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The Newspeak Language Instructor
Struggling with making the language simpler and less expressive.
Trying to teach Newspeak is challenging. Someone asked me, "How do you say 'freedom'?" I said, "Oh, we don't say that anymore. It's now 'thoughtrestrictionlifepatrol.' Catchy, huh?
The Thought Police Officer
Struggling with maintaining a poker face during ridiculous thought crimes.
The other day, I caught someone for a thought crime about buying too many houseplants. I had to stifle my laughter and say, "You've been caught green-handed!
The Memory Hole Custodian
Feeling like a human paper shredder.
My friend asked me what it's like working at the memory hole. I said, "Well, it's like having amnesia, but with a paycheck. So, I guess I forget and get paid.
The Rebel Without a Cause
Trying to rebel but struggling to find something the Party hasn't already banned.
I thought about starting a rebellion with a secret handshake, but it turns out the Party has already banned handshakes. Now I'm just standing there awkwardly trying to be rebellious with jazz hands.
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