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The Funhouse Mirror
The funhouse mirror wants a more exciting job.
I caught my funhouse mirror doing impersonations of other mirrors. I walked in, and it was doing this perfect impression of a regular mirror, just standing there all flat and boring. I said, "Come on, mirror, stick to what you're good at – making me look ridiculous.
The Narcissistic Mirror
The mirror is tired of reflecting such perfection.
I tried taking a selfie in the mirror, and the mirror just rolled its eyes. I mean, come on, even my mirror thinks I'm overdoing it on the self-love.
The Foggy Bathroom Mirror
The foggy mirror is tired of being accused of hiding secrets.
The fog on my bathroom mirror forms these abstract shapes, and I'm convinced it's trying to send me a message. Last week, it looked like a question mark, and now I'm questioning all my life choices.
The Broken Mirror
The broken mirror is tired of being blamed for bad luck.
I asked my broken mirror if it could make me look taller. It responded by showing me a version of myself where my head is in the clouds. Real subtle, mirror, real subtle.
The Two-Faced Mirror
The two-faced mirror is upset about being caught in the middle of arguments.
I asked my two-faced mirror if it could make me look more confident. It responded by showing me one confident half and one terrified half. I guess it's trying to say, "Embrace your inner duality." Thanks, mirror, for the existential crisis.
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