17 Jokes For Supplies


Updated on: Jun 26 2024

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I started a band with my office supplies. We're called 'The Paper Jams'!
Why did the pencil go to the party? It wanted to draw some attention!
Why don't supplies ever get in trouble? Because they always follow the ruler!
Why did the tape roll across the road? It wanted to stick with its friends on the other side!
Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing! And it wanted some supplies too!
I wanted to be a baker, but I didn't have enough dough. So, I kneaded more supplies!
Why did the scissors break up with the tape? It just couldn't cut it anymore!

Supplies are like my safety net. I've got a flashlight in every room, batteries stashed everywhere, and enough canned food to survive a zombie apocalypse. If there's an emergency, I'm ready. If it's just a regular Tuesday, well, I'm excessively prepared.

I've seen those survivalist shows where people stockpile supplies for the end of the world. I'm not that extreme, but let's just say I'm the person who gets excited when a sale hits the aisles of the local supermarket. You never know when a sudden canned bean shortage might strike!

Supplies, huh? My attempt at being an adult is having a junk drawer that could stock a convenience store. I call it my 'Store of Illusions.'

You know, I thought adulthood would be all about making important decisions and managing finances responsibly. Turns out, it's mostly about hoarding random supplies 'just in case.' Like, I have enough spare cables to connect the entire neighborhood to the internet, but can I find a pen when I need it? Absolutely not.

Supplies... oh, you mean the collection of half-used notebooks and pens without ink that I refuse to throw away? I'm convinced those empty pens are on a mission to mock me silently.

I've got this drawer at home that's a homage to my commitment issues—filled with almost-empty notebooks. Each one holds the promise of a new beginning, but they remain empty because apparently, my thoughts have commitment issues too. They just don't want to be penned down!

Supplies are like my emotional support system. You know that drawer in the kitchen filled with various sizes of plastic containers? That's my 'Container of Lost Hope.' No lid ever matches the right container. It's like a puzzle where the pieces mysteriously vanish.

Trying to find a matching lid for these containers is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Either the lids have staged a mutiny and run away or they've found a portal to another dimension. If someone ever invents self-matching Tupperware, they'll be an instant billionaire.

Supplies are the unsung heroes of adulting. You might not appreciate them until you desperately need that one item you threw away during a 'cleaning spree' last year. RIP to all the scissors lost in action.

I've reached a point where every time I throw something away, I have to do a quick mental assessment: 'When was the last time I used this? Could it potentially save my life in the next 12 months?' If the answer is 'maybe,' it stays. It's a clutter survival strategy.

Supplies and I have this unique relationship. It's like I'm in a constant battle against clutter. I buy storage solutions to organize my clutter, but they just become new homes for more clutter. It's a vicious cycle of containment.

I've come to terms with the fact that my attempt at decluttering just creates an illusion of tidiness. I'll Marie Kondo my house one weekend, and by Monday, it looks like a tornado of papers, cables, and mismatched socks hit it. Sometimes, I think my house is haunted by a chaos poltergeist.

Supplies are like the supporting actors in the movie of my life. They're always there, doing their job, but never quite getting the recognition they deserve. Shoutout to the humble paperclip that holds my world together!

I have a newfound respect for those small, everyday items that silently keep things in order. They're the unsung heroes of my daily routine. I mean, where would I be without the loyal sticky notes reminding me of deadlines or the loyal stapler that makes my papers whole again? They're the real MVPs.

You know you're an adult when your browsing history includes 'best deals on bulk toilet paper.' My inner child died a little the day I got excited about a sale on paper towels.

I used to get excited about buying video games or concert tickets. Now, it's all about those thrilling moments when you find a coupon for laundry detergent. If saving money on household supplies is wrong, then I don't want to be right!

Supplies... let's talk about the black hole that is my junk drawer. It's where pens, random screws, expired coupons, and the hope of finding a matching pair of socks go to disappear forever.

I opened my junk drawer the other day and found items I thought were extinct. Ancient relics like a Nokia phone, an AOL CD, and a manual for a VCR. It's like a time capsule of '90s nostalgia in there. If anyone needs a spare button or a single AA battery, I've got you covered.

You ever notice how buying supplies for a project is like a gateway drug to procrastination? Suddenly, I need to organize my entire office before I can even think about writing that report.

I'm convinced that office supplies have mystical powers. The moment you buy a fresh set of pens and notebooks, you feel an overwhelming surge of productivity... until you realize you've spent two hours arranging your desk and color-coordinating your highlighters instead of actually doing work. It's the 'illusion of productivity' in action, folks!

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