55 Jokes For Goku

Updated on: Jan 17 2025

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Curious about Earthly fitness trends, Goku decided to join a local gym. Little did he know, navigating the world of weightlifting and workout routines would prove to be a formidable challenge.
Main Event:
As Goku attempted to bench press, he misinterpreted the term "lifting weights" quite literally. Noticing a dumbbell rack nearby, he decided to test his strength by attempting to lift the entire stack at once. The resulting clang and crash echoed through the gym as dumbbells scattered like startled birds.
Undeterred by the gym-goers' stares, Goku proceeded to engage in what he believed were cutting-edge exercise techniques. From attempting high-speed squats with the treadmill to using the rowing machine as a makeshift spacecraft, every move he made was a new spectacle of unintentional comedy.
In the end, the gym manager approached Goku, diplomatically suggesting that his unique workout style might be better suited for intergalactic fitness. With a smile, Goku exited the gym, promising to return with a Saiyan-approved workout routine. Little did he know; his brief stint at the local gym had left an indelible mark on the fitness community.
One sunny day, Goku decided to try his hand at grocery shopping. Armed with his list and a determined spirit, he entered the supermarket, blissfully unaware of the impending chaos. The theme of the day? Fruits and vegetables. Goku's culinary adventures were about to take an unexpected turn.
Main Event:
As Goku perused the produce section, he overheard a couple discussing the virtues of organic versus conventional produce. Ever the warrior, Goku misinterpreted "organic" as a reference to a new martial arts technique. Attempting a roundhouse kick, he inadvertently sent a pyramid of apples rolling in all directions. Amidst the chaos, Goku earnestly shouted, "Is this the power of organic ki?"
Trying to salvage the situation, Goku decided to display his newfound grocery prowess by attempting to juggle watermelons. Alas, the slippery fruits had other plans, leading to a slapstick spectacle of rolling watermelons and a bewildered Saiyan trying to catch them with lightning-fast reflexes. The supermarket staff, torn between irritation and amusement, could only watch as Goku turned the grocery aisle into his personal training ground.
In the checkout line, Goku sheepishly paid for the damages, muttering about the need for "grocery training arcs." As he exited, he proudly declared, "Next time, I'll conquer the produce section like I conquer powerful foes!" Little did he know; his unintentional antics had left the supermarket with a tale to tell for years to come.
Goku's culinary escapades continued when he decided to surprise his friends with a homemade feast. Armed with fresh ingredients and the desire to impress, he embarked on a cooking journey that would redefine the term "culinary disaster."
Main Event:
In an attempt to multitask, Goku misunderstood the concept of a "simmering pot" and literally started a pot simmering atop a mountain, thinking the higher the altitude, the better the flavor. Meanwhile, his friends awaited the feast, completely unaware that their meal was undergoing an unintentional high-altitude cooking experiment.
As the pot reached its boiling point, Goku, sensing the imminent eruption, tried to channel his inner Super Saiyan to control the situation. The result? A culinary explosion that sent ingredients flying in all directions. Carrots rained from the sky as if the vegetable gods themselves were displeased with Goku's cooking techniques.
In the aftermath of the chaos, Goku's friends tried to console him, assuring him that his heart was in the right place. Goku, undeterred, declared, "I may not have mastered the art of cooking, but I'll keep training until my dishes are as legendary as my battles!" Little did he know; the tale of Goku's cooking catastrophe would become a cautionary legend among the Z Fighters.
One day, Goku decided he needed a pet to keep him company during his training sessions. His choice? A friendly, talking monkey he encountered in the woods. Little did Goku know, his newfound companion was about to lead him on a wild adventure.
Main Event:
As Goku introduced his monkey friend to the Z Fighters, they were perplexed by the creature's ability to talk. The monkey, with a sly grin, revealed itself to be a shape-shifting prankster who loved to mess with unsuspecting Saiyans. Transforming into various Z Fighters, it created chaos and confusion, leaving everyone scratching their heads.
Amidst the laughter and chaos, Goku took it all in stride, thinking it was just another form of training. The real Z Fighters found themselves in a game of "Guess the Real Fighter," with Goku hilariously mistaking the shape-shifting monkey for various allies and enemies. The monkey, thoroughly entertained, reveled in the Saiyan's good-natured gullibility.
