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I've come to the conclusion that kids are basically chaos incarnate. If chaos were an Olympic sport, kids would be bringing home the gold, silver, and bronze medals. You try to keep your house tidy, right? You clean up, organize, and within five minutes of the kids waking up, it
I've come to the realization that kids are basically tiny, adorable time machines. Not in the sense that they help you manage time better – quite the opposite. It's like they have this magical ability to make time disappear. You blink, and suddenly, it's bedtime. I don't know what kind
I recently discovered the magical world of to-do lists. You know, those little notes where you jot down everything you need to accomplish in a day? Well, I've got news for you – to-do lists and kids don't mix. I had this grand plan, you know? Wake up early, conquer
You ever notice how people talk about having kids like it's this amazing, joyous experience? They're like, "Oh, having kids is so fulfilling, it gives your life purpose!" And I'm sitting here thinking, "Have you ever tried assembling furniture from IKEA? Because that's pretty fulfilling, and I don't have to
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