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The Reluctant Fitness Freak
Embracing the Gym without Embracing Salad
I overheard a fitness enthusiast say, "You are what you eat." I looked at my pizza and thought, "Well, I guess I'm a delicious, cheesy masterpiece.
The Unsuccessful Chef
Burning Water and Other Culinary Catastrophes
I attempted to make a healthy salad. I accidentally used cake mix instead of croutons. Now I call it "Sweet Surprise Salad." It's a surprise no one asks for.
The Overly Honest Grandparent
Balancing Brutal Honesty with Grandparental Love
The other day, my grandkid said, "Grandma, I want to be just like you when I grow up." I looked at him and said, "Honey, if you aim that low, you might just hit your target.
The Pet Psychic
Decoding the Mysteries of Animal Thoughts
I told a client their parrot was lonely. The parrot interrupted, "No, I'm just tired of hearing them sing in the shower. Can you make that stop?
The Out-of-Touch Technology Teacher
Navigating the Generation Gap in the Classroom
Trying to connect with my tech-savvy students, I asked, "Who can explain hashtags to me?" One kid raised his hand and said, "It's like a pound sign, but for cool people." I thought, "Back in my day, the only thing cool about a pound sign was the weight loss.
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Wnanted to go and the dukhs were watery eyes mouths open the darkness And now that