51 Jokes For None

Updated on: Jul 12 2024

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In the bustling city of Nonsensica, known for its peculiar happenings, lived a competitive group of jugglers. Their favorite pastime? Juggling invisible objects. The undisputed champion, Larry, boasted that he could juggle "none" better than anyone else.
Main Event:
A juggling competition was announced, and Larry, fueled by confidence, took center stage. The crowd watched in anticipation as Larry mimed tossing and catching invisible balls with unmatched precision. The crowd erupted in cheers, convinced they were witnessing the pinnacle of invisible juggling.
However, the situation escalated when Gary, the town prankster (yes, the same one from Ironyville), decided to spice things up. He stealthily replaced Larry's invisible balls with invisible balloons filled with helium. As Larry tossed them, the invisible balloons floated away, leaving him frantically reaching for something that wasn't there.
The absurdity reached its peak as Larry leaped, twirled, and ducked in a futile attempt to catch the elusive invisible balloons. The crowd, initially impressed, now roared with laughter at Larry's unintentional comedy routine.
As Larry finally realized the prank, he took a bow, admitting defeat with a hearty laugh. The city of Nonsensica had a new juggling legend—Larry, the juggler who left none standing. Gary, satisfied with the chaos he'd caused, sauntered away, leaving Larry to bask in the applause of a delighted, if slightly bewildered, audience.
In the quaint town of Ironyville, where the air was always thick with irony, lived a peculiar character named Ben. Ben had a peculiar hobby—he collected "Do Not Enter" signs. Not just any signs, mind you, only those that bore the enigmatic message, "None Shall Pass." One day, while strolling through his collection, he decided to host an exclusive gathering at his home for fellow enthusiasts of the absurd.
Main Event:
As the guests arrived, Ben proudly showcased his prized collection of "None Shall Pass" signs. Things took a hilarious turn when an overly zealous neighbor, Gary, mistook the invitation for a dare and attempted to cross the threshold. The resulting chaos involved a banana peel, a strategically placed rake, and an inflatable penguin. The room echoed with laughter as Gary, now tangled in an impromptu obstacle course, realized he had indeed passed through the forbidden zone.
Amidst the confusion, Ben's pet parrot, aptly named None, squawked disapprovingly from its perch, adding an extra layer of absurdity. The gathering, initially meant to celebrate the absurdity of "None Shall Pass," turned into a slapstick spectacle that left everyone in stitches.
As the guests departed, shaking their heads in disbelief, Ben quipped, "Well, I guess 'None Shall Pass' unless it's Gary on a mission." The town of Ironyville had a new legend, and None, the parrot, had a new catchphrase.
Meet Alice, the quirky beekeeper who had an uncanny ability to communicate with her bees. One sunny day, she decided to hold a spelling bee competition for her buzzing companions. The challenge was simple: spell the word "None." Little did Alice know, her bees were more interested in wordplay than spelling.
Main Event:
As the spelling bee commenced, Alice, with a stern expression, presented the first word. "Spell 'None,'" she declared. The bees buzzed with excitement, forming intricate patterns in the air. Suddenly, they spelled out "N-U-N," leaving Alice perplexed. She scratched her head, wondering if her bees had taken up ecclesiastical studies.
Undeterred, Alice continued with more words, each time receiving amusingly inaccurate spellings. The word "None" became "Nun," "Numb," and even "Noodle." The bee audience erupted in tiny, harmonious laughter, leaving Alice in stitches.
In the end, Alice conceded defeat, realizing that her bees had a mischievous sense of humor. She shrugged and said, "Well, I guess spelling bee competitions are none of their beeswax." The bees, sensing victory, buzzed around triumphantly, and Alice couldn't help but join in the laughter, sharing the sweet moment with her mischievous spelling companions.
Welcome aboard Air Absurdia, the world's quirkiest airline. Among its peculiar offerings was the "None of Your Business Class," a seating option shrouded in mystery. Passengers were curious but had no idea what awaited them.
Main Event:
As passengers settled into the "None of Your Business Class" section, they discovered the in-flight entertainment consisted of a live stand-up comedy show hosted by a comedian named None. None delivered jokes about everything from invisible airline food to the absurdity of turbulence caused by laughing clouds. The passengers, initially perplexed, soon found themselves laughing uncontrollably at None's clever wordplay and dry wit.
To add to the confusion, flight attendants served invisible gourmet meals, prompting passengers to pretend they were feasting on delicacies that were none of their actual business. The cabin erupted in laughter, creating a unique atmosphere where the line between reality and absurdity blurred.
As the flight landed, the passengers exited with smiles on their faces, still pondering the enigma of the "None of Your Business Class." None, the comedian, bid them farewell, saying, "Remember, the best flights are the ones where none of your expectations land safely. Bon voyage to the land of absurdity!" And so, the legend of Air Absurdia's exclusive class soared to new heights, leaving passengers with memories of a flight where "none of your business" was the best business class of all.
Why don't eggs tell jokes? Because they'd crack each other up. None of them want to be scrambled by laughter!
I'm on a seafood diet. I see food, and I eat it. None of the dishes escape my grasp!
I told my wife she should embrace her mistakes. She gave me a hug. None of us could stop chuckling!
I'm trying to organize a hide and seek tournament, but none of the teams want to be found. It's as if they're hiding!
I would tell you a joke about construction, but I'm still working on it. None of my ideas have built up yet!
I told my friend she should embrace her mistakes. She hugged me. None of us expected such a warm response!
Why did the number zero feel left out? Because it's none of the other numbers!
I asked my math teacher what's after 69. She said, 'Mouthwash'. I guess none of us were expecting that!
I have a fear of speed bumps, but I'm slowly getting over it. It's none too easy!
Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field, and none could beat him!
I'm reading a book on anti-gravity. It's impossible to put down. None of the pages stay on the table!
I told my wife she was drawing her eyebrows too high. She looked surprised, but none the less, she kept drawing.
Why was the belt arrested? Because it held up a pair of pants, and none could believe how many charges it had!
I used to play piano by ear, but now I use my hands. None of the keys seemed to appreciate my sense of touch!
Why don't scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything. None of them stick to the truth!
Why don't skeletons fight each other? Because they don't have the guts. None of them do!
I bought shoes from a drug dealer. I don't know what he laced them with, but I was tripping all day. None of my steps felt real!
I told my computer I needed a break. It replied, 'Ctrl-Alt-Delete'. None of us are getting any rest here!
Why did the bicycle fall over? Because it was two-tired. None of the other bikes could help it!
I tried to catch fog yesterday. I mist. None of it was in my hands!
Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing. None of the veggies could stop laughing!
Why was the math book sad? Because it had too many problems. None of the answers were helping!

