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Joke Types
The Overenthusiastic Salesperson
Balancing eagerness with customer annoyance
I asked him about the battery life, and he responded with, "It's so good; it'll outlast your relationships." I mean, I just wanted a phone, not a therapy session!
The Clueless Customer
Navigating the overwhelming options
The sales guy asked, "Are you familiar with our loyalty program?" I nodded like I had a clue. In reality, I just want to be loyal to a TV that doesn't buffer during crucial moments.
The Skeptical Shopper
Distrusting every word the salesperson says
They say the customer is always right, but when a salesperson says, "You can't go wrong with this TV," I wonder if they've met my ex who managed to go wrong with everything.
The Bargain Hunter
Trying to get the best deal possible
The sales guy said, "This is a limited-time offer." I said, "So is my patience. What can you do for me right now?
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