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Bear-y Fitness Freak
A black bear attempting to adopt a healthy lifestyle in a world obsessed with fitness
Black bears are the original yogis. Downward-facing bear is their favorite pose, especially when there's a berry involved.
Bear-y Fashionable
A black bear attempting to stay on top of the latest fashion trends
The black bear tried to buy skinny jeans, but they couldn't find any in their size. Apparently, bears are more into "hibernation chic.
Bear-y Political
A black bear running for political office in a world dominated by humans
The bear politician promised change. The first change? Every Friday is now Fish Fry-day in the city park.
Bear-y Awkward Dates
A black bear trying to navigate the challenges of dating in the human world
Black bears are great at hibernating, not so great at speed dating. When they were asked to introduce themselves in 30 seconds, they just stood there, looking beary confused.
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