53 Jokes For Man With No Arms

Updated on: Aug 03 2024

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Meet Bob, the magician with no arms but a flair for illusions that left audiences bewildered. During a show, Bob announced, "Behold, the disappearing act!" As he began, the audience gasped as Bob's assistant vanished, only for her to reappear with a "ta-da" from inside a giant sleeve. A puzzled spectator shouted, "But where are your arms?" Bob winked and said, "They're on vacation. I hear they're having a great time!"
In the quaint village of Jesterville, there was a barber named Sam, renowned for his skill with scissors and razors, despite being armless. One day, a curious customer asked, "How do you manage without arms?" Sam chuckled, "I've got a cutting-edge technique!" Mid-haircut, the customer quipped, "I guess you could say your skills are quite 'a-cut' above the rest!"
Once upon a time in the quirky town of Chuckleville, there lived a man named Joe, known for his exceptional culinary skills despite a unique challenge—he had no arms. Joe embraced his situation with humor and charm, opening a restaurant called "Armless Delights."
In the bustling kitchen of Armless Delights, Joe showcased his prowess by chopping veggies with his feet and expertly flipping pancakes with his mouth. One day, a food critic entered, oblivious to Joe's armless predicament. After a delectable meal, the critic exclaimed, "Your dishes are truly hands-down the best!" Joe, with a sly grin, replied, "Hands-down? More like feet-down, my friend!"
At the Chuckle Circus, the star performer was Jake, the armless juggler. With precision and flair, he tossed balls, clubs, and even flaming torches into the air, catching them skillfully with his feet. A mesmerized child in the audience exclaimed, "Wow, he's amazing!" Jake, overhearing, grinned and said, "Thanks! It's all about putting your best foot forward, literally!"
So, I stumbled upon a street performer who's a juggler with no arms. I thought, "This has to be a joke." But no, he's tossing those balls in the air with his feet, and I'm standing there, mesmerized. It's like a magic trick – where are the hands? I felt like giving him a standing ovation just for finding a way to juggle without hands. Bravo, my man!
I was watching TV, and there's this cooking show with a chef who has no arms. I thought, "Okay, this I gotta see." He's trying to chop vegetables with his feet and stir a pot with his mouth. It's like culinary acrobatics! I can barely cook with two hands, and here's this guy, turning the kitchen into his personal Cirque du Soleil.
You know, I recently met this guy who claims to be a handyman, but get this – he has no arms! Now, I'm thinking, "How's he gonna fix anything?" I asked him, "How do you even hold a hammer?" And he goes, "Well, it's all about the headbutt technique!" Can you imagine calling him for a plumbing emergency? "Yeah, my sink's leaking!" And he's there like, "Don't worry, I've got this... with my face!
I saw this man with no arms trying to give someone a high-five. It was the most awkward thing ever. He's like, "Up top!" and the other person's just standing there, confused. But you know what's worse? When someone tries to fist-bump him, and he's like, "Nope, sorry, I can't. I'm not equipped for that. Let's stick to elbow bumps, folks!
Did you hear about the man with no arms who entered a hot dog eating contest? He was a real hands-free champion!
I saw a man with no arms painting a masterpiece. When I asked him how he did it, he said, 'I've got a real hands-on approach!
I challenged the man with no arms to a game of cards. He said, 'I'm all in – and I'll even shuffle with my toes!
What did the man with no arms say when he won the lottery? 'I'm feeling so handsomely rewarded!
I saw a man with no arms at the art gallery. He was really getting into the paintings – with his toes!
I asked the man with no arms if he needed help crossing the street. He said, 'No, I'm good. I've got it hands down!
What did the man with no arms say to the skeptical chef? 'Trust me, I'm a hands-free cook!
I saw a man with no arms trying to juggle. It was quite an armless entertainment!
Why did the man with no arms become a detective? He had a knack for getting to the bottom of things – with his toes!
What do you call a man with no arms in a swimming pool? Bob. In a hot tub? Stu.
I invited the man with no arms to a party. He couldn't clap, but he gave a standing ovation with his feet!
What did the man with no arms say when he couldn't find his keys? 'I guess I'm a bit disarmed!
Why did the man with no arms go to the music concert? He heard it was going to be hands down the best show in town!
I told the man with no arms a secret. He promised to keep it under wraps – literally!
I asked the man with no arms how he played the piano. He replied, 'Very carefully with my feet!'
Why did the man with no arms apply for a job at the bakery? Because he wanted to knead the dough!
What did the man with no arms say when he won a race? 'I'm hands down the fastest!
Why did the man with no arms become a gardener? Because he had green thumbs !
I saw a man with no arms fishing by the lake. I asked him how he caught anything. He said, 'It's all in the wrist!
Why did the man with no arms become a comedian? Because he had a knack for delivering punchlines with his feet!

Fashion Forward

A man with no arms trying to dress stylishly
He's showing off his new shoes. I'm thinking, "How'd he even put them on?" He's like, "Easy, I've got my ways." Turns out, 'his ways' involve using his toes more than I use my fingers in a day!

