home into a hilarious inflatable wonderland. Not to be outdone, Alice retaliated by replacing Bob's garden gnome collection with an army of mischievous garden dollies that giggled when touched.
The conclusion came when the two pranksters, exhausted from the laughter-induced chaos, sat down with their favorite dolly-themed snacks and declared a truce. Little did they know, the entire neighborhood had been in on the prank war, secretly enjoying the spectacle. The pranksters learned that sometimes, the best humor involves collaboration rather than competition, leaving Joketown with a reputation for the most entertaining neighborhood on the block.
You ever notice how dolls can be downright creepy? I mean, my friend gave me this antique doll named Dolly, and I swear it's possessed or something. I wake up in the middle of the night, and there it is, staring at me with those soulless eyes. I'm starting to think it's got a vendetta against me. I tried hiding it in the closet, but the next morning, it's sitting at the foot of my bed, like it's saying, "You can't escape me!"
And don't get me started on the rumors about haunted dolls. Apparently, they can move on their own. But Dolly here takes it to the next level; she rearranges my furniture! I walked into my living room, and suddenly, the coffee table is on the ceiling, and the couch is doing a handstand. I asked Dolly what's going on, but she just gives me that blank, porcelain stare. I think she's plotting something, folks. I'm living in a real-life horror movie, and Dolly's the star.
Living with Dolly is like having a tiny, demanding roommate. She's got this list of things she wants, and if I don't comply, I wake up to find my socks missing or my toothpaste replaced with mayonnaise. Yeah, thanks for that, Dolly.
I tried to reason with her, asking what she wants. She just points to the notes that came with her. Apparently, she's got a ghostwriter. Who knew dolls had literary aspirations? I'm thinking of starting a support group for people haunted by overachieving dolls. We can meet in a circle and share our stories, like, "Today, Dolly demanded a foot massage. What's next, a spa day?
The other night, I couldn't sleep, so I decided to have a little dance party in my living room. I put on some music, started grooving, and then I noticed Dolly on the shelf, just watching me. Now, I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure dolls aren't known for their dance moves. Dolly, on the other hand, was attempting some sort of eerie interpretive dance. It was like a scene from a horror movie crossed with "Dancing with the Stars."
I tried to join in, thinking maybe this is Dolly's hidden talent. But every time I tried to dance with her, she'd give me this disapproving look, like, "Seriously, this is the best you can do?" I never thought I'd get judged by a doll at my own dance party. Dolly, the Simon Cowell of the supernatural dance floor.
So, I thought I'd spice up my love life, and I asked Dolly for some dating advice. Yeah, I know, asking a doll for relationship tips—what could go wrong, right? But Dolly's a confident little thing. She told me, "If you want to impress someone, wear a suit." So, I took her advice and showed up to a casual coffee date in a full-on tuxedo. My date's face was a mix of confusion and amusement. I looked like I was headed to prom, not a coffee shop. Thanks, Dolly.
But the real kicker was when Dolly suggested I bring flowers. So, I show up with this extravagant bouquet, and my date looks at me like I'm about to propose. I felt like I was in a romantic comedy, but not the good kind—the awkward, cringe-worthy kind. Dolly might be great at haunting, but her dating advice is straight out of a surreal sitcom.
What did the dolly say to the rude puppet? 'You really know how to string me along!
Why did the dolly bring a suitcase to the game? It wanted to pack a punch!
What's a dolly's favorite type of movie? A chick flick – it loves a good pecking order!
What do you call a dolly who's a great singer? A doll with perfect pitch!
Why did the dolly bring a pencil to the party? It wanted to draw attention!
What did the dolly say to the robot? 'You might be artificial intelligence, but I've got real charm!
Why did the dolly bring a fan to the comedy show? It wanted to blow everyone away with its jokes!
Why did the dolly apply for a job? It wanted to make some extra plastic bills!
What did the dolly say to the toy train? 'You really need to get on track with your life!
What did one dolly say to the other at the party? 'Let's doll it up and have a rocking good time!
I told my dolly it was too loud. It replied, 'I can't help it, I'm just a little plastic doll with big dreams!
Why did the dolly go to therapy? It had too much emotional baggage!
What do you call a dolly who tells tall tales? A fib-ber dolly!
Why did the dolly bring a ladder to the bar? It heard the drinks were on the house!
I asked the dolly for a loan, but it refused. It said, 'I'm not dolling out any money today!
Why did the dolly break up with the teddy bear? It couldn't bear the stuffing anymore!
How do you make a tissue dance with a dolly? You put a little boogie in it!
Why did the dolly bring a map to the barbecue? It wanted to get grilled cheese!
What's a dolly's favorite type of music? Pop! It loves to be in the spotlight!
Why did the dolly refuse to play hide and seek? It didn't want to be stuck in the toy chest forever!

