18 Jokes For Astrologer


Updated on: Sep 01 2024

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What do astrologers eat for breakfast? Lucky 'star'-shaped cereals!
Why did the astrologer go broke? They kept giving away 'free stars'!
What's an astrologer's favorite accessory? Zodiac-al jewelry!
Why did the astrologer bring a map to the stars? To avoid getting 'lost in space'!
How do astrologers navigate in the dark? They follow the 'starlight' GPS!
Why did the astrologer open a bakery? Because they were great at predicting 'rising' dough!
Why did the astrologer bring a ladder to work? To reach for the stars, of course!
What do you call an astrologer who's also a magician? A horoscope-illusionist!

The Zodiac Diet: Constellations or Calories?

I asked the astrologer about my health, and she goes, You should follow the Zodiac Diet. Now, I'm thinking this must be some ancient wisdom passed down from the stars. Turns out, it's just eating foods that start with the same letter as your zodiac sign. Great, now I'm on the Cheetos and Chocolate diet. Thanks, universe! I wanted to align my chakras, not clog my arteries!

Astrologer's Predictions: Less Accurate Than a Blindfolded Archer

I'm talking to the astrologer, and she says, You'll encounter a life-changing event soon. I'm getting all excited, thinking about winning the lottery or discovering a cure for the common cold. The next day, my cat knocks over a plant. Life-changing, indeed. Maybe she mistook my destiny for a soap opera plotline.

Astrology and Career Choices: Sorry, Mom, I'm Becoming an Astronaut!

I tell the astrologer, I need a career change. She looks at my chart and says, Your destiny lies among the stars. So, I quit my job, enroll in astronaut training, and start dreaming of zero gravity and spacewalks. Turns out, my astrologer didn't mean NASA; she meant the local planetarium's janitor position was open. Now I'm cleaning up stardust instead of exploring the cosmos.

Astrologer's Crystal Ball: More Like a Magic 8-Ball with a Liberal Arts Degree

Alright, so I went to see this astrologer the other day. She starts peering into her crystal ball like it's some mystical portal to the universe. I'm thinking, This better be good; I paid extra for the glittery effects. But as she squints into it, I can almost hear the ball whispering, Ask again later. I mean, come on! I didn't need a cosmic fortune cookie; I needed career advice!

Astrology App Predictions: More Like a Weather Forecast for Emotions

I downloaded this astrology app that promises to predict my future. First day, it says, Today, you will feel a strong connection with the cosmos. I'm thinking, Wow, that's deep. The next day, it says, Expect some turbulence in your emotional atmosphere. I'm like, Is Mercury in retrograde, or did I just eat too many burritos last night?

Astrology and Personal Space: No, the Stars Can't Tell You That!

I asked the astrologer about personal space, and she says, Your stars indicate that you need more alone time. I'm like, Lady, I didn't need the Big Dipper to tell me that. I needed you to tell my nosy neighbor to stop borrowing my lawnmower without asking!

Astrologer's Meditation Advice: Finding Inner Peace or Just Counting Stars?

I ask the astrologer about meditation techniques, and she goes, Close your eyes and count the stars within. So, I try it. I close my eyes, start counting, and after a while, I realize I'm just reenacting the 'Sheep Jumping Over a Fence' bedtime routine. I'm not achieving enlightenment; I'm just becoming an expert in celestial insomnia.

Astrologer's Love Advice: It's All in the Stars, Except for My Ex

So, I go to the astrologer for love advice. She looks at my birth chart and says, You'll find true love under the full moon. Great, now I'm out there every month, howling at the moon like some romantic werewolf. And just when I think I found the one, turns out, they were just a werewolf enthusiast. Astrology, you're messing with my love life more than my questionable dance moves.

Astrologer's Business Strategy: Mercury in Retrograde, Prices in Ascend!

I asked the astrologer about my financial future, and she says, Invest in celestial crystals; their value will skyrocket during Mercury retrograde. So, I rush to buy these crystals, thinking I'll be the Warren Buffett of the mystic market. Next thing I know, Mercury is retrograding, and my bank account is doing a moonwalk into the negative. Great advice, now my retirement plan is stargazing and wishing on shooting stars.

Astrologer's Fashion Tips: Capes, Cloaks, and Constellations!

I asked the astrologer about my wardrobe, and she says, Wear clothes that align with your ruling planet. Now, I'm walking around like a fashion-forward intergalactic superhero. But it turns out, my ruling planet is Pluto. Yeah, that explains why my closet looks like a rejected sci-fi movie costume department.

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