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What's Hank's favorite dance move? The salsa – he always brings the heat!
What's Hank's favorite superhero? Bankman – he always saves the day with interest!
Why did Hank take a ladder to the bar again? He heard the drinks were getting higher!
Why did Hank bring a ladder to the bar? He heard the drinks were on the house!
Hank's Tech Troubles
Hank's relationship with technology is like a Shakespearean tragedy. He asked me to help him set up his smart home. I told him, Just talk to the virtual assistant. He spent an hour asking, How's the weather, dear Siri? I'm surprised Siri didn't file a restraining order.
Hank's Handyman Horrors
Hank fancies himself a handyman. He asked me to help him fix a leaky faucet. I handed him a wrench, and he stared at it like it was a spaceship control panel. He said, What is this, a medieval torture device? I'm like, No, Hank, it's a wrench. We're fixing a faucet, not jousting!
Hank's Gardening Gaffes
Hank decided to try his hand at gardening. He planted a cactus and a watermelon side by side. I asked him, Hank, are you growing a watermelon or a watercactus? He said, Well, I thought it's like a fruit salad, but straight from the ground. Hank, that's not how it works!
Hank's Kitchen Catastrophes
You ever notice how everyone has that one friend, Hank, who thinks he's a gourmet chef? I went to his place for dinner, and he handed me a menu. A menu! I thought I was at a five-star restaurant, turns out, it was just his kitchen. The only thing he's cooking up is confusion!
Hank's Dating Disasters
Hank's approach to dating is like a wildlife documentary. He observes from a distance and hopes something magical happens. I asked him, Hank, when was the last time you had a date? He said, Does swiping right on my TV remote count? No, Hank, it doesn't. It really doesn't.
Hank's Music Misadventures
Hank wanted to impress me with his music taste, so he said, Check out this awesome vinyl collection. I was excited until I saw it was a collection of whale sounds. I asked him, Hank, are we at a concert or a marine biology lecture? I guess he's preparing for a career as a DJ at SeaWorld.
Hank's DIY Drama
You know, Hank took DIY to a whole new level. He wanted to paint his living room, so he Googled how to paint a wall. I walked in, and he had taped his phone to a paint roller. I asked, Hank, what are you doing? He said, I'm livestreaming the transformation. Hank, this isn't a home improvement show; it's a sitcom.
Hank's Driving Dilemmas
You know, Hank is the kind of guy who treats driving like he's in a video game. He was my designated driver one night, and every pothole felt like a boss battle. I asked him, Hank, are we on a road trip or a roller coaster? I think he confused the GPS with a gaming console.
Hank's Fitness Follies
Hank decided to join a gym, and I joined him for a workout. I handed him a dumbbell, and he looked at it like it was an alien artifact. He goes, Is this for lifting or dialing intergalactic pizza delivery? I guess for Hank, exercise is just a close encounter of the weird kind.
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