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The teenage eye roll – a timeless expression that transcends generations. I asked my son if he invented it, and he gave me the most epic eye roll I've ever seen. I guess he's a chip off the old block.
Teenagers and laundry – it's a mystery that rivals the Bermuda Triangle. Clothes go in, and somehow, they disappear into a black hole where folding seems to be an alien concept. I'm convinced there's a laundry gnome stealing all the matching socks.
Teenagers have a unique talent for turning any family meal into a silent competition of who can stare at their phone the longest without blinking. It's like a modern-day version of a staring contest, except with more Instagram and fewer eye contact skills.
Trying to understand a teenager's music is like decoding an ancient manuscript written in an alien language. I thought I was hip until my son played his favorite song, and I felt like I was auditioning for a spot on a game show called "Name That Unintelligible Sound.
You know you have a teenage son when every conversation feels like negotiating with a tiny lawyer. "Can I stay out until midnight?" is just their way of saying, "Let's make a deal, Dad – I'll throw in an extra 'please' if you add an hour to my curfew.
Teenage sons have this incredible ability to transform a perfectly clean room into a chaotic war zone in under 10 minutes. I'm starting to think they secretly major in "Mess Management" during high school.
Teenagers and sleep have a complicated relationship. Getting them out of bed in the morning is like trying to negotiate with a hibernating bear. If only they put the same effort into waking up as they do into perfecting the art of sleeping in.
One day, my teenage son asked me, "What was life like before the internet, Dad?" I felt like a character in a historical drama, reminiscing about the ancient times when people actually had to leave their houses to find out what their friends were up to.
Parenting a teenage son is like having a live-in critic. Everything you do is subject to intense scrutiny, and they're not shy about sharing their opinions. "Dad, your music is so last century!" Sorry, son, I didn't realize the classics had an expiration date.
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