17 Kids Under 10 Jokes


Updated on: Aug 21 2024

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Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing!
What do you call a pile of cats? A meowtain!
What did one plate say to another? Tonight, dinner's on me!
How do you organize a space party for kids? You planet!
Why don't scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything!
What did the grape say when it got stepped on? Nothing, it just let out a little wine!
What did the janitor say when he jumped out of the closet? Supplies!

Kids Under 10

You ever try to have a serious conversation with a kid under 10? It's like negotiating with tiny, irrational dictators. You can't win an argument with someone whose comeback is just sticking out their tongue and making fart noises. I tried discussing the state of the economy with my nephew, and he responded by asking if Batman could beat up Superman. I mean, priorities, right?

Kids Under 10

Kids under 10 have this amazing ability to turn any mundane task into a full-blown adventure. Trying to get them to eat vegetables is like negotiating a peace treaty. If you eat your broccoli, you can have dessert. It's like I'm a diplomat brokering a deal between warring factions. Diplomacy by dessert, the newest strategy at the United Nations.

Kids Under 10

Kids under 10 have an uncanny ability to pick up on adult phrases and use them in the most awkward situations. I overheard my neighbor's kid telling his friend, My mom said life is like a box of chocolates. I'm just waiting for the day he drops a That's what she said during show-and-tell at school.

Kids Under 10

You know you're dealing with kids under 10 when they think nap time is a form of punishment. They resist sleep like it's a prison sentence. I tried to explain the benefits of a good nap to my nephew, and he looked at me and said, I'll sleep when I'm dead. Buddy, you're 7. You've got a long way to go before that happens.

Kids Under 10

Ever notice how kids under 10 have this amazing talent for turning everyday objects into weapons? I gave my nephew a cardboard box once, and within minutes, he had fashioned it into a sword, complete with sound effects. I've never been more impressed and terrified by someone's arts and crafts skills.

Kids Under 10

Trying to get a group of kids under 10 to take a group photo is like herding cats with ADHD. It's chaos. Someone's picking their nose, another is doing a Fortnite dance, and one kid is just staring off into space contemplating the meaning of life. I've learned to embrace the candid chaos – it's like a Picasso painting, but with juice boxes and backpacks.

Kids Under 10

I recently tried to explain the concept of time to my neighbor's 8-year-old. I said, You know, time waits for no one. He looked at me and said, Except Santa. He waits until everyone's asleep. Well, kid, that's a perspective I hadn't considered. Maybe Santa is the ultimate time management guru.

Kids Under 10

Kids under 10 are like tiny detectives, always asking questions that you're not prepared to answer. Why is the sky blue? Why do birds fly? Why can't I have ice cream for breakfast? I don't know, kid, maybe because we're not in a Willy Wonka movie where everything is made of sugar. I tried to explain gravity to my niece, and she just looked at me and said, Well, I still think unicorns could fly if they wanted to.

Kids Under 10

I tried to teach my niece about responsibility by giving her a goldfish to take care of. Two days later, the fish had a more extravagant funeral than most people I know. She insisted we have a procession and played Amazing Grace on her recorder. I didn't have the heart to tell her the fish was probably happier in that little toilet bowl.

Kids Under 10

Have you ever played hide and seek with a kid under 10? It's like they think they've discovered a new dimension where they become invisible. I spent an hour once looking for my cousin's son. Turns out, he was hiding behind a curtain the whole time, giggling like he had outsmarted the FBI. I told him next time; I'm bringing a bloodhound.

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