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Joke Types
Why did the male friend bring a suitcase to the gym? Because he wanted to pack on some abs!
What did the male friend say to the refrigerator? 'You cool, but I'm cooler!
My male friend asked me to help him start a band. I suggested 'The Treble Makers' – because they always hit the right notes!
Why did the male friend bring a fan to the comedy club? Because he wanted to laugh his socks off!
Why did the male friend bring a ladder to the bar? Because he heard the drinks were on the house!
Why did the male friend bring a map to the party? Because he wanted to show everyone the way to the dance floor!
Why did the male friend become a gardener? He wanted to grow his friendship!
Fashion Faux Pas
I've got this male friend who thinks he's a fashion guru. He once told me that cargo shorts are making a comeback. I had to break it to him gently that the only thing making a comeback is our cringe-worthy fashion sense from the early 2000s. Cargo shorts, really? Are we planning a trip to the fashion Bermuda Triangle?
The Unspoken Rivalry
Ever notice the unspoken rivalry between male friends when it comes to grilling? It's like a testosterone-filled cook-off. My buddy Dave boasts about his secret barbecue sauce, but I'm convinced it's just ketchup with a superhero cape. I'm not saying it's bad, but I've seen more flavor in a bowl of plain oatmeal.
The Stealth Snacker
I have this male friend who claims he's on a diet, but I swear, he's a stealth snacker. You won't see him eat a single chip in public, but catch him alone in his car, and suddenly he's a human vacuum cleaner inhaling a family-sized bag. Dude, your car isn't a drive-thru; it's more like a snack sanctuary.
The Lost Remote Saga
My male friend is convinced that the TV remote has a mind of its own. He spends hours looking for it, convinced it's playing hide-and-seek. Dude, it's not hiding; you just left it in the fridge again. I guess the remote enjoys a cool, refreshing breeze during movie night.
Bro Code Violations
I've got this male friend who claims to live by the bro code, but I'm starting to think he's using a different version. I mean, according to his bro code, borrowing your buddy's Netflix password without asking is a sacred bond. Last time I checked, that wasn't in the bro constitution!
Tech Support Chronicles
I've got a male friend who fancies himself a tech genius. Whenever I have a computer problem, he swoops in like a superhero ready to save the day. Unfortunately, his idea of fixing things is just hitting the side of my computer and yelling, Work, darn it! I guess he's going for the Hulk approach to IT support.
Caraoke King
You know that one male friend who thinks he's the king of karaoke in the car? He's got all the moves, singing at the top of his lungs, making eye contact with imaginary fans on the sidewalk. The only problem is, he doesn't realize the windows are down, and the real audience is the confused family in the minivan next to us. Congratulations, buddy, you just turned our road trip into a musical comedy.
The Fitness Fanatic
Ever notice that one male friend who turns every casual conversation into a fitness challenge? Oh, you had a tough day at work? Well, I just deadlifted a car, bro. I'm just here trying to lift my spirits, and he's out there deadlifting sedans. Next time, I'll be sure to bench press my laptop to keep up.
Male Friends and Man Caves
You ever notice how every guy has that one male friend who takes the term man cave a bit too literally? I mean, come on, Steve, your man cave looks more like a prehistoric cave with all those pizza boxes and ancient gaming consoles. I thought we left the caveman lifestyle behind!
DIY Disasters
My male friend fancies himself a handyman. You know, the kind of guy who sees a leaky faucet and thinks, I got this. Well, let me tell you, after his attempt at fixing my sink, I now have a faucet that not only leaks but also plays a symphony of weird noises. Thanks, Bob, I always wanted a plumbing orchestra in my kitchen!
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