4 Jokes For Lifeboat

Standup-Comedy Bits

Updated on: Aug 11 2024

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I was thinking about lifeboat scenarios the other day, and it hit me - why aren't there lifeboat wisdom quotes? You know, like those inspirational quotes you see on Instagram, but for when you're stuck on a tiny boat with a bunch of people who may or may not eat you for dinner. Picture this: "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. When life gives you a lifeboat, make sure your fellow survivors don't mistake you for a lemon." Or how about, "Dance like nobody's watching, but paddle like your life depends on it because, well, it does." We need more lifeboat wisdom to navigate the stormy seas of existence. If Shakespeare were around today, he'd be writing lifeboat soliloquies like, "To throw or not to throw, that is the question." Life's a shipwreck, my friends, and we're all just trying to stay afloat without losing our sense of humor.
You ever heard of the lifeboat dilemma? It's like the universe's way of saying, "Hey, let's see how twisted your morals can get when things go south!" So, imagine you're on a lifeboat with a bunch of people, and it can only hold a certain number. Classic scenario, right? Now, who do you choose to kick off the boat? It's like the worst game of musical chairs ever, but instead of losing a seat, you lose your spot on the boat and possibly your life. I mean, I can't even decide what to order at a restaurant without having an existential crisis, and now you want me to play God on a lifeboat? Can I get a lifeline or something? Call a friend, ask the audience? "Alright, folks, should it be Karen, who talks too much, or Dave, who keeps singing 'My Heart Will Go On'?" Lifeboat dilemmas - turning friends into frenemies since forever.
Can we talk about lifeboat etiquette? I mean, it's a small boat, people! Personal space goes out the porthole, and suddenly you're spooning with strangers. And who gets to be the captain? Is it the guy with the loudest voice or the one who can tie a decent knot? I can see it now, everyone arguing over who's in charge. "No, Dave, you can't be captain just because you watched all seasons of 'The Love Boat'!" And let's not forget about the snacks. Do we ration them or have a full-blown snack buffet? Picture this: "Ladies and gentlemen, today's menu includes a delightful selection of seaweed and fish eyeballs." Lifeboat etiquette should be a course in school. Move over, algebra - survival skills 101 is in session.
Life's not a lifeboat, but sometimes it feels like it is. You ever been in a situation where you're trying to get ahead, but it's like everyone's trying to drag you down? It's the human version of crabs in a bucket. You climb up, and they're like, "Oh no, buddy, you're not leaving without us." It's like, "Hey, I'm just trying to catch the next wave of success, and you're here pulling me back like a bad anchor!" I'm convinced people who cut in line and those who hog the armrest on planes are the same folks who'd fight tooth and nail to stay on that imaginary lifeboat. I can already hear them arguing, "I deserve to be here more than you because I got the last soda on the boat." Life's not a lifeboat, folks, but sometimes it sure feels like a chaotic game of survival, and I didn't even sign up for this reality show.

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