4 Jokes For Positive

Standup-Comedy Bits

Updated on: Jun 16 2024

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You ever meet those perpetually positive people? I swear, they're like human Energizer bunnies on a caffeine IV drip! They wake up in the morning, and before their eyes are even open, they're like, "Good morning, world! What fantastic disaster am I gonna turn into a blessing today?"
I once asked this relentlessly positive guy how he stays so upbeat all the time. You know what he said? "I just see the glass as half full!" Well, congratulations, mate, but sometimes I'm just thirsty, and I need a full glass! What am I supposed to do with half a glass? Contemplate the meaning of emptiness?!
And they've got these mantras, too. "Positive vibes only." But let's be real, life is like a mixtape; it's got the upbeat tracks, but it's also got those moody, brooding songs that make you want to dramatically stare out of a rain-soaked window!
I tried being positive once for a whole day. I smiled at strangers, I sang in the shower, I even high-fived a pigeon. And you know what happened? By lunchtime, I was so positive that I convinced myself I could do parkour. Spoiler alert: I cannot do parkour!
So, to all the relentlessly positive people out there, keep shining! But don't shine so bright that you blind the rest of us, okay?
You know, they say "stay positive" like it's the secret ingredient to life. But sometimes, I think they're overdoing it. It's like someone telling you to add a pinch of salt, and you end up dumping the whole shaker in there! Too much of a good thing becomes a salty mess, people!
Positive affirmations are great, don't get me wrong. But I tried repeating "I'm amazing" a thousand times in the mirror, and I started believing I could be the next superhero. Guess who ended up stuck in a homemade cape trying to leap over a garden fence? This guy!
And don't even get me started on those self-help books. "The Power of Positive Thinking" - I read that book! Now I'm positively thinking about how much money I spent on a book that's basically saying, "Just smile more, and life will magically fix itself!"
I mean, how far does this positivity go? Can I pay my bills with positive vibes? "Hello, utility company, I'm radiating so much positivity, I thought maybe we could settle this month's bill with good vibes instead of cash?" Spoiler alert: they don't accept vibes as a form of payment!
So, here's the deal, folks: positivity is great, but let's not forget that sometimes life hands us lemons and a manual on how to build a lemonade stand!
Life's full of these moments where it's like, "Hey, here's a lemon, now make lemonade!" But no one talks about the times life gives you a whole crate of lemons and forgets to send the sugar!
I tried to follow the advice once. I made lemonade out of life's lemons, and you know what happened? I ended up with a lemonade stand next to someone selling margaritas! Now that's a competition I wasn’t prepared for!
And then there's that saying, "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger." Well, let me tell you, life doesn't always make you stronger; sometimes, it just gives you trust issues and a preference for takeout!
But hey, let's give credit where it's due. Sometimes those lemons make for some fantastic stories. Like the time life gave me so many lemons; I started a lemon-themed Instagram account. Let me tell you, #WhenLifeGivesYouLemons, it gets more likes than my actual life!
So, here's my take: when life gives you lemons, sure, make lemonade if you can, but don't forget to also chuck a few at the universe and demand some variety! Lemon meringue pie, anyone?
You know, they say "stay positive" like it's the easiest thing in the world. But sometimes, it's like trying to find your keys in the dark - you know they're somewhere, but good luck getting your hands on 'em!
I tried to be positive once. I walked into a glass door thinking it was open - now that's what I call a transparent attempt at positivity! It's like, "Hello, universe, could you make it a little clearer where the positivity starts and the face meets the glass?"
But seriously, have you ever met those people who are positive about everything? They're like professional cheerleaders, but for life. You stub your toe, and they're there like, "Well, at least now you have an excuse to hop around like a kangaroo!" Come on, Karen, my toe hurts, I don't need your toe-rrific puns right now!
And let's talk about those motivational quotes. They're everywhere! "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." Well, life also gives you rocks, but I don't see anyone making rock-ade! Why not? Because sometimes life gives you a boulder, and you can't just juice that thing!
So, here's my version: "When life gives you lemons, hope the universe throws in some sugar and water because lemonade doesn’t make itself, people!

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