53 Jokes About 2016 Election

Updated on: Jun 24 2024

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In the town of Electicville, the 2016 election fever reached a peak, and the locals decided to channel their enthusiasm into an unconventional activity – Political Bingo Night. Instead of the usual bingo numbers, the cards were filled with political events, quotes, and unexpected moments from the campaign trail.
The bingo hall buzzed with anticipation as the townsfolk eagerly marked their cards, hoping to witness the most absurd political moments unfold. The excitement reached its pinnacle when a candidate, known for memorable catchphrases, uttered an unexpected and unintentionally hilarious quip during a live debate.
The entire bingo hall erupted in cheers as multiple players gleefully shouted, "Bingo!" simultaneously. The unexpected twist? The winner turned out to be Mildred, an 80-year-old grandmother who claimed her victory with an enthusiastic, "Well, I've been around long enough to know when politics is playing a good joke on us!"
As the townspeople congratulated Mildred and shared laughs over the bingo bonanza, the realization dawned that political events, even in their seriousness, could be the source of communal joy. The bingo night became a town tradition, reminding everyone that sometimes, the best way to cope with politics is to turn it into a game and enjoy the absurdity together.
In the heart of Electionville, two identical twins, Sam and Pam, found themselves unwittingly thrust into the center of a political mix-up during the 2016 election season. Sam, a die-hard supporter of one candidate, and Pam, an equally enthusiastic supporter of the opposing candidate, decided to attend a local debate to cheer on their respective favorites.
As fate would have it, the twins were seated on opposite sides of the room, unbeknownst to the candidates on stage. The confusion began when the first candidate, attempting to appeal to the audience, pointed at Sam and exclaimed, "I'm thrilled to see such strong support from individuals like Sam here!" The crowd erupted in applause, leaving Pam bewildered and wondering if she had undergone an unexpected name change.
The situation spiraled into comedic chaos as each candidate, unknowingly addressing the wrong twin, praised the virtues of their opponent's supporter. The debate turned into a surreal comedy, with Sam and Pam exchanging confused glances while the candidates unknowingly complimented their political nemesis.
In the end, the twins decided to embrace the absurdity of the situation. They stood up together, waved to the audience, and declared, "We're both Sam! And we're here to prove that even in politics, you can't judge a twin by its cover!" The room erupted in laughter, turning what could have been a tense political moment into a hilarious lesson in mistaken identity.
Once upon a time in the quaint town of PolitiVille, two neighbors, Bob and Alice, found themselves embroiled in an unintentional political bake-off. It was the year of the infamous 2016 election, and the atmosphere was as tense as an overbaked cookie. Bob, an avid supporter of one candidate, decided to express his political stance through the medium of baked goods.
Bob, unaware of Alice's opposing political views, delivered a plate of cookies to her door with a note that read, "Vote for [Candidate's Name] – the sweet choice for our nation!" Little did he know, Alice was baking her own batch of cookies with a note that proclaimed, "Make [Opposing Candidate's Name] Crumble Again!" The result? A cookie rivalry that escalated faster than a political debate on social media.
As the neighbors exchanged increasingly creative and politically charged cookies, their front yards turned into a sugary battleground. It wasn't long before the entire neighborhood joined in, creating an unintentional cookie campaign. The local news even covered the "sweetest election" in town, turning Bob and Alice's cookie clash into a symbol of unity through laughter.
In the end, the neighbors realized that, despite their political differences, they could all agree on one thing – cookies make everything better. The town enjoyed the sweetness of newfound camaraderie, leaving everyone with a taste of unity and a newfound appreciation for the power of dessert diplomacy.
In the quirky town of Electopia, residents decided to lighten the political mood by organizing a pet parade during the 2016 election season. The rule was simple: dress up your pets as political figures and march them down Main Street. The result was a blend of absurdity and cuteness that even the most hardened political pundits couldn't resist.
As the parade began, spectators were treated to a procession of dogs adorned in tiny wigs and cats sporting miniature campaign buttons. The highlight was when Mrs. Johnson's parrot squawked out a surprisingly accurate impression of a well-known candidate's speech, leaving the entire town in stitches. The feathered political pundit quickly became the star of the parade.
As the parade continued, the animals, oblivious to the political undertones, engaged in hilarious antics. Turtles with "Slow and Steady Wins the Election" signs, rabbits with floppy ears resembling a certain candidate's hairstyle, and even a goldfish swimming in a bowl adorned with campaign slogans – the creativity knew no bounds.
In the end, the pet parade served as a reminder that even in the midst of a heated election, a dose of furry and feathery absurdity could bring people together. Electopia, with smiles on their faces, realized that politics, much like pets in costumes, is best enjoyed with a healthy dose of humor.
You know, the 2016 election was like ordering pizza for the entire country, but instead of getting the toppings you wanted, you ended up with pineapple and anchovies. You look at your friends like, "Who ordered this disaster?"
