4 Jokes For Dealership

Standup-Comedy Bits

Updated on: Feb 03 2025

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Let's talk about test drives. It's basically an audition for your money, right? You get into the car, and suddenly it's like you're in a reality show where the car is desperately trying to impress you.
The car revs its engine, shows off its shiny dashboard, and tries to woo you with its fancy gadgets. It's like, "Look at me, I can parallel park myself! Can your old car do that? I didn't think so."
But here's the thing – the moment you step on the gas, the car transforms. It's no longer the smooth-talking charmer; it's a contestant on a dance competition show, shaking and shimmying with every little bump in the road.
And you, the driver, you're the judge sitting there with a straight face, thinking, "Well, this car's got moves, but can it handle the potholes of life?"
Test drives should come with a scorecard. I'd give points for acceleration, deduction for weird noises, and bonus points if the car doesn't judge me for singing in traffic. Let's make car shopping the next big reality TV sensation.
Buying a car is like getting involved in a complicated relationship. At first, everything seems perfect, and you're blinded by the new car smell. But then, just when you think you've found 'the one,' BAM – the hidden fees show up.
It's like discovering your partner has a secret family in another country. You're there, happily signing papers, and then the salesperson drops the bomb: "Oh, and there's a small fee for the color of the car. Red is a premium color, you know."
Premium color? Last time I checked, red was just red. It's not dipped in gold or infused with the tears of unicorns. But no, apparently, my choice of color requires an extra fee.
And don't get me started on the "destination fee." I'm sorry, is my car being delivered by a NASA shuttle? Why am I paying extra for the car to reach its destination – my driveway?
At the end of the day, I want a car, not a financial scavenger hunt. Dealerships, can we just be honest about the costs? Throw in a decoder ring with the contract, so we can decipher the hidden fees.
You ever notice how going to a car dealership is like entering a parallel universe? You walk in thinking you're just going to buy a car, but suddenly you're in this elaborate stage play, and the salespeople are the actors who've rehearsed their lines a million times.
Salesperson: "Welcome! How can I help you today?"
Me: "I'm just looking for a reliable car."
Salesperson: "Ah, reliability! Let me show you this beauty right here."
And then they start the show, pulling out all the stops. It's like they've got a hidden talent for turning a compact sedan into a spaceship with built-in espresso maker. I'm just waiting for them to break into song, like, "This car is your destiny!"
The negotiations are another act entirely. You'd think you're at a flea market, haggling over the price of a magic lamp. "I'll give you three wishes and throw in free oil changes for a year!"
At the end of the day, you drive off in your new car, and you can't help but feel like you've survived a theatrical performance. Bravo, dealership, bravo.
Dealerships love the upsell game. It's like they're training for the Olympics of convincing you to spend more money.
Salesperson: "Congratulations on your new car! Now, would you like to add the extended warranty, the platinum detailing package, and our exclusive unicorn insurance that covers mythical creature damage?"
And you're sitting there, thinking, "I just wanted a car, not a VIP pass to the fantasy realm."
They make it sound like without these add-ons, your car is a ticking time bomb waiting to explode. "You never know when a dragon might breathe fire on your hood. Better be safe with the dragon-proof coating."
I want the basic package – the car and maybe a cup holder. I don't need the diamond-studded cup holder that plays soothing whale sounds. Just give me the essentials.
So, dealerships, let's simplify things. If I wanted to be convinced to buy unnecessary stuff, I'd go to a mall kiosk, not a car dealership. Let's keep it real, and maybe throw in a free air freshener. That's an upsell I can get behind.

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