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I asked my friend if he wanted to play a game, and he said, "Sure, let's play hide and seek." We're both adults, so I suggested we upgrade to hide and drink. Turns out, finding each other after a few drinks is a real challenge.
Why is it that every time someone says, "Wanna play a game?" it turns into a psychological thriller? I'm just trying to enjoy a friendly round of Uno, not participate in an intense study of human behavior under pressure.
Wanna play a game?" is the adult version of being lured into a van with promises of candy. I'm just waiting for someone to pop out with a game board and be like, "Surprise! It's Scrabble. Let's see your vocabulary skills.
You ever notice how "Wanna play a game?" is just a polite way of saying, "I'm bored, entertain me"? I need a flowchart to decide if I'm in the mood for charades or if I'd rather just sit in silence.
You know, the other day someone asked me, "Wanna play a game?" and I thought, great, finally my chance to excel at something. Turns out, it was just Monopoly. I haven't felt that betrayed since I found out quicksand wasn't going to be the real issue in adulthood.
Wanna play a game?" is the question that starts every friendship and ends every relationship. It's like the gateway drug to social interaction. Uno today, awkward small talk tomorrow.
Wanna play a game?" is the universal code for "I don't know how to start a conversation, so let's distract ourselves with something." I'm just waiting for someone to invite me over for a game night and then confess they're out of snacks. Game on, my friend, game on.
Wanna play a game?" is the adult version of "I dare you." It always starts innocently enough, but next thing you know, you're attempting to balance a spoon on your nose or trying to impersonate a celebrity with a mouthful of crackers.
I told my friend, "Wanna play a game?" and he handed me a Rubik's Cube. I said, "You know I never finished this thing as a kid, right?" He replied, "Yeah, but now you're an adult with Google. No excuses." So now I'm just a grown-up trying to solve a colorful puzzle and questioning my life choices.
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