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Joke Types
Unenthusiastic Teacher
Dealing with disinterested students on the field trip
I asked my students what they learned on the field trip, and one of them said, 'I learned that my phone has a really slow battery drain when I'm not using it.' Thanks, kid, that's not what I had in mind.
Bus Driver
Navigating the chaos on the road and in the bus
The kids were convinced that the bus had a turbo button. Every time we hit a bump, they'd cheer, thinking I was doing some fancy stunt. Little did they know, I was just trying to avoid potholes.
Overzealous Parent Chaperone
Trying to control everything on the field trip
I wanted to be the cool parent, you know? So, I brought my Bluetooth speaker on the bus. But apparently, 10-year-olds don't appreciate a well-timed 'dad joke remix.' I guess Rickrolling is not a classic to them.
Museum Guide
Dealing with clueless visitors on the field trip
I overheard a child telling his friend, 'This museum is so old; it probably had dial-up internet.' I wanted to correct him, but I figured I'd let him believe that T-Rexes used to surf the web.
Rebellious Teenager
Trying to break free from the constraints of the field trip
I brought a map on the field trip, not because I needed directions but because I wanted to see the horrified looks on the teachers' faces when they realized a teenager was voluntarily using a map.
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