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Joke Types
Why did the cola bring a ladder to the bar? It heard the drinks were on the house!
Why don't drinks ever apologize? Because they always think they're in the right spirits.
Drank and Diplomacy
I think we should solve international conflicts with drinks. Instead of wars, leaders should just sit down with a nice cup of coffee or tea. Imagine the headlines: World Peace Achieved Through Shared Drank!
The Drank Diet
I recently tried a new diet – it's called the Drank Diet. You basically replace all your meals with drinks. I figured, if it works for plants with photosynthesis, it should work for me, right? Turns out, I'm not a cactus. Who knew?
The Drank Detective
I tried to be a detective at the bar the other night. I went around asking people, Excuse me, have you seen my drank? It turns out, people aren't very cooperative when you're investigating your own drink disappearance.
Drank Memories
You know you're getting old when you start using the word drank to refer to your past beverages. Back in my day, we didn't have all these fancy energy drinks. We just grabbed a drank and hoped for the best!
Drank Wisdom
They say you can't buy happiness, but you can buy a drank, and that's kind of the same thing. It might not solve your problems, but at least you'll be too busy enjoying your beverage to care.
Drank Procrastination
I have a friend who's always talking about starting a diet. Every Monday, it's the same story: I'm gonna eat healthy, hit the gym, and turn my life around. By Wednesday, though, he's back at the bar, saying, I'll start that diet next week. Today, I'm just gonna enjoy a good drank. Well, cheers to consistency!
Drank Confusion
I tried ordering a drink at a hipster bar, and the bartender handed me something that looked like it was brewed in a wizard's cauldron. I asked, What's this? He said, It's a specially crafted artisanal concoction. I replied, Oh, you mean a fancy drank?
Drank and Drive-Thrus
I went through a drive-thru the other day, and the cashier asked if I wanted anything to drink. I said, Just a drank, please. They looked at me like I was speaking a secret fast-food language. I guess not everyone's fluent in Drankinese.
The Drank Dilemma
You ever notice how the word drank sounds like a past tense version of drink? Like, I don't know about you, but every time I say, I drank too much, it sounds like I'm narrating my own poor life choices in the fanciest way possible.
I've been trying to master the art of budgeting lately. My financial advisor told me to cut down on unnecessary expenses. So, I thought, why not start with my vocabulary? Now, instead of ordering an expensive cocktail, I just tell the bartender, I'll have a drank, please. Hold the fancy.
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