17 Jokes For Say Hello


Updated on: Jul 21 2024

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I used to play piano by ear, but now I use my hands. It turns out ears can't play music, but they can say hello!
Why did the scarecrow say hello to everyone in the field? Because he was outstanding in his field!
My friend asked me if I could stop impersonating a flamingo. I had to put my foot down and say hello!
I started a band called 999 Megabytes. We haven't got a gig yet, but when we do, it's going to be one 'hello' of a show!
I asked my cat to say hello to the mouse. Now they're just sitting there, having a paw-some conversation!
I tried to write 'hello' on a foggy window, but it came out a little misty. I guess you could say it was a fog-hello-graph!
I tried to organize a hide and seek tournament, but good players are really hard to find. They just say hello and leave!

The Politeness Paradox

You know, I tried to follow my ghost writer's advice, so I walked into a room and said, Hello. And that's when it hit me - the Politeness Paradox. People stared at me like I had just recited the entire phonebook backward. I mean, isn't it funny how a simple 'hello' can make you feel like you've just crashed a secret society meeting?

Hello Anxiety

Saying hello can be a high-stakes game. I walked into a room, said hello, and everyone turned to look at me. Suddenly, I'm hit with the Hello Anxiety—a condition where your brain convinces you that everyone's judging your 'hello' like it's an Olympic performance. I didn't know greeting people required a mental gymnastics routine!

The Lost Art of Casual Greetings

I miss the days when saying hello was just a casual exchange of pleasantries. Now it's like a carefully choreographed dance routine where one wrong step could lead to a social catastrophe. Maybe we should have a 'Hello Etiquette' handbook. Chapter one: How to gracefully exit a conversation when you realize you've accidentally interrupted someone's passionate monologue about their pet iguana.

The Hello Hangover

I said hello to a friend, and they responded with a 20-minute life update. I'm standing there, nodding like I'm a therapist who forgot their notepad. I just wanted to exchange pleasantries, not audit your emotional tax returns! Now I've got a 'hello hangover'—feeling like I just ran a conversational marathon without training.

Hello, My Old Friend

You ever notice how 'hello' can be a trap? You say it, and suddenly, you're locked into a conversation you didn't sign up for. It's like making eye contact with your neighbor while taking out the trash - next thing you know, you're discussing the weather for 20 minutes. I just wanted to say hello, not sign up for a social marathon!

Hello: The Social Wildcard

You know, saying hello is like playing a wildcard in a social game. Sometimes it's a friendly exchange, and other times it's like playing Russian roulette with small talk. I once said hello, and someone responded with their latest conspiracy theory about alien invasions. Now I'm torn between greeting people and keeping my greetings extraterrestrial-free.

The Power of Awkward Hellos

You ever say hello, and it feels like the universe is playing a cosmic joke on you? I mean, I once said hello to someone, and they responded with a high-five. A HIGH-FIVE! It's like we accidentally swapped social cues, and now I'm stuck wondering if I missed the memo on the new handshake, or if I just got initiated into an obscure secret society of overly enthusiastic greeters.

Greeting Gone Wrong

So, I'm trying to be polite, right? I walk up to this group, say hello, and suddenly, I'm the human equivalent of a car alarm going off in the middle of the night. People are looking at me like I just revealed the ending of the latest season of their favorite show. Maybe I should've stuck to a casual head nod next time.

Greetings and Confusion

I tried saying hello in a group once, and it was like playing a game of social chess. People responded with nods, others with smiles, and one person with what I can only describe as a confused eyebrow raise. It was like I accidentally stumbled into a non-verbal communication workshop. Next time, maybe I'll just stick to emojis.

Greet and Retreat

Saying hello is a bit like testing the waters. You throw it out there, and based on the reactions, you decide whether to swim or run for the hills. I said hello to a group, and the response was so lukewarm, I felt like I should've handed out apology cards afterward. Note to self: carry a stack of Sorry for Interrupting Your Bubble cards just in case.

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