18 Jokes For Parrot


Updated on: Sep 16 2024

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What do you call a parrot that flies away? A polygon!
What do you get when you cross a parrot with a shark? An animal that talks your ear off and bites your head off!
Why did the parrot bring a ladder to the bar? It heard the drinks were on the house!
Why did the parrot wear a raincoat? To be polyunsaturated!
What's a parrot's favorite type of music? Anything with beak and bass!
Why was the parrot sitting on the computer? It wanted to keep an eye on the mouse!
What's a parrot's favorite movie? 'The Squawkshank Redemption'!
Why did the parrot sit on the clock? It wanted to be on time in a squawk!

Parrot Psychiatry

I tried talking to my parrot about my problems, you know, like a therapy session. But all he ever says is, Polly wants a cracker. Yeah, Polly, I want a cracker too, but I also want advice on how to navigate the complexities of adulting. Maybe I should start billing him for emotional support.

The Parrot Poet

My parrot fancies himself a poet. Every morning, he recites these poetic squawks that sound like Shakespeare on a caffeine high. I'm just waiting for him to drop a parrot version of To be or not to be. I imagine it going something like, To squawk or not to squawk, that is the question. Whether 'tis nobler in the beak to suffer the squawks and squabbles of outrageous humans...

Parrot Translator App

I'm thinking of inventing a Parrot Translator app. You know, for those moments when your parrot is squawking away, and you have absolutely no clue what's going on. It would be like Google Translate, but for parrot language. I can see it now: Translate: incessant squawking equals 'I'm bored, human. Entertain me.'

Parrot Weather Forecast

I'm convinced my parrot is a meteorologist. He has this uncanny ability to predict the weather. If he starts flapping around like he's auditioning for Parrot's Got Talent, you better grab an umbrella because a storm is coming. Forget the weather app; just ask your parrot.

The Parrot Conspiracy

You ever notice how parrots always seem to know something we don't? I mean, my neighbor's parrot can mimic my voice perfectly. I'm starting to think it's the NSA's latest surveillance technique. Now, every time I see a parrot, I can't help but wonder if it's working for the government. I'm just waiting for my Amazon delivery parrot to start asking about my political affiliations!

Parrot Politician

I think my parrot missed his calling as a politician. He can talk in circles for hours without actually saying anything of substance. I overheard him squawking to the other birds about lower seed taxes and the need for more efficient worm distribution. Maybe I should nominate him for the next Tweet of the Year award.

Parrot Parenting

Raising a parrot is like having a perpetual toddler with wings. It's all cute until they start repeating things you didn't want them to. My parrot now knows my secrets, and he's not afraid to squawk about them at the most inconvenient times. It's like living with a feathered TMZ reporter.

Parrot Pranks

My parrot loves playing pranks. He imitates the doorbell perfectly, and every time there's a knock, I open the door expecting a delivery, but nope—it's just my feathered friend laughing his tail feathers off. I'm starting to wonder if he's secretly recording a parrot-themed prank show.

Parrot vs. Alexa

I got a parrot to keep me company at home. But now I have this ongoing feud between my parrot and Alexa. It's like living in a sitcom where the parrot is the old-school radio and Alexa is the cool, tech-savvy roommate. They argue about music choices all day. I'm just waiting for the day my parrot starts squawking, Hey Alexa, play something classical!

Parrot Pundit

I asked my parrot for his take on world affairs, thinking he'd be an insightful political pundit. Instead, he looked me dead in the eye and squawked, Human, the only thing I care about is who's winning the cracker war. Well, I guess we all have our priorities.

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