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Joke Types
Gym Workouts
Balancing the desire for fitness with the love for food
I tried a new workout routine called "eating salad while on the treadmill." It's a great way to feel healthy without actually breaking a sweat. The only downside is I've become known as the guy who brings croutons to the gym.
Keeping up with the latest gadgets and dealing with tech issues
I tried talking to my virtual assistant about my problems. It responded, "I'm sorry, I didn't understand that." So now, not only do I have real-life problems, but my virtual assistant doesn't get me either.
Shopping for Clothes
Finding the right size and style
I found this amazing suit on sale, but it was a bit tight. The salesperson said, "It'll stretch." So, I bought it. Now I'm just walking around, waiting for my suit to realize its full potential.
Online Dating Profile Pictures
Balancing honesty and attractiveness
I thought I'd get creative and posted a photo of me next to a sports car, but I didn't mention it was a Hot Wheels car. Now I'm known as the guy with the miniature midlife crisis.
Job Interviews
Impressing the interviewer while being true to yourself
I tried to impress the interviewer by telling them I'm a multitasker. They asked for an example, so I pulled out my phone and played Candy Crush while answering their questions. Apparently, that's not the kind of multitasking they were looking for.
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