18 Jokes For Secretary


Updated on: Sep 26 2024

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Why did the secretary bring a magnifying glass to the office? To see the bigger picture, of course!
What did the boss say when his secretary suggested going paperless? 'Let's not draw any rash conclusions.
Why did the secretary always bring a calendar to meetings? To remind everyone it was time to get organized!
Why did the secretary bring a map to work? To navigate through the boss's maze of instructions!
Why did the secretary always have a parachute at her desk? In case things started to go downhill!
Why did the secretary bring a ladder to work? Because she heard the job was up-and-coming!
Why did the secretary become a gardener? She wanted to excel at pruning deadlines!
Why did the secretary enroll in a cooking class? She wanted to learn how to stir up some great ideas!

Emails and the Enigma Secretary

I sent an email to my secretary asking her to schedule a meeting, and I swear, her response was like decoding the Da Vinci Code. It had more mystery and intrigue than an Agatha Christie novel. I needed a cipher to understand whether she's saying 'yes,' 'no,' or just randomly mashing the keyboard. I feel like I need a detective just to navigate my own inbox.

The Coffee Connoisseur Secretary

My secretary takes her coffee very seriously. She has a coffee ritual that involves chanting, a special dance, and an incantation to summon the coffee gods. I just want a regular cup of joe, not a caffeine summoning ritual. I'm pretty sure she brews her coffee with the tears of overworked interns.

The Secretary's Superpower

My secretary has this incredible superpower – she can make a simple 'yes' or 'no' answer sound like Shakespeare wrote it. I'll be there asking, Can we get this report by Friday? And she responds with, Perchance, the document shall grace your desk on the morrow. I'm just trying to schedule a meeting, not join a medieval quest!

Desk Drawer Dilemmas with the Secretary

I opened my secretary's desk drawer, and it's like the Bermuda Triangle in there. I found pens from the '90s, a calculator that still uses batteries, and a mysterious key that probably unlocks the secrets of the office universe. I didn't know whether to clean it or call an archaeologist.

Post-It Puzzles with the Secretary

You know you have a cryptic secretary when the office supplies become a puzzle. I found a Post-It note on my desk that said, Bring me the coffee grounds of the sacred bean, and ye shall receive audience at the hour of noon. I didn't know if I was in an office or a quest for the Holy Grind. Is there a coffee oracle I don't know about?

The Memoir-Writing Secretary

I found a diary in the office, and I thought, Oh no, someone left their personal journal! Turns out, it's just my secretary's to-do list. It read like the memoirs of an office warrior: Conquered the copier dragon, vanquished the inbox monster, and had an epic battle with the paperclip wizard. I didn't know office life was so heroic.

The Emoji Secretary

Communicating with my secretary is like deciphering hieroglyphics. Instead of words, it's emojis. I'll get an email with smiley faces, thumbs up, and a coffee cup emoji. I'm just trying to figure out if the meeting is a good idea or if she's inviting me to the secret coffee society. It's like working in an emoji-based escape room.

The Multitasking Secretary

I asked my secretary how she manages to multitask so efficiently. She said it's all about balance. I thought she meant balancing work tasks, but no, she meant literally balancing. I walked into her office, and she's on the phone, typing an email, and doing yoga on a balance ball. I can't even walk and chew gum at the same time!

The Art of Office Espionage

I think my secretary might be a secret agent. She has this mysterious air about her, always whispering on the phone and sending encrypted messages via sticky notes. I asked her if she works for a government agency, and she just winked and said, I'm in the business of organizing chaos. Now I'm not sure if I'm working in an office or the set of a spy thriller.

The Sneaky Secretary

You ever notice how secretaries have this uncanny ability to know everything that's happening in the office? It's like they have a secret spy network. I mean, if I want to know the latest gossip, forget TMZ, I just need to be on good terms with the secretary. They're like the office CIA, but instead of classified information, it's all about who stole Karen's yogurt from the fridge.

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