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I think my car has developed a Pavlovian response to traffic lights. It automatically puts on the brakes, even when I'm nowhere near a red light. Maybe it's just a safety feature or maybe my car is practicing defensive driving.
You know, I think my dog went to the same obedience school as Pavlov's dog. Every time the doorbell rings, he starts salivating, and I'm just here wondering if my delivery guy is a secret psychologist.
I tried applying Pavlov's principles to my morning routine. Instead of an alarm, I played the sound of sizzling bacon every time my alarm went off. Now, I wake up hungry and confused, wondering why there's no delicious breakfast waiting for me.
I'm convinced that Pavlov secretly had a cat instead of a dog. I mean, who else would understand the struggle of trying to train an independent creature that only does what it wants, when it wants? Dogs are just overachievers in comparison.
My kids have mastered the art of Pavlovian negotiation. Every time they want something, they suddenly become experts in cuteness, as if their request is directly proportional to the level of adorable puppy eyes they can pull off.
I've realized that my coffee mug has become my own little Pavlovian trigger. The moment I pick it up, my brain starts perking up, and I become the most functional member of society. Without it, I'm just a walking snooze button.
Pavlov would be proud of my gym routine. Every time I walk past the gym, my body automatically craves a donut. It's like my subconscious is trying to condition me to associate exercise with delicious pastries. I call it the "sweet sweat" workout plan.
I tried a little experiment at home inspired by Pavlov. I set my phone alarm to ring every time I open the fridge. Now, every time I hear an alarm, I find myself craving a snack. My fridge must be conditioning me for a midnight feast.
I think my TV remote is taking cues from Pavlov. Every time I sit down to watch TV, it hides in the couch cushions, and I'm left frantically searching for it. It's like my remote is testing my dedication to the art of relaxation.
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