53 Jokes For Once

Updated on: Aug 26 2024

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Once upon a time in the peculiar village of Ticktockington, there lived a clockmaker named Mr. Chime. One day, as he was repairing an antique grandfather clock, he accidentally spilled a bottle of time-traveling glue on the floor. Little did he know that this mishap would set off a series of chronological calamities.
Main Event:
The town's postman, Mr. Timely, happened to stroll into the clock shop just as Mr. Chime was trying to clean up the sticky mess. Unaware of the situation, Mr. Timely slipped on the glue, propelling him back in time to the village's founding day. Startled, he mistook the villagers in historic garb for his modern-day friends, leading to a parade of hilariously confused encounters.
In the end, as the villagers scratched their heads at the bizarre events, Mr. Chime managed to reverse the time-traveling glue's effects. Mr. Timely returned to the present, slightly befuddled but with a newfound appreciation for living in the right century. The once-sticky situation left the village with a timeless tale and a chuckle echoing through Ticktockington.
Once in a while, a fitness craze sweeps through the small town of Munchville, and this time, it was the "Once-In-A-Lifetime Diet." Mrs. Crunch, the eccentric health enthusiast, claimed that eating only once in a lifetime would lead to unparalleled vitality. The whole town, captivated by her enthusiasm, decided to give it a go.
Main Event:
As the townsfolk gathered for their once-in-a-lifetime feast, chaos ensued. The buffet, brimming with exotic delicacies, was devoured in seconds by ravenous diners. The mayor accidentally ingested a whole pineapple, mistaking it for a new superfruit, while Mrs. Crunch herself choked on a quinoa ball. Amidst the culinary calamity, the townspeople realized that perhaps moderation was the key to a healthier lifestyle.
With stomachs grumbling and a lesson learned, the once-in-a-lifetime diet became a thing of the past. Munchville returned to its normal eating habits, but the townspeople fondly recalled the hilariously misguided attempt at extreme health consciousness. The once-revered diet had left them with a once-in-a-lifetime memory and a newfound appreciation for balanced meals.
Once in the bustling city of Doughville, renowned baker Mrs. Muffin found herself in a peculiar predicament. Known for her delectable pastries, she received a mysterious batch of enchanted flour that promised to add a touch of magic to her creations.
Main Event:
As Mrs. Muffin began baking, the enchanted flour had an unintended consequence – it turned her pastries into mischievous creatures. Cupcakes giggled, cookies scampered off, and the breadsticks engaged in a game of tag. The once-orderly bakery became a whimsical wonderland of animated treats causing delightful chaos.
Amidst the laughter and floury commotion, Mrs. Muffin realized that the key to taming her enchanted pastries was a sprinkle of laughter. With a hearty chuckle, the pastries settled down, and the once-bedeviled baker found herself at the center of a deliciously amusing tale. The enchanted flour, once a source of trouble, became a secret ingredient in Mrs. Muffin's recipe for joy.
Once in a lifetime, the quiet town of Shuffleburg decided to host a grand dance competition. Mr. Shuffle, the enthusiastic dance instructor, was determined to put Shuffleburg on the map with a performance that would leave everyone astounded.
Main Event:
As the night of the competition arrived, Mr. Shuffle, caught in the excitement, accidentally mistook a pair of tap shoes for his ballroom slippers. Midway through his routine, the tap shoes took on a life of their own, sparking a tap-dancing frenzy that left the audience in stitches. The once-elegant ballroom transformed into a chaotic tap dance extravaganza, with Mr. Shuffle desperately trying to keep up.
In a surprising twist, the once-awkward tap dance routine became the talk of Shuffleburg. The townspeople, thoroughly entertained, embraced the unexpected joy that unfolded on the dance floor. Mr. Shuffle, though bewildered, discovered that sometimes the best performances are the ones that happen once in a lifetime – unplanned, uproarious, and unforgettable.
You ever notice how the word "once" always seems to precede some bizarre or unexpected event? Like, "Once upon a time," or "I was at a party, and then, all of a sudden, I was riding a llama. Just once!"
I had a 'once' moment recently. I decided to make a midnight snack, you know, the usual: peanut butter and jelly sandwich. So, I'm spreading the peanut butter, and then, 'once,' I realize I'm out of jelly. Now, you might think, "No big deal, just eat a peanut butter sandwich." But no, not for me. My brain went, "Once upon a midnight snack, a man craved jelly, but fate had other plans." So, there I am, on a quest for jelly at 2 AM, like some peanut butter knight on a ridiculous quest.
You ever feel like life is a series of 'once' choices? You know, those moments where you think, "This is my one shot. I better not mess it up." Like when you're in a fancy restaurant, and the waiter asks if you want dessert. You start thinking, "Am I really going to have dessert? This is a once-in-a-lifetime decision." And then you panic, order the chocolate cake, and suddenly your 'once' moment becomes a 'twice' on the scale.
But seriously, why is it that the best desserts have the most complicated names? I'm sitting there like, "I'll have the... uh... Tiramisu-delightful-caramel-fudge-explosion?" It's like ordering a dessert requires a PhD in pastry.
You ever notice how people always say, "Once upon a time, I was single, and then I met the love of my life"? Well, I met the love of my life once. Literally, just once. We locked eyes in the supermarket, and I thought, "This is it, the moment I've been waiting for." So, I gathered all my courage, walked up, and said, "Excuse me, do you know where the avocados are?" Smooth, right? Turns out, she was a produce manager, and I married her. Once upon a produce section, love blossomed between a man and his avocado queen.
We all have those 'once in a blue moon' achievements in life. Like finally folding a fitted sheet perfectly. It happens once, and you feel like you've conquered Mount Laundry. Or when you successfully parallel park on the first attempt. That's a 'once' moment worthy of a standing ovation. I mean, who needs GPS when you have unparalleled parking skills?
But there are also those 'once' moments where you do something impressive, and no one is around to witness it. Like hitting the trash bin with a crumpled-up piece of paper from across the room. You look around like, "Did anyone see that? No? Well, I guess it's a 'once' moment between me and the waste basket.
I told my wife she should embrace her mistakes. She gave me a hug.
Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing!
I used to play piano by ear, but now I use my hands.
I told my computer I needed a break, and now it won't stop sending me vacation ads.
I used to be a baker because I kneaded dough.
Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field.
Why did the bicycle fall over? Because it was two-tired!
I used to be a baker, but I couldn't make enough dough.
I used to be a tap dancer until I fell in the sink.
Why don't skeletons fight each other? They don't have the guts.
I only know 25 letters of the alphabet. I don't know y.
I used to be a baker, but I couldn't make enough dough.
Why don't scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything.
Why did the scarecrow become a successful therapist? Because he was outstanding in his field.
Once you've seen one shopping center, you've seen a mall.
I used to be a baker, but I couldn't make enough dough.
Once you've seen one geese, you've seen the whole flock.
I told my computer I needed a break, and now it won't stop sending me vacation ads.
I told my computer I needed a break, and now it won't stop sending me vacation ads.
I told my wife she was drawing her eyebrows too high. She looked surprised.

