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The Teenage Gamer
Confusion between gaming remotes and TV remotes
My dad asked me to show him how to use the remote for the streaming service. I felt like a sensei teaching ancient martial arts. "First, you press this button, then you swipe left like you're dodging spoilers.
The Smart Home Enthusiast
Introducing the universal remote to control everything
My smart home is so advanced; even the remote needs a software update. I didn't realize my TV was running on Windows 95 until it crashed during the season finale. Thanks, Bill Gates, for making my TV nostalgic.
The Multitasking Mom
Juggling a dozen remotes while managing the household
Trying to find the right remote in our house is like playing a game of hide and seek. The TV remote is hiding with the gaming console remote, and they're both laughing at me while I'm stuck watching static.
The Technophobe Dad
Trying to navigate the world of remotes
My wife told me to pause the live TV while she went to grab snacks. Little did she know, I hit the wrong button and paused reality. Now she thinks I have the power to freeze time. The expectations, I tell you!
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