4 Jokes For Rubbing

Standup-Comedy Bits

Updated on: Jun 13 2024

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You ever notice how people are constantly rubbing things? I mean, I get it, it's a great stress reliever, but sometimes I feel like we're turning into a society of human sandpapers. And it's not just the temples during a headache or the eyes when you're tired – it's everywhere.
I saw a guy the other day rubbing his smartphone screen like he was trying to summon a genie. Dude, it's not going to grant you three wishes, but it might give you carpal tunnel syndrome. And have you noticed how we all become experts in choosing the right rubbing technique for every situation? Oh, my laptop froze? Let me just rub the trackpad like I'm polishing a lamp.
But the real dilemma is when someone starts rubbing your shoulders. It's like an unspoken agreement that this is supposed to be relaxing, but half the time, it feels like they're trying to start a fire back there. And what's with the sudden urge to give unsolicited back rubs in the office? Carol, I appreciate the gesture, but this is a spreadsheet emergency, not a spa day!
New Year's resolutions – we all make them, right? And every year, I promise myself I'm going to exercise more, eat healthier, and be a better person. But there's always that one resolution that sneaks its way in: "I will stop rubbing my eyes."
You ever tried to break the eye-rubbing habit? It's like telling a dog not to chase its tail – impossible. It's such a reflex; I could be mid-conversation, and suddenly my hands are in full sprint towards my eyes. It's like my brain has a secret deal with my hands to sabotage my vision.
And don't even get me started on trying to explain this resolution to friends. "Why are you sitting on your hands, dude?" Oh, just trying to avoid a resolution relapse, nothing to see here. It's tough, though. Rubbing your eyes is like a mini-vacation for your face. I'm convinced there's a tiny spa in there, and my fingers are the masseuses.
We live in a world obsessed with self-care, and everyone's got their own remedy for stress. Some people do yoga, others meditate, and then there's that one friend who swears by crystal healing. But me? I'm a simple guy. I believe in the power of rubbing.
I've got my own self-care routine – forget essential oils and incense, just give me a good old-fashioned back rub. It's the duct tape of relaxation – fixes everything. Stressed about work? Rub it out. Relationship troubles? Rub it out. Your favorite show got canceled? Well, that one might need a longer rub, but you get the idea.
And let's not forget the universal cure-all: a warm cup of tea and a comforting hand to rub your back. I'm telling you, folks, if the world leaders just sat down and gave each other back rubs, we'd have world peace in no time. Just imagine the United Nations General Assembly – "In today's session, representatives from across the globe engaged in a groundbreaking peace summit, featuring a record-breaking group back rub."
Remember, folks, when life gets tough, just keep on rubbing – it might not solve everything, but it sure feels like it does.
Have you ever observed the competitive rubbing that happens when you're standing in a crowded elevator? It's like we've entered the Rubbing Olympics, and the gold medal goes to the person who can make the most unnecessary physical contact in a 30-second ride.
I call it the "Elevator Shimmy." You're just trying to mind your own business, and suddenly you're part of a synchronized rubbing routine. Elbows, shoulders, a little hip action – it's like a bizarre dance, and nobody knows the steps. And the person closest to the buttons becomes the accidental conductor, orchestrating this awkward ballet of unintentional human connection.
I've started keeping track of my personal best – how many rubs can I endure in a single elevator ride without losing my cool? It's like a game show, but instead of winning prizes, you get a story to tell at parties. "Yeah, I once survived 23 rubs in a 15-floor ride. Beat that!

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