Doll Repair Shop Owner

When dolls need more maintenance than relationships
My ex used to tell me I was emotionally unavailable. Now, I own a doll repair shop, and the only emotional baggage I deal with is missing doll limbs.

The Doll Collector

When dolls become a life obsession
I asked my friend why he collects dolls. He said it's a great conversation starter. Yeah, especially if you want the conversation to be about how you might need therapy.

The Ventriloquist's Dilemma

When the dummy wants more spotlight
I introduced my ventriloquist friend to online dating, and now his dummy has more matches than he does. I guess wooden charm is a thing.

The Creepy Talking Doll

When a talking doll says too much
I overheard my neighbor arguing with his kid's talking doll. The doll said, "You never take me anywhere," and I thought, "Wow, even dolls have higher expectations for their social lives than I do.

Haunted Doll

When your doll has a supernatural side hustle
My friends dared me to spend a night alone with the haunted doll. Let's just say it wasn't the ghostly encounter I was hoping for – it spent the whole night critiquing my taste in movies.
Dolly the Ghost – I asked her for relationship advice, and she said, 'Well, honey, when things get tough, just disappear for a while. Works like a charm!'
I asked Dolly if she believed in aliens. She said, 'Of course! They're just ghosts with a spaceship budget. Imagine haunting an entire planet – now that's next-level ghosting!'
Dolly's dating advice is on another level. She said, 'Find someone who looks at you the way I look at unfinished business – with pure determination!'
Dolly suggested we open a ghost restaurant. I asked her what the specialty would be, and she said, 'Boo-rritos – because haunting and taunting should always come with a side of guac!'
Dolly told me she wanted to try stand-up comedy. I said, 'That's fantastic! Just make sure the audience can't see you. It's all about that mysterious stage presence!'
Dolly thinks I need to spice up my life. She said, 'Start a rumor that your house is haunted, and suddenly everyone wants to come over for a séance. It's like hosting a party without the cleanup!'
I told Dolly I wanted to be more spiritual. She said, 'Great! Just start randomly whispering mysterious things in public places. People will think you're deep instead of just strange.'
Dolly tried to give me fashion advice from the afterlife. She said, 'Honey, those bell-bottoms are so last century. Opt for a good old-fashioned white sheet – classic, timeless, and doubles as a ghost costume!'
Dolly and I started a paranormal cleaning service. We clean your house and leave a note saying, 'Your ghosts were getting bored, so we gave them a job!' It's a win-win situation.
I hired Dolly to haunt my ex's new boyfriend. Now he thinks his house is haunted, and she's just there rearranging furniture every night. It's the 'Ghost Feng Shui' service!
Ever notice how moving feels a lot like a game of Tetris, but in real life? You're trying to fit your couch into the moving truck like it's the last piece of a puzzle. And if it doesn't fit, well, you better get creative with that dolly or prepare for some serious furniture Jenga.
I got a flat tire on my dolly once. Yeah, apparently, even inanimate objects can catch a case of the Mondays. Changing a dolly tire is like trying to perform surgery on a LEGO person – you're not sure why you're doing it, but it's oddly satisfying when it works.
I think the secret to a successful move is to hire a dolly whisperer. You know, someone who can sweet-talk that thing into effortlessly gliding across any surface. "Easy there, dolly, just think of it as a smooth dance floor, and we'll waltz our way into the perfect living room setup.
Dolly Parton must be the only person who can single-handedly carry the weight of the music industry on her shoulders. I can barely carry my groceries from the car to the kitchen without feeling like I need a nap.
You ever try to move silently at night? It's impossible! No matter how careful you are, that dolly turns into a squeaky chariot of chaos. It's like trying to sneak out of a library after accidentally knocking over a bookshelf of encyclopedias.
I was at the store the other day, and they had this fancy dolly with all-terrain wheels. I thought, "Great, now I can move my furniture through the Sahara if I want to!" Turns out, the most challenging terrain for that dolly is a slightly uneven sidewalk. Who knew Mother Nature was so demanding?
You ever notice how every time you move, you end up with that one beat-up cardboard box that's held together with more tape than my life? It's like, "Oh, there goes my childhood memories, wrapped up in a dolly of disappointment!
You ever try to impress someone by lifting something heavy? I attempted that with a dolly once. Thought I was a superhero for a moment. Then the wheels got stuck in a crack, and suddenly I'm the not-so-heroic Captain Tripped-and-Almost-Died.
Why do they call it a "dolly" anyway? It's like, "Here's this thing that helps you move heavy stuff, but we'll give it a cute name to make it sound like you're playing with dolls instead of struggling with furniture.
I bought a new dolly recently, you know, the kind with wheels. I thought it would make moving furniture a breeze. Turns out, it only works on perfectly flat surfaces. In my world, though, there are more unexpected bumps than in a bad relationship. Dolly, you had one job!

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