I mean, the campaigns were like a bad sitcom. It was like watching "The Real Housewives of Politics." You had Donald Trump on one side, Hillary Clinton on the other, and the rest of us were just sitting there with our popcorn, waiting for the next episode of "America's Got Issues."
And the debates? Oh boy. It was like a rap battle, but instead of spitting rhymes, they were spitting insults. I haven't seen that much drama since my last Netflix binge. I half-expected a referee to jump in and say, "Okay, break it up, you two!"
But hey, at least it gave us some great memes. If only memes could fix the economy, we'd be in great shape. Imagine paying your bills with a "Distracted Boyfriend" meme - "Sorry, landlord, can't pay rent this month, too busy being entertained by the internet.
You remember those campaign promises, right? It's like when you start a new relationship, and you're like, "I promise I'll never leave the toilet seat up." But then, a few months later, there it is, floating in the upright position like a rebellious flag.
Politicians are the same. They promise you the moon and the stars, but when they get into office, it's more like, "Well, about that moon... turns out it's a bit further away than we thought. And the stars? We're still working on that. It's a complex process."
It's like they have a manual on how to backtrack. "Step 1: Make grand promises. Step 2: Get elected. Step 3: Blame the other party for why those promises are still in the 'Coming Soon' phase."
I wish I could apply that logic in my life. Imagine going to a job interview and saying, "I promise to increase company profits by 200%," and then when they hire you, you're like, "Well, about that... turns out it's a bit more complicated than I thought.
Remember waking up the morning after the election? It felt like the entire nation had a collective hangover. We were all stumbling around like, "Did we really do that last night?" It was like finding out your one-night stand turned out to be the president.
And the news anchors were so serious about it. They were talking like they were narrating the end of the world. I half-expected them to say, "Breaking news: The sky is falling, cats and dogs are living together, and we're all doomed."
People were so stressed out. I saw someone on the street holding a sign that said, "Will trade electoral votes for a hug." It was like a national therapy session. We were all just trying to cope with the fact that we had elected the human version of a reality TV show host.
But hey, at least we learned a valuable lesson: Never let your country make decisions while it's drunk. You wake up the next day regretting everything, and there's no undo button for that.
After the 2016 election, conspiracy theories started popping up like mushrooms after a rainstorm. People were like, "Did you hear? The election was rigged by aliens from another dimension." I'm just waiting for someone to claim Bigfoot tampered with the ballots.
And the recounts! It's like when you lose a board game and insist on playing again just to prove you were right. "No, no, let's go through every vote one more time. Maybe we missed the part where my candidate magically gets more votes."
I saw someone on the news saying, "They're hiding the real winner in Area 51." I'm thinking, "If aliens are choosing our leaders, we're in bigger trouble than we thought. At least with politicians, we have some idea of what we're getting. Aliens might be looking at us like a reality show and thinking, 'Let's see how they handle this.'"
But hey, in the end, no matter who you voted for, we can all agree on one thing: Politics is the only place where you can lose the popular vote and still end up in charge. It's like winning the lottery but discovering you're allergic to money.
What do you call a candidate who wears a lot of hats during the 2016 election? A multi-party candidate!
I asked my grandma what she thought about the 2016 election. She said, 'I've seen better plot twists in my soap operas.
How did the 2016 election candidate prepare for the debate? They practiced their 'electrifying' personality!
Why did the politician bring a ladder to the 2016 election? They wanted to reach new heights in the polls!
Why did the politician go to therapy after the 2016 election? They needed help dealing with rejection votes.
Why did the 2016 election break up with its date? It just couldn't find common ground.
I wanted to tell a joke about the 2016 election, but I was worried it might not be politically correct.
I asked my friend how the 2016 election results made them feel. They said, 'Like I just watched a really long, confusing episode of reality TV.
I told my cat about the 2016 election, but she just stared at me and licked her paw. I guess she's not interested in politics – or maybe she's just purr-fectly indifferent.
Why did the 2016 election candidate become a chef? They wanted to learn how to flip-flop with style.
What's a politician's favorite bedtime story? The 2016 election results – it puts them right to sleep!
Why did the scarecrow run for president in 2016? Because he was outstanding in his field!
I asked my friend what he thought about the 2016 election. He said, 'I don't know, I'm not really into political fiction.
I tried to make a joke about the 2016 election, but it seems like the punchline got lost in the emails.
Why did the 2016 election get a bad review? Too much drama, not enough comedy!
What do you call a group of musical politicians from 2016? A gleelection!
I tried to make a joke about the 2016 election, but it seems like my sense of humor was deleted along with those emails.
Why did the candidate start a band during the 2016 election? They wanted to play the swing states!
What's a politician's favorite type of exercise? Running for office in 2016!
I thought about running for president in 2016, but then I remembered I can't even get my dog to sit on command.

