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Joke Types
Socially Distanced Dating
Navigating the challenges of dating during a pandemic.
They say laughter is the best medicine, so I tried telling a joke on a date. The problem is, with masks on, you can't see if someone is smiling or crying. I'm just standing there like a pandemic stand-up, wondering if I should hand out emotional PPE.
The Great Mask Dilemma
Dealing with mask-related inconveniences.
I recently sneezed in my mask, and it felt like a confetti cannon of regret. It's like my face hosted its own surprise party, and no one was invited. The only thing I dispersed was a cloud of awkwardness.
Quarantine Chronicles
Trying to find a silver lining in lockdown.
I've watched so many cooking tutorials during lockdown that my microwave now judges me. The other day, I tried making a soufflé in it, and I swear I heard a faint beep saying, "You're doing it wrong, Karen!
Home Workout Havoc
Attempting to stay fit while confined to home.
Home workouts have turned me into a contortionist. I'm pretty sure my neighbors think I've taken up interpretative dance, but in reality, I'm just trying to reach the TV remote without leaving the couch. It's a full-body stretch routine.
Vaccine Adventures
Navigating the vaccine rollout.
They say the vaccine has side effects. I've been waiting for something cool, like the ability to speak a new language or sudden proficiency in breakdancing. Instead, all I got was a sore arm and an unexplainable desire to binge-watch documentaries about penguins.
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