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Joke Types
The Negotiator
Kids turning negotiations into an art form
Trying to get my kids to go to bed is like negotiating a peace treaty. They have demands, I have conditions, and the final agreement usually involves one more story, two glasses of water, and a partridge in a pear tree.
The Tech-Savvy Toddler
Kids being more tech-savvy than their parents
I asked my daughter to draw something on paper, and she handed me an iPad with a drawing app open. When I told her I meant with a pencil and paper, she looked at me like I asked her to chisel hieroglyphics into a stone tablet.
The Overzealous Homework Enthusiast
When kids love homework more than playtime
I told my son he could have a cookie after finishing his homework. Now he's trying to negotiate a cookie for each completed math problem. At this rate, I'll need to take out a loan just to buy snacks.
The Literal Interpretation Expert
Kids taking everything literally
I asked my son if he wanted to hear a joke, and he said, "No, I want to hear a laugh." So now I'm standing in the living room making weird noises, hoping for a chuckle.
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