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The Overly Enthusiastic Travel Agent
Balancing enthusiasm and realistic expectations
Went to a travel agent who convinced me that camping in the woods was a five-star experience. Yeah, the only five stars were the ones mosquitoes left on my Yelp-worthy face.
The Time-Traveling Travel Agent
Navigating through time zones and historical destinations
I asked my time-traveling travel agent for a futuristic vacation. He said, "Sure, how about the year 3000? The bad news is you have to bring your own hoverboard. The good news is your selfie stick will finally be considered retro.
The Tech-Savvy Travel Agent
Navigating the world of travel tech without losing their sanity
I wanted a traditional travel brochure, but my tech-savvy agent handed me an Instagram account. "Swipe right for the Eiffel Tower, left for the Grand Canyon. Oh, and comment for a chance to win a free sunscreen!
The Budget-Conscious Travel Agent
Making the destination sound incredible while keeping the costs down
I asked for a room with a view, and my budget travel agent delivered. I got a stunning view of the hotel's dumpster, complete with occasional raccoon appearances. Five stars for authenticity.
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