In the end, the monkey revealed its true form, bowing before Goku and thanking him for the most entertaining day in centuries. As it vanished into the forest, Goku laughed heartily, declaring, "Even my pet is a master of disguise! Guess I'll have to step up my game." Little did he know; the talking monkey's escapades would become a legendary tale among the inhabitants of the mystical woods.
Goku on social media? Now, that's a sight to behold. Imagine him posting selfies mid-battle with villains, captioned, "Just another day at the office. #SaiyanLife #NoFilterJustKiBlasts."
And don't get me started on his Instagram stories. It's just him training in 100 times Earth's gravity, and he's like, "Just a light workout today. Feeling a bit lazy. #SaiyanStruggles."
But the best part is when he tries to understand hashtags.
"Why do I need to put a pound sign before SuperSaiyan? Is that like a secret Saiyan code?
Can you imagine Goku going for a job interview in the real world? He's sitting there, trying to explain his qualifications, and all he can say is, "Well, I've saved the Earth, like, a dozen times. Does that count as leadership experience?"
"My weakness? Kryptonite... Wait, wrong universe."
And when they ask about his achievements, he's like, "I've mastered the Kamehameha wave, but I struggle with Microsoft Excel. I mean, who needs spreadsheets when you've got energy blasts?"
I can see the interviewer scratching their head, thinking, "Is this guy for real?" But hey, if the job involves saving the world, Goku's got it in the bag. Office politics, on the other hand, might be a bit too much for him.
Goku's dating life must be a mess. I mean, the guy is either saving the world or training in some far-off dimension. Can you imagine him on a date?
"Sorry, I'm late. Had to fight off an intergalactic tyrant on my way here. No biggie."
And when he's asked about his interests, he's like, "I love martial arts, eating massive amounts of food, and occasionally turning blonde and getting really angry. Oh, and I'm terrible at remembering anniversaries. Blame it on the Saiyan blood."
But you know what, despite all his quirks, there's probably a line of people wanting to date Goku. After all, who wouldn't want a partner who can literally move mountains for you?
You ever wonder what it's like when Goku, the mighty Saiyan warrior, goes grocery shopping? I mean, the guy saves the world, but can he handle the chaos of a supermarket? Picture this - he's in the produce section, and suddenly, he's scanning ki levels instead of looking for ripe avocados.
"Over 9000 grams of potassium in these bananas! Yeah, I'll take three bunches!"
And you know he's that guy who can never find anything. He's flying up and down the aisles, asking the store clerk, "Hey, do you have any Senzu Beans in stock? No? Okay, I'll settle for some organic kale."
It's a dilemma for him. He can't decide between instant ramen or instant transmission. Decisions, decisions. I bet his shopping cart looks like a mix of protein shakes, Senzu Beans, and, of course, some hair gel to keep that Super Saiyan hair on point.
Why was Goku never a good chef? Because every dish ended up over 9000 degrees!
What's Goku's favorite instrument? The piccolo!
How does Goku like to relax? By meditating on the Kame-hame-hammock!
What does Goku do at a seafood restaurant? He goes Kame-hame-haddock!
What do you call a Saiyan who's had too much sugar? Hyper Tension!
Why did Goku bring a math book to the battlefield? To multiply his chances of winning!
Why was Goku always invited to parties? Because he could instantly bring the energy!
What did Goku say to the gym trainer? 'Train me like I'm going to fight Frieza!'
What's Goku's favorite ice cream flavor? Super Sundae!
Why don't Saiyans tell secrets? Because they can't keep their power levels down!
Why don't Saiyans use elevators? They prefer to raise their power levels by taking the stairs!
What's Vegeta's favorite food? Kakarrot cake!
Why did Goku become an astronaut? He wanted to explore new Super Saiyan orbits!
How does Goku get his shopping done so fast? He uses instant transmission to skip the lines!
Why did Goku start a landscaping business? Because he's great at turning Super Saiyan grass into Super Saiyan lawns!
What's Goku's favorite game? Dodge the Spirit Bomb!
How does Goku take his coffee? Ultra-instinct-ly strong!
Why did Goku open a bakery? To make sure every loaf rises like a Super Saiyan!
Why did Goku go to school? He wanted to be a high-powered student!
What's Goku's favorite subject in school? Lunch!
Why did Goku bring a ladder to the fight? Because he wanted to reach new heights!
How does Goku keep his kitchen organized? With ultra-instinct-ry precision!