Gym Enthusiast

The struggle to stay fit
I asked the personal trainer for abs, and he gave me an ab-stract explanation about diet and exercise. I just wanted a six-pack, not a dissertation.

Pet Owner

Dealing with a mischievous pet
My parrot learned to imitate my alarm clock perfectly. Now, every morning, I wake up to the sound of my own voice yelling, "Five more minutes!

Dating Life

Navigating the world of online dating
My online dating profile says, "I'm looking for someone who enjoys long walks, deep conversations, and paying for half of the dinner bill." Surprisingly, no takers.

Office Worker

Dealing with annoying coworkers
I told my coworker a joke to lighten the mood, but all I got was a memo about inappropriate workplace humor.

Home Chef

Cooking disasters
I followed a recipe that said, "Let it simmer for 20 minutes." After 20 minutes, it was still simmering, but my patience was boiling over.

Ghostly Gadgets

I bought a ghost detector online. It arrived, and I asked it if there were any spirits around. It replied, Yeah, the one who just bought a ghost detector. What a loser. I thought I was buying a tool; turns out, I got a snarky spectral sidekick.

Specter at the Comedy Club

I saw a ghost trying stand-up comedy the other day. It was a tough crowd, and he was struggling. Kept complaining that he couldn't get any boo's. Well, buddy, that's because they're all 'boo'ing you from the afterlife.

