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You ever notice how the word "supremacist" sounds like someone tried to make a fancy salad dressing? "Ah yes, I'll have the arugula with a drizzle of balsamic supremacist, please.
There's a new trend – tech supremacists. You know, the folks who act like they're on a higher plane because they know how to code. Meanwhile, I'm still trying to figure out how to set up my voicemail. "Hello, you've reached the person who's technologically challenged. Leave a message after the beep, or send a carrier pigeon.
I recently discovered that there are even grammar supremacists. You forget an Oxford comma, and suddenly you've committed a linguistic crime. It's like being pulled over by the grammar police – "Sir, do you know why I pulled you over? Lack of punctuation. License and registration, please.
You ever notice how people become grammar supremacists on social media? It's like the moment they hit "post," they transform into linguistic superheroes, ready to correct the world's spelling and grammar. Meanwhile, I'm just happy if autocorrect doesn't turn my innocent text into a wild misinterpretation.
I think we all have a friend who's a coffee supremacist. You know the type – "Oh, you don't grind your own beans and use a French press? You're practically drinking mud." I'm just here with my instant coffee like, "Well, I'm saving time and my taste buds are on vacation.
You know, the term "supremacist" has really upped its game. I mean, back in the day, it used to be about who had the fanciest hat. Now it's all about ideologies. I miss the days when a heated argument was just about whether bow ties were cool.
I found out there are food supremacists too. You ever try to argue with someone about pineapple on pizza? It's like entering a culinary war zone. "Listen, buddy, if I want fruit on my pizza, I'll throw a tomato at it.
I was thinking about starting a support group for recovering perfectionists – the original supremacists. Our first rule would be to accept that sometimes, it's okay to have mismatched socks. Baby steps, people, baby steps.
Have you ever met a cat supremacists? You try to pet their dog, and they're like, "Excuse me, my Fluffy prefers the finest handcrafted, organic, gluten-free treats, not your generic affection." I swear, cats are like the royalty of the pet world.
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