Krillin's Barber

A Bald Head in a World of Super Saiyans
Krillin once asked me, "Do you think hair loss is a sign of weakness?" I said, "No, Krillin, getting your head knocked off by Frieza is a sign of weakness.

Goku's Personal Trainer

Balancing Super Saiyan with Rest Days
Training Goku is like teaching a kid not to play with matches. "No, Goku, you can't go Super Saiyan during yoga class. It's not a power-up pose!

Chi-Chi's Cooking Show Host

Feeding a Saiyan Family on a Budget
I suggested a cooking show segment called "Saiyan Snacks." Chi-Chi looked at me and said, "Snacks? Goku's idea of a snack is a feast for an entire village!

Yamcha's Dating Coach

Dating in a World of Superpowered Singles
I asked Yamcha, "Why do you keep dating women who can bench press more than you?" He said, "It's not my fault they have super strength; blame the writers!

Vegeta's Marriage Counselor

Super Saiyan Ego vs. Household Harmony
Bulma asked me, "Is there a counseling technique for someone who can destroy planets with their mind?" I said, "Sure, it's called 'anger management,' but in Vegeta's case, it's more like 'planet management.'

Goku's Fashion Sense

Goku's wardrobe consists of an orange gi that he's been wearing since forever. I guess when you're saving the universe, who has time for a wardrobe change? Fashion? Never heard of her.

Goku's Driving Skills

Can you imagine Goku behind the wheel? Buckle up, kids! We're going to Namek... or maybe just the grocery store. Honestly, I get those two mixed up sometimes.

Goku's Conversations

Goku's idea of a deep conversation is asking, Want to see me turn into a Super Saiyan? Dude, I just wanted to know if you prefer coffee or tea.

Goku's Grocery Woes

You ever notice how Goku from Dragon Ball Z trains to become the strongest in the universe but still can't find the grocery store? I mean, the guy can sense energy from lightyears away, but when it comes to milk and eggs, he's like, Where's the Instant Transmission when you need it?

Goku's Food Choices

Goku's out here saving the universe, but he still thinks a Senzu bean is a balanced breakfast. Ah yes, the breakfast of champions: one Senzu bean and a side of intergalactic danger.

Goku's Pet Choices

If Goku had a pet, it would probably be a dragon, because, you know, collecting dragon balls wasn't enough. Meet my pet, Shenron. He's great at fetch... and granting wishes.

Goku's Workout Routine

Goku's workout routine: Lift weights, spar with Vegeta, save the universe, repeat. I tried that once; all I got was a gym membership and a parking ticket.

Goku's Hair Game

Have you seen Goku's hair? It's like he's constantly trying to one-up a Super Saiyan version of a hedgehog. I bet every time he wakes up, he's like, Another day, another gravity-defying hair challenge.

Goku vs. Technology

You'd think a guy who can shoot energy blasts would be good with technology, right? But nope, give Goku a smartphone, and he's like, Is this a new type of capsule? How do I get it to fly?

Goku's Shopping List

Goku's shopping list: Senzu beans, milk, eggs, and a new villain to fight. Priorities, right? Honey, did we get the Dragon Radar? I think I left it next to the broccoli.
Goku trains in gravity that's 100 times Earth's gravity. I can barely handle the gravitational pull of my couch on a lazy Sunday afternoon. Does Netflix and chill count as a gravitational workout?
You ever notice how Goku's hair always stays perfect even after a fierce battle? My hair looks like it's been through a tornado after a short jog. Maybe I need to invest in some Saiyan hair gel.
Goku spends hours training every day to protect the Earth. Meanwhile, I consider it a workout if I manage to find the TV remote without leaving the couch. I mean, we both have our priorities, right?
You ever notice how Goku always fights these epic battles, saves the world, and then goes back to being a humble farmer? I can barely handle the stress of choosing what to watch on Netflix after a long day of work.
You know you're an adult when you realize Goku is the only guy who can eat more than you and still stay in shape. I mean, have you seen him devour those meals? I try that, and suddenly I'm on a first-name basis with my local gym.
Goku's ability to eat an entire buffet and still be ready to throw down is impressive. If I eat too much, the only thing I'm throwing down is my phone because I can't move from the food coma.
Goku's hair turns blonde when he powers up. If my hair changed color every time I got excited, my barber would be a millionaire by now. "Oh, you watched a good movie? That'll be an extra $20 for the color change.
Goku can turn into a Super Saiyan and increase his power level. I can turn into a Super Snoozer and increase my nap level. It's all about finding your own superpowers, right?
Goku has this instant transmission technique where he can teleport anywhere in the world. Meanwhile, I struggle to find my keys every morning. Maybe Goku should consider a side gig as a personal teleportation coach.
Goku can sense energy from miles away. I can barely sense my phone vibrating in my pocket. Maybe if I yell "Kamehameha!" every time I lose it, it'll magically reappear.

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