The Time Traveler

Shocked by the unpredictability of the 2016 outcome
Time travelers are the worst at predicting elections. I went back to 2016, asked who won, and they said, "Oh, it's obvious. It's obviously... well, not who you think.

The Alien Observer

Confused by the chaos of human elections
I bet the aliens are placing bets on us, thinking, "I've got 50 space bucks on the one who promises to fix climate change. Oh wait, none of them did? Well, I guess we're back to abducting cows for entertainment.

The Conspiracy Theorist

Believes the election was rigged
I asked the conspiracy theorist what he thought about voting machines. He said, "Those machines are like my ex – always changing their mind, and I never end up satisfied!

The Pessimistic Optimist

Hoping for the best, expecting the worst
The problem with being a pessimistic optimist during the election is that every time someone said, "It can't get worse," I'd think, "Challenge accepted!" It's like a reverse motivational speech.

The Social Media Addict

Overwhelmed by the flood of election posts
Social media during elections is a mess. My timeline looked like a battle between keyboard warriors. I swear, if words could punch, we'd have world peace by now.
You know, during the 2016 election, I thought I'd seen it all. But then came the debates – it was like watching a dysfunctional family argue at Thanksgiving dinner. Only this time, we were all at the table, nervously sipping our drinks, wondering if the mashed potatoes could save us from political chaos!
You know it's a crazy election when Saturday Night Live struggles to parody it because reality is already a parody. The writers must have been sitting there going, 'How do you out-joke something that's practically a joke in itself?'
Ah, the 2016 election – the only time in history when we wished for a meteor to hit Earth and end it all. I mean, if the dinosaurs were around for this, they'd be like, 'You guys thought a giant asteroid was bad? Try a political debate.'
Ah, the 2016 election – the only time in history when we collectively looked at the candidates and thought, 'Is this really the best we can do?' It was like choosing a prom date between the class clown and the kid who ate glue.
Remember the 2016 election? It's the one where we all learned the true power of a deleted email. I mean, I can't even delete a promotional email from my inbox without a sense of guilt, and here's someone deleting emails like they're clearing browser history on election night!
During the 2016 election, I felt like I was watching a reality TV show gone terribly wrong. It was like Survivor, but instead of voting someone off the island, we were voting someone onto it – and nobody was getting any immunity idols!
The 2016 election was like choosing between a rock and a hard place. And by rock, I mean a candidate with questionable emails, and by hard place, I mean another candidate who treats Twitter like their personal therapy session!
The 2016 election was like a rollercoaster – terrifying, filled with unexpected twists, and by the end of it, half the people were screaming while the other half were just trying not to throw up.
During the 2016 election, I had to check if my TV remote had a 'skip this channel' button. I mean, it was the only time I wished I could switch over to a reality show where politicians try to survive on a deserted island with nothing but their policies and a coconut named Bipartisanship.
The 2016 election had more plot twists than a season finale of a Netflix series. I half-expected a post-credits scene where the candidates reveal they were aliens all along, just trying to see who could invade Earth more convincingly!
You know, the 2016 election was like choosing between a rock and a hard place. It's the only time I've seen people vote with the enthusiasm of someone picking the lesser evil on a menu. "Hmm, I'll take the corruption with a side of questionable decisions, please!
The 2016 election had more plot twists than a telenovela. I haven't seen that many unexpected turns since I tried to assemble IKEA furniture without the manual. "Wait, why is this Swedish bookshelf making me question the entire political system?
You know the 2016 election was bizarre when even time travelers avoided that period. They probably went to the future, saw what happened, and were like, "Nah, let's not mess with that – I'll just stay in the 1800s, thank you.
I miss the days when "fake news" was just your friend telling you that aliens built the pyramids. Now, it's like every headline is a plot twist in a thriller movie, and I'm just here trying to figure out who the real protagonist is.
The 2016 election was so wild; I thought it was a reality show pilot. I kept waiting for a commercial break where the host would come on and say, "Stay tuned for the next episode, where our contestants try to run an entire country without getting impeached!
Remember how during the 2016 election, everyone became a political expert overnight? People were throwing around terms like "electoral college" and "swing states" as if they were secret code words to enter a political party. I felt like I needed a decoder ring just to follow the conversation.
The 2016 election debates were like a heated family Thanksgiving dinner, but on national television. I half-expected someone to storm offstage, slam a door, and then the camera pans to them sitting in a confessional room, saying, "I just can't with these people!
The 2016 election made me realize that politicians are basically like pizza delivery guys. They promise to arrive in 30 minutes or less, but when they finally show up, you're left wondering why you even ordered in the first place.
Watching the 2016 election was like witnessing a marathon where all the runners kept tripping over their own feet. I haven't seen that much stumbling since my last attempt to walk in heels.
The 2016 election was the ultimate reality check. It's like we all collectively woke up one morning, looked at the news, and thought, "Wait, this is not the episode of 'America' I signed up for. Can we get a rewrite, please?

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