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Cupid's Perspective
Managing the overwhelming demand for arrows in a short time
Ever try hitting a moving target with a tiny arrow? It's like playing darts blindfolded, and instead of aiming for the bullseye, you're trying not to make any kindergarteners cry.
Single Person's Perspective
Navigating the sea of love in a kid-centric world
The only date I had on kids' Valentine's Day was with my microwave, making popcorn to drown my sorrows while watching cartoons. I guess you could say it was a steamy night.
Candy Store Owner's Perspective
Balancing profits with the guilt of contributing to sugar-induced mayhem
Valentine's Day is the one day a year when parents stare at me like I'm a villain, knowing that their kids will be bouncing off the walls after devouring my heart-shaped candy creations. I just call it job security.
Parent's Perspective
Balancing sentimentality with practicality
As a parent, you're stuck in this paradox where you want to encourage your kids to express love, but you also don't want them using the good scissors to cut out heart-shaped cards.
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