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I think scaffolding is the city's way of playing hide-and-seek with us grown-ups. They're like, "Let's hide the buildings and watch the adults go crazy trying to find their way." It's a city-wide game of peek-a-boo. Sometimes you think, "Oh, there's my office building!" But nope, it's just the scaffolding
You know, I think Mother Nature and scaffolding have a love-hate relationship. You'll see a beautiful, sunny day, and then the next minute, scaffolding appears out of nowhere, embracing the buildings like an unwanted jacket. It's like Mother Nature is pranking us, saying, "You thought you'd have a nice view?
You know, I think architects and construction workers have this secret pact to test our patience. I mean, have you seen scaffolding around the city? It's like they're playing a game of 'Let's-See-How-Long-We-Can-Mess-with-People's-Commutes.' You're driving, and suddenly, there's scaffolding. You're walking, and boom! Scaffolding. It's like a surprise guest blocking
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