Haunted GPS

I met a ghost who claimed he was an expert navigator. He said he could lead you anywhere. I asked for directions, and he said, Take the second right after the graveyard. I thought I was lost, but he assured me it was a dead-end.

Casper's Identity Crisis

I met Casper, the friendly ghost, the other day. He told me he's tired of being friendly all the time. He wants to be a little edgy, maybe even a bit spooky. I said, Casper, you do you, but good luck convincing people you're the 'Bad Boy of the Afterlife.'

Paranormal Potluck

I hosted a potluck for ghosts last week. It was a real spirit gathering. One ghost brought an invisible casserole. I said, Man, this is great! Can I get the recipe? And he replied, Sure, just like my cooking skills – a dash of nothing, a sprinkle of air.

Haunted House Real Estate

I tried to buy a haunted house once. The realtor told me it came with its own ghost. I asked if it had any issues, and he said, Just the occasional 'boo' in the middle of the night. I thought, Perfect! I always wanted a house with built-in entertainment.

The Absent-Minded Ghost

You ever hear about the ghost who wanted to haunt people but kept forgetting where he left his chains? He was so absent-minded; he'd rattle a doorknob and then spend hours searching for it. Poor guy, he's haunting his own forgetfulness.

Haunted Relationships

I dated a ghost once. It was going well until I realized we had no future. I'd ask, Where do you see us in five years? and he'd say, Still here, haunting this spot. I had to break up; I needed a relationship with a bit more life in it.

Phantom Foodie

I met a ghost who was a food critic in his past life. He said, I only review invisible dishes now. I asked him to recommend something, and he said, The spectral soufflé – light, airy, and vanishes before you finish.

Ghostly Workout Routine

I saw a ghost at the gym the other day. He was on the treadmill, but he wasn't really going anywhere. I asked him what his workout routine was, and he said, Cardio for the soul, man, cardio for the soul.
You ever notice how socks have this magical power? They can go into the washing machine as a pair, but somehow, one of them always vanishes into the Narnia of laundry. Seriously, where do they go? Maybe there's a secret society of single socks out there plotting their escape.
Ever notice how the weather forecast is basically just a weatherperson making educated guesses while we all pretend they have some supernatural connection with the clouds? "There's a 60% chance it'll rain." Well, there's a 100% chance I'll forget my umbrella.
You ever try to quietly open a bag of chips during a meeting or a movie? It's like trying to diffuse a bomb in a library. No matter how slow you go, that bag will sound louder than a rock concert in a library.
You know what's a modern mystery? USBs. No matter how many times you try, it's always a 50-50 gamble. First try? Wrong side. Flip it over. Wrong again. Third time's a charm, but by then, I've lost 10 minutes of my life and gained an existential crisis.
You know what's funny? The snooze button on the alarm clock. It's like a little reward for every morning you choose denial over responsibility. "Five more minutes," I say, as if I'm negotiating world peace with my bed.
Why is it that when someone says, "We need to talk," it feels like the universe pauses, and every embarrassing moment of your life decides to play on a mental projector? It's never about something simple like, "Hey, did you see the latest episode of that show?" Nope, it's always a journey into the unknown emotional rollercoaster.
Let's talk about houseplants. They say they're low maintenance, but it's like they have mood swings. One day they're flourishing like they're auditioning for a botanical magazine cover, and the next, they're giving you the silent treatment faster than a teenager with an attitude.
Let's talk about shopping carts for a second. Why do they always have that one wonky wheel that decides it wants to take you on a spontaneous shopping adventure? And why does it sound like I'm rolling a medieval chariot through the aisles?
Isn't it amusing how our phones have become extensions of ourselves? I mean, 10 years ago, if you left your house without your wallet, you'd panic. Now? Forget your phone, and suddenly, you're cut off from civilization like Tom Hanks in 'Cast Away.
Ever walk into a room with a purpose and then forget why you went there in the first place? It's like my brain has its own version of a surprise plot twist. "Ah, yes, I came here to... um, admire the wall?

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