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Why did the college kid bring a ladder to the bar? Because he heard the drinks were on the house!
Why don't college kids ever play hide and seek? Because good luck hiding when your student loans are looking for you!
What's a college kid's favorite type of math? Geometry – they know all the angles for the perfect selfie!
The Culinary Adventures of College Kids
College kids, you guys are the true pioneers of culinary creativity. I mean, who else can turn a ramen noodle packet and some ketchup into a gourmet meal? It's like watching a cooking show where the secret ingredient is desperation.
The Library Chronicles of College Kids
College libraries are fascinating places. It's like a jungle where the main predator is procrastination, and the prey is any available power outlet. If you see a college kid stalking an outlet, give them space - they're in their natural hunting habitat.
Coffee: The Nectar of College Survival
If coffee companies were honest with their slogans, it would be something like, Our coffee: because college kids can't survive on 4 hours of sleep and sheer willpower alone. Seriously, coffee is the unsung hero of every college student's survival kit.
Graduation Day: The Ultimate College Kid Achievement Unlocked
Graduation day is the Olympics for college kids. It's the day you get a gold medal in adulting. And by gold medal, I mean a piece of paper that says, Congratulations, you survived. Now, go pay off those student loans and try not to cry too much.
Dating in College: The Art of Subtle Stalking
College relationships are a unique experience. You know you've reached a new level of intimacy when you can recite your partner's class schedule better than your own. Oh, you have calculus at 10 AM? I was planning on accidentally running into you at the cafeteria then.
The Dangers of Group Projects
Group projects in college are like a real-life survival game. It's you against the world, armed only with a PowerPoint presentation and the hope that your classmates did more than just change the font size.
College Kids and the Art of Impulse Purchases
College students, you're experts at justifying impulse purchases. I bought that $50 hoodie because it was on sale. I saved so much money! No, you didn't save money; you just spent less than you could have. There's a difference.
The Scientific Method of Choosing Classes
College kids have a sophisticated method for choosing classes. It involves a complex algorithm that includes the professor's RateMyProfessors score, the distance from the dorm, and whether the class is scheduled during naptime. It's practically a science.
College Kids and the Mystery of Laundry Day
You ever notice how college kids approach laundry day like they're solving a complex puzzle? It's like they're standing in front of the washing machine, trying to decipher hieroglyphics. Do I put the detergent here or sacrifice a sock to the laundry gods?
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