19 Kids Ages 10-11 Jokes


Updated on: Sep 10 2024

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What did one wall say to the other? 'I'll meet you at the corner!
Why don't 10-year-olds ever tell secrets on a farm? Because the potatoes have eyes and the corn has ears!
Why did the computer go to school with the 10-year-old? It wanted to improve its byte!
Why did the scarecrow become a successful teacher for 10-year-olds? Because he was outstanding in his field!
What do you call a dinosaur with an extensive vocabulary? A thesaurus-aurus!
Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing!
What do you get when you cross a snowman and a vampire? Frostbite!
What's a 10-year-old's favorite subject? Recess – it's the only class where they can play without getting in trouble!
What's a 10-year-old's favorite type of exercise? Hide and seek – they're always on the run!

Tween Trauma

You ever try telling a joke to a group of kids ages 10-11? It's like performing stand-up in front of the toughest crowd ever. They stare at you with those judgmental eyes, as if they're thinking, Is this guy funnier than Minecraft? Tough competition, let me tell you.

Spelling Bee Sabotage

I tried incorporating some educational jokes, you know, to connect with them. I asked if they liked spelling bees, and one kid yelled, Only if the words are harder than your punchlines! Ouch, burn by a 10-year-old.

Naptime Negotiations

Trying to entertain kids in that age group is like negotiating with tiny, opinionated adults. They've got demands. One kid raised his hand and said, Can we have naptime instead of your jokes? I thought, Well, that's one way to handle my career.

Recess Rivalry

Kids at recess are a whole different ballgame. I tried joining their kickball game, and they said, You can play, but only if you can make us laugh. Suddenly, my entire comedy career is on the line in a fifth-grade kickball match. Talk about pressure.

Tech-Savvy Heckling

Kids these days are so tech-savvy. Mid-joke, a kid googled how to be funnier than a comedian. I mean, come on, kid, let me have my moment! I bet he found a YouTube tutorial titled Outwit Comedians for Dummies.

The Snack Standoff

I asked the kids if they had any snacks, and one of them pulled out a kale chip. A KALE CHIP! I felt like I was in a nutritional stand-up comedy war. I'm over here with my chocolate bars, and this kid's trying to guilt me into eating leaves.

Juice Box Judgments

I offered the kids a juice box after the show, and one kid looked at it and said, Is this organic? I felt like I was getting judged by a tiny juice sommelier. I thought juice was just supposed to be sweet, not subject to a taste test.

Bedtime Banter

I asked them if they had a bedtime, and one kid proudly announced, My bedtime is whenever I decide your jokes aren't funny anymore. Well, folks, looks like the show's over. The 10-year-old critic has spoken.

Lunchbox Logic

I asked if any of them brought lunchboxes with cartoon characters. One kid said, I have a briefcase for my lunch because I'm a serious eater. I'm just hoping he doesn't bring a PowerPoint presentation next time to critique my jokes.

Homework Hecklers

Kids these days are smart, right? I was telling a joke, and this kid interrupts, saying, Well, actually, statistically speaking, your punchline is factually inaccurate. I'm thinking, Kid, I'm just trying to survive fifth-grade humor here.

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