The Overworked Parent

Trying to balance work and family
I took my kid to work for "Bring Your Child to Work Day." She was so excited until she found out my job involves sitting at a computer. She looked at me and said, "So, you just play with a keyboard all day? I want your job, Mom!

The Fitness Enthusiast

Struggling with exercise routines
I attempted a marathon once. The first mile, I felt like a gazelle. By the fifth mile, I resembled a sloth on a treadmill. And by the tenth mile, I was pretty sure I was being chased by a pack of determined turtles.

The Tech Geek

Dealing with technology glitches
I tried using a voice assistant once. I asked it for directions, and it sent me to a river. I guess when I said, "Take me to the nearest bridge," it heard, "Take me to the nearest fridge." Thanks for the scenic route, AI.

The Foodie

Battling food cravings and diets
I attempted cooking a gourmet meal. The recipe said, "Cook until golden brown." Let's just say my kitchen now has a new shade – call it "charcoal chic.

The Student

The struggles of education
I tried to explain my thesis topic to my grandma. She nodded and said, "That's nice, dear. But can you fix the TV remote? It's been stuck on 'mute' since your last explanation about quantum physics." At least I have a backup career as a TV technician.
Once, I tried to impress my crush by telling a joke. The only thing that cracked was my self-esteem.
Once, I decided to become a stand-up comedian. Now, my life is just one punchline after another, and my therapist has a waiting list.
Once upon a time, I decided to try meditation. Let's just say, the only thing that got enlightened was my snooze button!
Once, I attempted to join a gym. The only six-pack I got was from the vending machine in the lobby.
Once, I attempted to be a morning person. My morning routine now involves hitting the snooze button and negotiating with my alarm clock.
Once, I decided to take up gardening. Turns out, my plants have a black thumb, just like my sense of fashion.
Once, I thought I could become a professional chef. My signature dish? Smoke alarms.
Once, I tried to fix my own car. Let's just say, it's now officially a 'vintage' lawn ornament.
Once, I decided to learn a new language. Now, I can confidently order a pizza in six different ways.
Once, I tried to impress my date by cooking a fancy meal. The fire department was equally impressed.
Ever been in a conversation where someone uses the word "once" to start a sentence, and you know a story is coming that's longer than a Lord of the Rings movie? I've mentally packed a lunch for some of those tales.
Have you ever been so determined to fix a typo in a text that you end up rewriting the entire message? I mean, I just wanted to change "duck" to "luck" but, once I started, it turned into a literary masterpiece.
You know you're getting older when you start making noises getting out of bed that you've only heard once before – in horror movies. I'm like my own personal soundtrack of creaks and groans.
I bought a plant once, thinking it would bring some nature into my home. Now it just sits there, judging me like, "You watered me once this month. Are you trying to turn your place into a desert?
Trying to assemble IKEA furniture is a lot like attempting brain surgery when you've only seen it done once on TV. I follow the instructions as if deciphering an ancient map, and in the end, my bookshelf looks like an abstract sculpture of confusion.
You ever notice how "once" is the only word you can say over and over, and it sounds like a weird medieval battle cry? "Once! Once! Once!" I tried it at a party, and people thought I was summoning a minstrel or something.
You ever look at your old high school yearbook picture and think, "Once upon a time, I had a neck"? Yeah, those were the days before smartphones when we all had actual postures.
How about that moment when you try to impress someone by cooking, and you're like, "I'll just use this exotic spice I bought once." Turns out, paprika is not a substitute for every other spice in the recipe.
Has anyone else noticed that the hardest part of a fitness journey is not the exercise itself, but the once-in-a-lifetime decision to buy kale? I swear it's like adopting a vegetable pet that you have to take for a walk in your salad.
You know you're an adult when getting a package is like winning the lottery. I saw the delivery guy, and I was like, "Hold on, let me put on a robe so I can pretend I wasn't just binge-watching cat videos once again.

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