4 Jokes About Ocd

Standup-Comedy Bits

Updated on: Jul 27 2024

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Dating with OCD is a whole different ball game. I mean, I once went on a date, and the guy noticed that I aligned the salt and pepper shakers perfectly before using them. He asked, "Is this a date or a geometry lesson?" I said, "Well, I like my angles acute and my relationships right!"
But seriously, the struggle is real. I can't help but notice the little things. Like, if my date doesn't neatly fold their napkin or if they mix their peas with mashed potatoes, it's like watching a horror movie for me. I have to resist the urge to scream, "No, don't mix the peas! It's anarchy!"
And then there's the issue of germs. I carry hand sanitizer like it's my superhero sidekick. My date tried to hold my hand, and I was like, "Hold on, let me disinfect first!" Romance, right?
You know you have OCD when your idea of a wild night is organizing your sock drawer. I confessed this to my friend, and he looked at me like I was an alien. I said, "What? You've never experienced the euphoria of perfectly paired socks?"
And don't even get me started on the struggle of grocery shopping. I have a list, and if an item is out of stock, it's like a plot twist in a thriller movie. My heart races, palms get sweaty, and I stand there wondering if I should rewrite the entire script of my shopping adventure.
But hey, despite the quirks, I embrace my OCD. It keeps me on my toes, especially when those toes need to be aligned perfectly. And who knows, maybe one day I'll start a support group for people who alphabetize their spice racks. We'll call it "Spice Anonymous." But shh, it's a secret society!
You know, I recently found out that I might have a touch of OCD. Yeah, I mean, it's not diagnosed or anything, but when I asked my friend if he noticed any signs, he said, "Well, you did straighten that crooked picture on my wall last week." I thought I was just being helpful; turns out, it's a compulsion!
But it's not just that. The other day, I was rearranging my bookshelf alphabetically, and my neighbor walked in and said, "Are you okay?" I replied, "Yeah, just organizing my life one book at a time." Who knew being neat and tidy could be so concerning?
And don't get me started on cleaning. I can spend hours scrubbing the kitchen counter. My friend asked me if I was training for the Olympics in kitchen cleaning. I said, "Well, if they had a gold medal for shining faucets, I'd be a champion!
So, I brought my OCD to the workplace, thinking it might make me more efficient. But now, my colleagues avoid me in the break room. I overheard them saying, "Don't use the microwave after her; she has a thing about even numbers." Guilty as charged! Odd numbers just rub me the wrong way.
And meetings? Oh, boy. I have a color-coded system for taking notes. My boss once asked, "Is that the secret code for the company's success?" I replied, "Well, if success smells like rainbow-colored markers, then yes!"
But hey, at least my desk is always immaculate. My coworker told me I have the cleanest desk in the office. I said, "Well, a clutter-free desk is a clutter-free mind." And if that's not a corporate philosophy, I don't know what is!

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