19 Jokes For Clown


Updated on: Sep 23 2024

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How do you make a clown stop smiling? Steal his nose – he'll be 'honked off'!
What do you call a group of musical clowns? A 'symphony of silliness'!
Why did the clown become a gardener? Because he was outstanding in his field – of laughter!
What's a clown's favorite movie? 'Laugh Hard: The Sequel'!
I told a clown he was the 'cream of the jest'. He replied, 'Well, I do love a good 'whipped' joke!
Why did the clown bring a ladder to the bar? Because he wanted to get to the next level of fun!
Why did the clown apply for a job at the bakery? Because he was great at rolling in the dough!
What's a clown's favorite mode of transportation? A unicycle – because two wheels are too mainstream!
What do you call a clown who's a great musician? A 'funny note'!

Clown Car Parking Woes

You know, I tried to parallel park the other day, and I felt like a clown trying to fit into a tiny car. I thought, if only I had the skills they teach at clown school, I could squeeze into any spot with room to spare. Picture a traffic cop pulling over a clown car, saying, Sir, do you have a valid parking permit for 27 vehicles in a single spot? No? Well, you're gonna need to make room for a unicycle then!

Clown GPS Navigation

You ever use a GPS system that has a clown voice option? It's like, In 500 feet, make a left turn, and don't forget to honk your nose for good luck! I tried it once, and suddenly my car started squirting water at pedestrians. Turns out, it wasn't the most reliable navigation system, but at least it entertained the pedestrians.

Clown Sportsmanship

Have you ever seen clowns play sports? It's like a circus on the field. Touchdown celebrations involve confetti cannons, and penalties are handed out for not wearing enough polka dots. And if they lose, they just pile into a tiny car and drive away, probably plotting their revenge with a pie in the face for the opposing team.

Clowning Around at the Doctor's Office

I recently went to the doctor, and they asked for my medical history. I said, Well, Doc, I once swallowed a whole balloon during a failed attempt at balloon animal making. The doctor just looked at me and said, Sir, this is a medical office, not the circus. But hey, you never know when a balloon animal emergency might strike!

Clown Job Interviews

I heard clowns have the toughest time in job interviews. The interviewer asks, Can you handle high-pressure situations? And the clown responds, Sure, I once had to make a balloon animal with a leaky balloon in front of a birthday party full of screaming kids. Piece of cake! The interviewer just stares, wondering if this person is a circus escapee.

Clown College Degrees

You ever notice how clowns are always so happy? I mean, they went to Clown College, right? Imagine getting a degree in clowning. They probably have classes like Advanced Rubber Chicken Handling and The Art of Seltzer Bottle Precision. I can picture the graduation ceremony now: tossing confetti instead of caps, and instead of a diploma, they hand you a giant red nose. Congratulations, you're now officially overqualified for any serious job!

Clown Fashion Trends

You know, I tried dressing like a clown once to lighten the mood at work. Turns out, HR isn't a fan of oversized shoes and rainbow wigs during business meetings. Who knew? But hey, at least I discovered a new fashion trend: professional clown chic. It's perfect for those days when you want to look serious but also be ready to pull a rubber chicken out of your briefcase at any moment.

Clown Tinder Profiles

I heard clowns are now on Tinder. Can you imagine swiping through their profiles? Loves juggling, balloon animals, and making people laugh. Looking for someone who won't burst my bubble... literally. But you know, the real challenge is figuring out if their profile picture is actually them or just a really good caricature. Swipe right, and you might end up on a surprise date with a unicycle enthusiast.

Clown Therapy Sessions

I heard clowns are getting into therapy these days. The therapist asks, So, what brings you here? And the clown responds, Well, doc, it all started when I realized my childhood dream was to make people laugh while wearing oversized shoes. Now, every time I try to have a serious conversation, people just expect me to pull a rubber chicken out of my briefcase.

Clown Parenting Tips

I was talking to a clown parent the other day. They said their parenting strategy is to turn every chore into a game. Okay, kids, whoever can clean their room the fastest gets an extra balloon! I thought, maybe I should try that approach. But then again, I don't want my kids thinking it's normal to find confetti in their cereal every morning.

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