4 Jokes For Big Deal

Standup-Comedy Bits

Updated on: Aug 12 2024

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You ever notice how when you're excited about something and you tell someone, they hit you with the "big deal" response? Like, I was thrilled because I finally conquered my fear of public speaking, and my friend goes, "Oh, big deal, I do that every day at work." Well, congratulations on having a job that requires talking. I just conquered the mental gymnastics of not fainting in front of an audience. Big deal, indeed!
And why is it that whenever you're genuinely happy about something, there's always that one person who wants to rain on your parade? "You got a new car? Big deal, it's just a bunch of metal and wheels." Yeah, well, your negativity is just a bunch of bad vibes and bad breath, but you don't hear me complaining!
I think we need a "Big Deal Support Group" where you can share your victories, and everyone cheers you on. "Finally learned how to fold a fitted sheet? Big deal! You're a domestic superhero!" We all need a little validation in our lives.
So, the next time someone tries to downplay your excitement with a "big deal," just respond with, "Damn right, it is a big deal! Now, who's going to celebrate with me?!" Let's turn every accomplishment, big or small, into a party because life's too short to let anyone steal your big deal thunder!
You ever notice how people use "big deal" to make you feel like you're overreacting? Like, I was telling my friend about this incredible sale I found, and she goes, "Oh, big deal, it's just clothes." Excuse me? It's not just clothes; it's a fashion revolution happening at a discounted price!
And what's with the eye roll that comes with it? You share something exciting, and suddenly you're the drama queen of the century. "Oh, you adopted a puppy? Big deal!" Really? It's not just a dog; it's a furry therapist with unconditional love and questionable bathroom habits. That's a big deal!
I think we should have an "Eye Roll Amnesty Day." You get one day a year where you can roll your eyes at anything and everything without judgment. Want to roll your eyes at someone's selfie with a salad? Go ahead. Feel the urge to roll your eyes when someone says they can't live without coffee? It's your day, my friend!
So, next time someone says, "Big deal," just remember, your excitement is not misplaced. It's a big deal, and you're just living your best eye-roll-free life!
You know, I was talking to my neighbor the other day, and I told him I finally finished writing that novel I've been working on for years. You know what he said? "Big deal, everybody's got a novel in them." Oh, really? Because last time I checked, most people can't even finish a jigsaw puzzle without losing a few pieces and their sanity.
But seriously, why do we downplay each other's accomplishments? "Oh, you climbed Mount Everest? Big deal! I climbed Mount Laundry today, and it was just as treacherous." I want to see the "Big Deal Olympics," where people compete in everyday challenges like finding matching Tupperware lids and assembling IKEA furniture without a single curse word.
Maybe we should all start responding with, "Yeah, it is a big deal!" Imagine a world where we hype each other up for the little victories. "You parallel parked perfectly? Big deal! That's like threading a needle with a moving target!"
Let's embrace the big deals, no matter how small, and create a world where achievement is celebrated, even if it's just figuring out how to fold a fitted sheet.
You know, people always use the phrase "big deal" to downplay things. Like, "Oh, you got a promotion? Big deal!" Yeah, it is a big deal! I mean, who decided that we should minimize each other's achievements? It's like we're all walking around with a personal achievement deflator.
I told my friend I finally learned how to make a perfect omelet, and he goes, "Oh, big deal." Really? Do you know how many eggs sacrificed their yolks for my culinary enlightenment? It's a big deal in the chicken community! But apparently, in the grand scheme of things, my omelet mastery is on par with finding spare change in the couch.
I think we need a "Big Deal Committee" to validate our accomplishments. You submit your achievement, and they assess whether it's worthy of celebration. "Changed a flat tire? Approved! Found matching socks? Denied. We all know that's practically impossible."
So, let's start celebrating the small victories because, hey, life is a series of big deals and tiny triumphs. And if someone tells you it's not a big deal, just say, "Well, you must not have had to endure the struggle of mismatched socks!

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