18 Jokes For What Goes


Updated on: Jun 10 2024

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Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing!
I'm reading a book about anti-gravity. It's impossible to put down!
Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field!
Parallel lines have so much in common. It's a shame they'll never meet.
I'm reading a book on the history of glue. I just can't seem to put it down!
What do you call fake spaghetti? An impasta!
Why did the bicycle fall over? Because it was two-tired!
Why don't scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything!

What Goes!

Let's talk fashion, folks. You ever stand in front of your closet, staring at your clothes, and just think, What goes together? I mean, I can't be the only one who's attempted to match stripes with polka dots, thinking I'd start a new trend. But then reality hits, and I look more like a walking optical illusion. And don't even ask about those fashion rules. Apparently, I've committed a cardinal sin by wearing white after Labor Day. Who knew clothes had a seasonal passport?

What Goes!

Let's talk about dating for a second. You meet someone, things are going great, and then suddenly, they hit you with we need to talk. And your mind's racing, thinking, What goes? What did I do? Turns out, they just want to discuss the complexity of grapefruit spoon selection. I'm sitting there sweating bullets, thinking I've committed a relationship crime, and they're here debating the merits of serrated edges versus regular spoons! Man, the relief was real, but so was the confusion.

What Goes!

The gym, folks. The land of treadmills, weights, and the eternal question of What goes here? I mean, have you ever looked at some of those exercise machines and thought they were stolen from a sci-fi set? You try to decipher the purpose while pretending to know what you're doing, and suddenly, you're a contortionist attempting yoga on a weight bench. And let's not forget the workout gear. Why do gym clothes come with more straps and zippers than a spacesuit? I just want to sweat, not solve a Rubik's cube!

What Goes!

You know, I've been trying to get into this whole healthy lifestyle thing. But have you seen the produce aisle lately? I stand there staring at some exotic vegetable like it's an alien artifact, wondering what goes with what. Like, do I pair kale with quinoa and sprinkle some chia seeds on top, or will that just summon a wellness guru to critique my choices? And don't get me started on trying to pronounce half of those superfoods. I feel like I need a dictionary just to make a salad!

What Goes!

Ah, the joys of technology! You get a new gadget, and the first thing you think is, What goes wrong next? It's like a cosmic law—just when you think you're tech-savvy, your device decides to speak its own language. Ever had a printer that communicates in Morse code? Or a phone that thinks it's a DJ, randomly playing your playlist in the middle of a meeting? And the best part? Tech support's solution: Have you tried turning it off and on again? Oh yeah, because that's the cure for everything!

What Goes!

Let's talk about the English language. You ever try explaining to a non-native speaker why What goes is a question? I mean, seriously, if English were a person, it'd be that cryptic friend who speaks in riddles. What goes? Oh, you know, nouns, verbs, maybe a dangling participle or two! And then we have phrases like I'm all ears. No, Karen, you're not literally all ears. If you were, I'd be concerned and possibly offering you a hat!

What Goes!

You ever have those moments where you're staring at your fridge like it's a crystal ball, trying to figure out what goes? I mean, seriously, when did leftovers become a culinary puzzle? It's like playing a game of fridge roulette, hoping you don't end up with mystery meatloaf from three weeks ago. And what's with those containers? They all look the same until you crack one open, and suddenly, you're on a flavor adventure. Is it spaghetti or science experiment? Who knows!

What Goes!

You know what really makes you wonder what goes? IKEA furniture. I mean, bless those little instruction booklets, they're like hieroglyphics trying to explain rocket science. You start with enthusiasm, a vision of a sleek bookshelf, but an hour in, you're surrounded by wooden planks and an allen wrench, questioning not just your DIY skills but your entire existence. And then there's always that one leftover screw! You look at it, it looks at you, and both of you are just wondering where the heck you missed putting it.

What Goes!

Let's talk about driving for a sec. You ever find yourself at a roundabout, trying to figure out what goes where? It's like a real-life game of musical chairs, except instead of a chair, you're aiming for an exit. You enter confidently, signaling left, and suddenly, it's a NASCAR race with everyone trying to merge at the same time. And don't get me started on the unwritten rules! Apparently, the right of way is decided by telepathy because the blinkers on those cars are just for decoration.

What Goes!

Have you ever tried to fix something around the house, and you end up having to ask yourself, What goes where? I swear, it's like a jigsaw puzzle without the picture on the box. You think you've got it all figured out, and suddenly you've got extra screws, missing bolts, and a sink that looks more like modern art than a functioning faucet. And let's not even start with the instructions—tiny font, unclear diagrams, and the helpful advice of Assembly should take approximately 30 minutes. Yeah, if you're a professional assembler from Mars!

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