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Hey, everybody! So, I got a note from my ghostwriter that just said "may the fourth." And I was like, are they reminding me to pay my rent on the fourth or something? But then it hit me, "May the Fourth Be with You" – the Star Wars day! You know, because it sounds like "May the Force be with you." Clever, right? I love how nerds have this special day dedicated to Star Wars. It's like the one day a year they step into the sunlight, look around, and go, "Wait, there's a world beyond Tatooine?" I can imagine them dressed as Jedi, but instead of a lightsaber, they're wielding a TV remote, trying to change the channel with the power of the Force. "This is not the Netflix show you're looking for."
And let's talk about the prequels for a moment. You know, the ones that George Lucas gave us after we all collectively said, "We want more Star Wars, but maybe not like this." I mean, I love Ewan McGregor, but even he couldn't save the dialogue in those movies. "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating, and it gets everywhere." Really, Anakin? That's your idea of a pickup line? No wonder Padmé fell for you.
So, on May the Fourth, let's celebrate by watching Star Wars, quoting Yoda, and trying not to get into a debate about whether Han shot first. May the Fourth be with you, always.
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