Culinary Conundrum

A man with no arms navigating the kitchen
He insists on grilling. No arms, remember? He's like, "I'll flip those burgers like a pro!" I watch in awe as he tries to flip burgers with his chin. It's like watching a magic show, but the disappearing act was my appetite.

High-Five Free Zone

Awkward situations for a man with no arms
I met him at a party, and he goes, "Let's seal the deal with a handshake." I'm looking around, thinking he's joking. But nope, he offers me his elbow. And that's how I learned the art of the elbow shake!

The Handyman

A man with no arms trying to be a handyman
He wanted to prove he could handle anything. He goes, "Give me a hammer, I'll show you." I hand him the hammer, and he goes, "Ah, I forgot. I can't hold the nail!" Well, that's one way to redefine 'nailing it.

Tech Troubles

A man with no arms dealing with technology
He's a gamer, claims to be a pro. I'm skeptical, "How do you hold the controller?" He goes, "With my chin, of course!" Suddenly, all those 'gamer grip' tutorials seem irrelevant.

High-Five Specialist

I bumped into this dude with no arms at a party. He was giving out high-fives... in spirit. I gotta say, he's the best air high-five specialist I've ever met. His high-fives are like those rare Pokémon—you'll never actually catch one.

The Inventor

You know, there's a man with no arms who claims to be an inventor. He says he's working on a hands-free phone... which is basically just a speakerphone with a really dramatic backstory.

The Hug Enthusiast

I met this guy with no arms who's a big fan of hugs. He's like a walking paradox—always reaching out for a hug but never actually reaching. I'm telling you, his hugs are the ultimate exercise in imagination.

Armless Chef

I heard about this chef who has no arms. He's got his own cooking show, but it's more like a magic show. Every time he makes a dish disappear, it's because he can't hold onto it in the first place. Now you see the spatula, now you don't!

The Selfie Expert

So, I ran into this dude without arms trying to take a selfie. He's got this whole technique down—it's all about the chin angles. The struggle is real when your arms can't do the classic selfie stretch!

The Handyman

You ever meet that guy with no arms who's always bragging about being a handyman? Yeah, he's got this toolkit that's just a fanny pack full of duct tape. I asked him how he fixes stuff, and he said, I'm all about that 'no-hands-on' approach!

Jazz Pianist

I heard about this musician with no arms who plays jazz piano. It's mesmerizing to watch—he's like a magician casting spells with his toes. But I gotta admit, his rendition of 'Chopsticks' is on a whole other level.

The Mime Master

I saw this armless guy miming walking down an invisible staircase. Honestly, I couldn't tell if he was rehearsing for a performance or if he was just really into fitness routines that only exist in his mind.

Rock, Paper, Scissors Pro

I challenged this guy with no arms to a game of rock, paper, scissors. Let's just say it was the most intense staring contest I've ever had. I'm pretty sure he was throwing 'rock' with his eyes.

A Helping Foot

I asked the armless guy if he needed a hand with anything. He said, Nah, I'm good. But if you've got a spare foot, that'd be fantastic! Turns out, he's not picky about his volunteer appendages.
I met a man with no arms at the gym. He was bench-pressing with his legs, and I was struggling with the lightest dumbbells. I asked him for some workout tips, and he said, "Step one: don't skip arm day." Well played, sir. Well played.
So, a man with no arms walks into a restaurant. The waiter says, "Do you need a hand?" And the man replies, "No, but I'll take a footlong sandwich, please." Talk about a guy who knows how to handle puns with style.
I invited a man with no arms to a rock-paper-scissors tournament. He brought a whole new level to the game – rock, paper, scissors, toes. Needless to say, he left everyone else feeling a bit "handicapped" in the competition.
I was behind a man with no arms in the grocery store checkout line. He was expertly maneuvering his items onto the conveyor belt with his feet. Meanwhile, I struggle to do that with my hands. I thought I was good at multitasking until I saw this guy – he puts the "foot" in efficiency.
I asked a man with no arms if he ever tried boxing. He said, "Nah, I'm more into kickboxing." Well, played my friend, well played. I can barely throw a punch with my hands, and he's out there mastering the art of the foot jab.
So, I saw a man with no arms the other day. Now, I've got to hand it to him; he really knows how to give a good high-five with his foot. I tried to compete with my regular high-five, but let's just say he kicked my butt in that department.
Saw a man with no arms riding a bike the other day. I can barely ride with my hands, and this guy's pedaling through life like he's training for the Tour de Feet-rance. I tried giving him a thumbs up, but he just flashed me a big toe – I guess that's the universal cyclist salute.
I was at a party with a man who had no arms, and he was killing it on the dance floor. I was over in the corner, struggling to find the beat, and he's out there breaking it down with the ultimate legwork. I guess you could say he's got some fancy footloose moves.
You ever notice how a man with no arms is like the ultimate hide-and-seek champion? I mean, seriously, good luck tagging him – he's got legs for days and a ninja-like ability to disappear behind the furniture. I'm convinced he's the reigning champion of the limbless league.
You ever see a man with no arms try to use a smartphone? It's like watching a magic show. He's tapping and swiping with his toes, and I'm over here struggling to type with my fingers. He's got me rethinking my life choices – maybe I should've taken up toe-typing lessons instead of piano.

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